

  1. booleans
  2. equalities
  3. notequal
  4. if_def
  5. boolean_props
  6. xor_def
  7. quantifier_props
  8. defined_types
  9. exists1
  10. equality_props
  11. if_props
  12. functions
  13. functions_alt
  14. restrict
  15. restrict_props
  16. extend
  17. extend_bool
  18. extend_props
  19. extend_func_props
  20. K_conversion
  21. K_props
  22. identity
  23. identity_props
  24. relations
  25. orders
  26. orders_alt
  27. restrict_order_props
  28. extend_order_props
  29. wf_induction
  30. measure_induction
  31. epsilons
  32. sets
  33. sets_lemmas
  34. function_inverse_def
  35. function_inverse
  36. function_inverse_alt
  37. function_image
  38. function_props
  39. function_props_alt
  40. function_props2
  41. relation_defs
  42. relation_props
  43. relation_props2
  44. relation_converse_props
  45. indexed_sets
  46. operator_defs
  47. numbers
  48. number_fields
  49. reals
  50. real_axioms
  51. bounded_real_defs
  52. bounded_real_defs_alt
  53. real_types
  54. rationals
  55. integers
  56. naturalnumbers
  57. min_nat
  58. real_defs
  59. real_props
  60. rational_props
  61. integer_props
  62. floor_ceil
  63. exponentiation
  64. euclidean_division
  65. divides
  66. modulo_arithmetic
  67. subrange_inductions
  68. bounded_int_inductions
  69. bounded_nat_inductions
  70. subrange_type
  71. int_types
  72. nat_types
  73. nat_fun_props
  74. finite_sets
  75. restrict_set_props
  76. extend_set_props
  77. function_image_aux
  78. function_iterate
  79. sequences
  80. seq_functions
  81. finite_sequences
  82. ordstruct
  83. ordinals
  84. lex2
  85. list
  86. list_props
  87. map_props
  88. filters
  89. list2finseq
  90. list2set
  91. disjointness
  92. character
  93. strings
  94. lift
  95. union
  96. mucalculus
  97. ctlops
  98. fairctlops
  99. Fairctlops
  100. bit
  101. bv
  102. exp2
  103. bv_cnv
  104. bv_concat_def
  105. bv_bitwise
  106. bv_nat
  107. empty_bv
  108. bv_caret
  109. infinite_sets_def
  110. finite_sets_of_sets
  111. EquivalenceClosure
  112. QuotientDefinition
  113. KernelDefinition
  114. QuotientKernelProperties
  115. QuotientSubDefinition
  116. QuotientExtensionProperties
  117. QuotientDistributive
  118. QuotientIteration
  119. PartialFunctionDefinitions
  120. PartialFunctionComposition

% The PVS prelude.

% The prelude consists of theories that are built in to the PVS system.
% It is typechecked the same as any other PVS theory, but there are hooks
% in the typechecker that require most of these theories to be available,
% hence the order of the theories is important.  For example, no formulas
% may be declared before the booleans are available, as the formula is
% expected to have type bool.  Since definitions implicitly involve both
% formulas and equality, the booleans theory may not include any
% definitions.  Formulas are given below as AXIOMs, POSTULATEs, and LEMMAs.
% POSTULATEs are formulas that can be proved using the decision procedures,
% but would have to be given as axioms in a pure development of the theory.
% AXIOMs are formulas that cannot be proved, and LEMMAS are formulas that
% have been proved.

