Scientific Visualization and Computer Graphics

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This page provides several datasets that are discussed in the book and also are used for the exercises, scenarios, code examples, and proposed projects. Separately, we provide external links to various online repositories from where additional datasets can be downloaded.

For each dataset type, you will find a folder with several datasets of that type. The datasets come in various formats, described on this page below. They are used in the the ParaView scenarios and also in the C/C++ code samples (see links in the left sidebar).

Scalar datasets

Vector datasets

Tensor datasets

Shape datasets (surface meshes and point clouds)

Image datasets

Volume datasets

External links

Note: The external links are subject to possible changes in the future, as we do not control that material. Also, note that the material accessible via such links may be subject to copyright or other constraints. Please consult the policies and restrictions displayed on each such external site for more information.

Dataset formats

  • VTK: These files contain datasets sampled on structured and unstructured grids, with data values saved at vertices or over cells. A full description of the VTK (Visualization Toolkit) format is available here. Sample code for reading such datasets is provided in Chapter 3.
  • PLY: These files contain 2D and 3D shapes sampled as polygonal surfaces. A ful description of the PLY file format is available here. Sample code for reading such datasets is provided in Chapter 3.
  • NRRD: These files contain tensor datasets sampled on 3D uniform grids, using cell-based data values. The NRRD file format used here consists of two files: A header file (extension .nhdr) and a binary raw file (extension .raw). A full description of the NRRD format is available here. Sample code for reading such files is provided in Chapter 7.