% booleans declares the type boolean and its abbreviation bool, along
% with the boolean constants true and false and the boolean connectives.
% The properties of the connectives are given later, but the connectives
% are built in to the typechecker so must be provided early on.
% Note: the boolean type could be defined as the enumeration type {false,
% true}, but booleans are primitive; the correct handling of enumeration
% types requires the boolean type.

booleans: THEORY

  boolean: NONEMPTY_TYPE
  bool: NONEMPTY_TYPE = boolean
  FALSE, TRUE: bool
  NOT: [bool -> bool]
  AND, &, OR, IMPLIES, =>, WHEN, IFF, <=>: [bool, bool -> bool]

 END booleans

% equalities contains the declaration for =.  It has a single type
% parameter.  Properties of equality are given in equality_props.

equalities [T: TYPE]: THEORY

  =: [T, T -> boolean]

 END equalities

notequal[T: TYPE]: THEORY
  x, y: VAR T

  /=(x, y): boolean = NOT (x = y)
 END notequal

% if_def provides the polymorphic declaration of the IF-THEN-ELSE
% connective.  Note that the declaration for IF is for a 3-ary function,
% and that the IF-THEN-ELSE form is simply an alternative syntax.

if_def [T: TYPE]: THEORY

  IF:[boolean, T, T -> T]

 END if_def

% boolean_props provides lemmas about the boolean constants and
% connectives.  The lemmas define them in terms of IF-THEN-ELSE, though
% these lemmas should never be needed since the prover "knows" the
% connectives as primitives.  WHEN is a special case - it is translated to
% IMPLIES with the arguments reversed by the typechecker.

boolean_props: THEORY
  A, B: VAR bool

  bool_exclusive: POSTULATE not (false = true)
  bool_inclusive: POSTULATE A = false or A = true

  not_def:       POSTULATE (not A) = IF A THEN false ELSE true ENDIF
  and_def:       POSTULATE (A and B) = IF A THEN B ELSE false ENDIF
  syand_def:     POSTULATE & = and
  or_def:        POSTULATE (A or B) = IF A THEN true ELSE B ENDIF
  implies_def:   POSTULATE (A implies B) = IF A THEN B ELSE true ENDIF
  syimplies_def: POSTULATE => = implies
  when_def:      POSTULATE (A when B) = (B implies A)
  iff_def:       POSTULATE (A iff B) = ((A and B) or (not A and not B))
  syiff_def:     POSTULATE <=> = iff

  excluded_middle: LEMMA A OR NOT A  

 END boolean_props

% xor_def provides the definition for XOR.  Note that this is not built in
% to the prover, so this definition will need to be expanded in order to use
% it.

xor_def: THEORY
  A, B: VAR bool
  XOR(A, B): bool = (A /= B)
  xor_def: LEMMA (A xor B) = IF A THEN NOT B ELSE B ENDIF
 END xor_def

% quantifier_props defines some useful properties of quantifiers.  Note
% that these work well with the higher-order matching facility of the prover.

quantifier_props [t: TYPE]: THEORY
  x: VAR t
  p, q: VAR [t -> bool]

  not_exists: LEMMA (EXISTS x: p(x)) = NOT (FORALL x: NOT p(x))

  exists_not: LEMMA (EXISTS x: NOT p(x)) = NOT (FORALL x: p(x))

  exists_or: LEMMA
    (EXISTS x: p(x) OR q(x)) = ((EXISTS x: p(x)) OR (EXISTS x: q(x)))

  exists_implies: LEMMA
    (EXISTS x: p(x) IMPLIES q(x)) = ((EXISTS x: NOT p(x)) OR (EXISTS x: q(x)))

  exists_and: LEMMA
    (EXISTS x: p(x) AND q(x)) IMPLIES ((EXISTS x: p(x)) AND (EXISTS x: q(x)))

  not_forall: LEMMA (FORALL x: p(x)) = NOT (EXISTS x: NOT p(x))

  forall_not: LEMMA (FORALL x: NOT p(x)) = NOT (EXISTS x: p(x))

  forall_and: LEMMA
    (FORALL x: p(x) AND q(x)) = ((FORALL x: p(x)) AND (FORALL x: q(x)))

  forall_or: LEMMA
    ((FORALL x: p(x)) OR (FORALL x: q(x))) IMPLIES (FORALL x: p(x) OR q(x))

 END quantifier_props  

% defined_types provides the declarations for types pred and setof

defined_types [t: TYPE]: THEORY
  pred: TYPE = [t -> bool]
  PRED: TYPE = [t -> bool]
  predicate: TYPE = [t -> bool]
  PREDICATE: TYPE = [t -> bool]
  setof: TYPE = [t -> bool]
  SETOF: TYPE = [t -> bool]
 END defined_types

% exists1 provides a unique existence function; it takes a predicate
% and asserts that there is one and only one element of the type that
% satisfies the predicate.  The expression "exists1! (x:t): p(x)" is
% translated to "exists1(LAMBDA (x:t): p(x))".

exists1 [T: TYPE]: THEORY
  x, y: VAR T
  p, q: VAR pred[T]

  unique?(p): bool = FORALL x, y: p(x) AND p(y) IMPLIES x = y

  exists1(p): bool = (EXISTS x: p(x)) AND unique?(p)

  unique_lem: LEMMA
    (FORALL x: p(x) IMPLIES q(x)) IMPLIES (unique?(q) IMPLIES unique?(p))

  exists1_lem: LEMMA (exists1! x: p(x)) IMPLIES (EXISTS x: p(x))

 END exists1

% equality_props provides some properties of IF and =.

equality_props[T: TYPE]: THEORY

  x, y, z: VAR T
  b: VAR bool
  IF_true: POSTULATE IF true THEN x ELSE y ENDIF = x

  IF_false: POSTULATE IF false THEN x ELSE y ENDIF = y

  IF_same: LEMMA IF b THEN x ELSE x ENDIF = x

  reflexivity_of_equals: POSTULATE x = x

  transitivity_of_equals: POSTULATE x = y AND y = z IMPLIES x = z

  symmetry_of_equals: POSTULATE x = y IMPLIES y = x

 END equality_props

% if_props

if_props [s, t: TYPE]: THEORY
  a, b, c: VAR bool
  x, y: VAR s
  f: VAR [s -> t]
  lift_if1: LEMMA
    f(IF a THEN x ELSE y ENDIF) = IF a THEN f(x) ELSE f(y) ENDIF

  lift_if2: LEMMA
     = IF a THEN (IF b THEN x ELSE y ENDIF)
            ELSE (IF c THEN x ELSE y ENDIF) ENDIF

 END if_props

% functions provides the basic properties of functions.  Because of the
% type equivalence of [[t1,...,tn] -> t] and [t1,...,tn -> t], this
% theory handles any function arity.  However, this doesn't handle
% dependent function types, since the domain and range can't be separated.

functions [D, R: TYPE]: THEORY
  f, g: VAR [D -> R]
  x, x1, x2: VAR D
  y: VAR R
  Drel: VAR PRED[[D, D]]
  Rrel: VAR PRED[[R, R]]

  extensionality_postulate: POSTULATE
     (FORALL (x: D): f(x) = g(x)) IFF f = g

  % The extensionality lemma is provided as it is easier to use
  % as a rewrite than the above postulate.
  extensionality: LEMMA
     (FORALL (x: D): f(x) = g(x)) IMPLIES f = g

  congruence: POSTULATE f = g AND x1 = x2 IMPLIES f(x1) = g(x2)

  eta: LEMMA (LAMBDA (x: D): f(x)) = f

  injective?(f): bool = (FORALL x1, x2: (f(x1) = f(x2) => (x1 = x2)))

  surjective?(f): bool = (FORALL y: (EXISTS x: f(x) = y))

  bijective?(f): bool = injective?(f) & surjective?(f)

  bij_is_inj: JUDGEMENT (bijective?) SUBTYPE_OF (injective?)
  bij_is_surj: JUDGEMENT (bijective?) SUBTYPE_OF (surjective?)

  domain(f): TYPE = D

  range(f): TYPE = R

  graph(f)(x, y): bool = (f(x) = y)

  preserves(f, Drel, Rrel): bool =
      FORALL x1, x2: Drel(x1, x2) IMPLIES Rrel(f(x1), f(x2))

  % Curried form
  preserves(Drel, Rrel)(f): bool = preserves(f, Drel, Rrel)

  inverts(f, Drel, Rrel): bool =
      FORALL x1, x2: Drel(x1, x2) IMPLIES Rrel(f(x2), f(x1))

  % Curried form
  inverts(Drel, Rrel)(f): bool = inverts(f, Drel, Rrel)

 END functions

functions_alt [D, R: TYPE, Drel: PRED[[D, D]], Rrel: PRED[[R, R]]]: THEORY
  f: VAR [D -> R]
  preserves: [[D -> R] -> bool] = preserves(Drel, Rrel)
  inverts: [[D -> R] -> bool] = inverts(Drel, Rrel)
 END functions_alt

% restrict is the restriction operator on functions, allowing a
% function defined on a supertype to be applied to a subtype.  Note
% that it is a conversion, so will be inserted automatically when needed.
% Note also that the typechecker expands restrict automatically in some
% cases if it is fully applied, i.e., restrict(f)(x) is replaced with f(x).


  f: VAR [T -> R]
  s: VAR S

  restrict(f)(s): R = f(s)
  CONVERSION restrict

  injective_restrict: LEMMA
    injective?(f) IMPLIES injective?(restrict(f))

  restrict_of_inj_is_inj: JUDGEMENT
    restrict(f: (injective?[T,R])) HAS_TYPE (injective?[S,R])

 END restrict

% restrict_props provides the lemma that extending a function from a given
% domain type to the same type is the identity.  This usually comes about
% because of theory instantiation, and the typechecker has this rule built
% in, so it won't be needed in general.

restrict_props[T: TYPE, R: TYPE]: THEORY
  f: VAR [T -> R]
  restrict_full: LEMMA restrict[T, T, R](f) = f
 END restrict_props

% extend is the inverse of restrict.  The difference is that a default
% value must be provided, which keeps it from being a conversion, in
% general (but see extend_bool).

extend [T: TYPE, S: TYPE FROM T, R: TYPE, d: R]: THEORY

  f: VAR [S -> R]
  t: VAR T

  extend(f)(t): R = IF S_pred(t) THEN f(t) ELSE d ENDIF

  restrict_extend: LEMMA restrict[T,S,R](extend(f)) = f

 END extend

% extend_bool provides a conversion for boolean valued extensions,
% providing the default value of false.  Thus a set of nats "is" a set
% of ints.

extend_bool [T: TYPE, S: TYPE FROM T]: THEORY

  CONVERSION extend[T, S, bool, false]

 END extend_bool

% extend_props provides the lemma that extending a function from a given
% domain type to the same type is the identity.  This usually comes about
% because of theory instantiation, and the typechecker has this rule built
% in, so it won't be needed in general.

extend_props [T: TYPE, R: TYPE, d: R]: THEORY
  f: VAR [T -> R]
  extend_full: LEMMA extend[T, T, R, d](f) = f
 END extend_props

%  Cases in which the introduction of extend preserves properties.
%  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%      Author: Jerry James (, University of Kansas
%  extend_func_props
extend_func_props[T: TYPE, S: TYPE FROM T, R: TYPE, d: R]: THEORY

  surjective_extend: JUDGEMENT
    extend[T, S, R, d](f: (surjective?[S, R])) HAS_TYPE (surjective?[T, R])

 END extend_func_props

% The K combinator is used to trigger lambda conversions.
% Due to user demand, it is turned off by default.

K_conversion [T1, T2: TYPE]: THEORY
  K_conversion(x:T1)(y:T2): T1 = x
%  CONVERSION K_conversion
 END K_conversion

K_props [T1, T2: TYPE, S: TYPE FROM T1]: THEORY
  K_preserves: JUDGEMENT K_conversion[T1, T2](x:S)(y:T2) HAS_TYPE S
  K_preserves1: JUDGEMENT K_conversion[T1, T2](x:S) HAS_TYPE [T2 -> S]
 END K_props

% identity simply defines the identity function.  The identity is used for
% conversion expressions.  For example, "foo: T" is translated to
% "(LAMBDA (x:T): x)(foo)"

identity [T: TYPE]: THEORY
  x: VAR T
  I: (bijective?[T, T]) = (LAMBDA x: x)
  id: (bijective?[T, T]) = (LAMBDA x: x)
  identity: (bijective?[T, T]) = (LAMBDA x: x)
 END identity

identity_props [T: TYPE, S: TYPE FROM T]: THEORY
  x: VAR S
  I_preserves: JUDGEMENT I[T](x) HAS_TYPE S
  id_preserves: JUDGEMENT id[T](x) HAS_TYPE S
  identity_preserves: JUDGEMENT identity[T](x) HAS_TYPE S
 END identity_props

% relations defines properties that are useful in specifying binary
% relations.

relations [T: TYPE]: THEORY

  R: VAR PRED[[T, T]]
  x, y, z: VAR T

  eq: pred[[T, T]] = (LAMBDA x, y: x = y)

  reflexive?(R): bool = FORALL x: R(x, x)

  irreflexive?(R): bool = FORALL x: NOT R(x, x)

  symmetric?(R): bool = FORALL x, y: R(x, y) IMPLIES R(y, x)

  antisymmetric?(R): bool = FORALL x, y: R(x, y) & R(y, x) => x = y

  connected?(R): bool = FORALL x, y: x /= y IMPLIES R(x, y) OR R(y, x)

  transitive?(R): bool = FORALL x, y, z: R(x, y) & R(y, z) => R(x, z)

  equivalence?(R): bool = reflexive?(R) AND symmetric?(R) AND transitive?(R)

  equivalence: TYPE = (equivalence?)

  equiv_is_reflexive:  JUDGEMENT (equivalence?) SUBTYPE_OF (reflexive?)
  equiv_is_symmetric:  JUDGEMENT (equivalence?) SUBTYPE_OF (symmetric?)
  equiv_is_transitive: JUDGEMENT (equivalence?) SUBTYPE_OF (transitive?)

 END relations

% orders defines the usual ordering relations.  Be careful not to read too
% much into these definitions; < and <= are variables ranging over binary
% relations, not actual orders.  Their use below is suggestive of the
% defining properties.

orders [T: TYPE]: THEORY
  x, y: VAR T
  <=, < : VAR pred[[T, T]]
  p: VAR pred[T]

  preorder?(<=): bool = reflexive?(<=) & transitive?(<=)

  preorder_is_reflexive:  JUDGEMENT (preorder?) SUBTYPE_OF (reflexive?[T])
  preorder_is_transitive: JUDGEMENT (preorder?) SUBTYPE_OF (transitive?[T])
  equiv_is_preorder:      JUDGEMENT (equivalence?[T]) SUBTYPE_OF (preorder?)

  partial_order?(<=): bool = preorder?(<=) & antisymmetric?(<=)

  po_is_preorder:      JUDGEMENT (partial_order?) SUBTYPE_OF (preorder?)
  po_is_antisymmetric: JUDGEMENT
    (partial_order?) SUBTYPE_OF (antisymmetric?[T])

  strict_order?(<): bool = irreflexive?(<) & transitive?(<)

  strict_is_irreflexive: JUDGEMENT
    (strict_order?) SUBTYPE_OF (irreflexive?[T])
  strict_order_is_antisymmetric: JUDGEMENT
    (strict_order?[T]) SUBTYPE_OF (antisymmetric?[T])
  strict_is_transitive: JUDGEMENT
    (strict_order?) SUBTYPE_OF (transitive?[T])

  dichotomous?(<=): bool = (FORALL x, y: (x <= y OR y <= x))

  total_order?(<=): bool = partial_order?(<=) & dichotomous?(<=)

  total_is_po:          JUDGEMENT (total_order?) SUBTYPE_OF (partial_order?)
  total_is_dichotomous: JUDGEMENT (total_order?) SUBTYPE_OF (dichotomous?)

  linear_order?(<=): bool = total_order?(<=)

  linear_is_total: JUDGEMENT (linear_order?) SUBTYPE_OF (total_order?)
  total_is_linear: JUDGEMENT (total_order?)  SUBTYPE_OF (linear_order?)

  trichotomous?(<): bool = (FORALL x, y: x < y OR y < x OR x = y)

  strict_total_order?(<): bool = strict_order?(<) & trichotomous?(<)

  strict_total_is_strict: JUDGEMENT
    (strict_total_order?) SUBTYPE_OF (strict_order?)
  strict_total_is_trichotomous: JUDGEMENT
    (strict_total_order?) SUBTYPE_OF (trichotomous?)

  well_founded?(<): bool =
     (FORALL p:
        (EXISTS y: p(y))
	   IMPLIES (EXISTS (y:(p)): (FORALL (x:(p)): (NOT x < y))))

  well_ordered?(<): bool = strict_total_order?(<) & well_founded?(<)

  well_ordered_is_strict_total: JUDGEMENT
    (well_ordered?) SUBTYPE_OF (strict_total_order?)
  well_ordered_is_well_founded: JUDGEMENT
    (well_ordered?) SUBTYPE_OF (well_founded?)

  nonempty_pred: TYPE = {p: pred[T] | EXISTS (x: T): p(x)}

  pe: VAR pred[T]

  upper_bound?(<)(x, pe): bool = FORALL (y: (pe)): y < x

  upper_bound?(<)(pe)(x): bool = upper_bound?(<)(x, pe)

  lower_bound?(<)(x, pe): bool = FORALL (y: (pe)): x < y

  lower_bound?(<)(pe)(x): bool = lower_bound?(<)(x, pe)

  least_upper_bound?(<)(x, pe): bool =
    upper_bound?(<)(x, pe) AND
      FORALL y: upper_bound?(<)(y, pe) IMPLIES (x < y OR x = y)

  least_upper_bound?(<)(pe)(x): bool = least_upper_bound?(<)(x, pe)

  greatest_lower_bound?(<)(x, pe): bool =
    lower_bound?(<)(x, pe) AND
      FORALL y: lower_bound?(<)(y, pe) IMPLIES (y < x OR x = y)

  greatest_lower_bound?(<)(pe)(x): bool = greatest_lower_bound?(<)(x, pe)

 END orders

orders_alt [T: TYPE, <: pred[[T, T]], pe: nonempty_pred[T]]: THEORY
  x: VAR T
  upper_bound?: [T -> bool] = upper_bound?(<)(pe)
  least_upper_bound?: [T -> bool] = least_upper_bound?(<)(pe)
  lower_bound?: [T -> bool] = lower_bound?(<)(pe)
  greatest_lower_bound?: [T -> bool] = greatest_lower_bound?(<)(pe)
  least_upper_bound_is_upper_bound: JUDGEMENT
    (least_upper_bound?) SUBTYPE_OF (upper_bound?)

  greatest_lower_bound_is_lower_bound: JUDGEMENT
    (greatest_lower_bound?) SUBTYPE_OF (lower_bound?)
 END orders_alt

%  Cases in which the introduction of restrict preserves properties.
%  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%      Author: Jerry James (, University of Kansas
%  restrict_order_props
restrict_order_props[T: TYPE, S: TYPE FROM T]: THEORY

  reflexive_restrict: JUDGEMENT
    restrict(R: (reflexive?[T])) HAS_TYPE (reflexive?[S])

  irreflexive_restrict: JUDGEMENT
    restrict(R: (irreflexive?[T])) HAS_TYPE (irreflexive?[S])

  symmetric_restrict: JUDGEMENT
    restrict(R: (symmetric?[T])) HAS_TYPE (symmetric?[S])

  antisymmetric_restrict: JUDGEMENT
    restrict(R: (antisymmetric?[T])) HAS_TYPE (antisymmetric?[S])

  connected_restrict: JUDGEMENT
    restrict(R: (connected?[T])) HAS_TYPE (connected?[S])

  transitive_restrict: JUDGEMENT
    restrict(R: (transitive?[T])) HAS_TYPE (transitive?[S])

  equivalence_restrict: JUDGEMENT
    restrict(R: (equivalence?[T])) HAS_TYPE (equivalence?[S])

  preorder_restrict: JUDGEMENT
    restrict(R: (preorder?[T])) HAS_TYPE (preorder?[S])

  partial_order_restrict: JUDGEMENT
    restrict(R: (partial_order?[T])) HAS_TYPE (partial_order?[S])

  strict_order_restrict: JUDGEMENT
    restrict(R: (strict_order?[T])) HAS_TYPE (strict_order?[S])

  dichotomous_restrict: JUDGEMENT
    restrict(R: (dichotomous?[T])) HAS_TYPE (dichotomous?[S])

  total_order_restrict: JUDGEMENT
    restrict(R: (total_order?[T])) HAS_TYPE (total_order?[S])

  trichotomous_restrict: JUDGEMENT
    restrict(R: (trichotomous?[T])) HAS_TYPE (trichotomous?[S])

  strict_total_order_restrict: JUDGEMENT
    restrict(R: (strict_total_order?[T])) HAS_TYPE (strict_total_order?[S])

  well_founded_restrict: JUDGEMENT
    restrict(R: (well_founded?[T])) HAS_TYPE (well_founded?[S])

  well_ordered_restrict: JUDGEMENT
    restrict(R: (well_ordered?[T])) HAS_TYPE (well_ordered?[S])

 END restrict_order_props

% Courtesy of Jerry James
extend_order_props[T: TYPE, S: TYPE FROM T]: THEORY

  irreflexive_extend: JUDGEMENT
    extend[[T, T], [S, S], bool, FALSE](R: (irreflexive?[S]))
        HAS_TYPE (irreflexive?[T])

  symmetric_extend: JUDGEMENT
    extend[[T, T], [S, S], bool, FALSE](R: (symmetric?[S]))
        HAS_TYPE (symmetric?[T])

  antisymmetric_extend: JUDGEMENT
    extend[[T, T], [S, S], bool, FALSE](R: (antisymmetric?[S]))
        HAS_TYPE (antisymmetric?[T])

  transitive_extend: JUDGEMENT
    extend[[T, T], [S, S], bool, FALSE](R: (transitive?[S]))
        HAS_TYPE (transitive?[T])

  strict_order_extend: JUDGEMENT
    extend[[T, T], [S, S], bool, FALSE](R: (strict_order?[S]))
        HAS_TYPE (strict_order?[T])

 END extend_order_props

% wf_induction defines induction for any type that has a well-founded
% relation.

wf_induction [T: TYPE, <: (well_founded?[T])]: THEORY

  wf_induction: LEMMA
    (FORALL (p: pred[T]):
      (FORALL (x: T):
        (FORALL (y: T): y<x IMPLIES p(y))
           IMPLIES p(x))
      (FORALL (x:T): p(x)))

 END wf_induction

% measure_induction builds on well-founded induction.  It allows
% induction over a type T for which a measure function m is defined.

measure_induction [T: TYPE, M: TYPE, m: [T -> M], <: (well_founded?[M])]: THEORY

 measure_induction: LEMMA
  (FORALL (p: pred[T]):
     (FORALL (x: T): 
         (FORALL (y: T): m(y) < m(x) IMPLIES  p(y))
             IMPLIES p(x))
    IMPLIES (FORALL (x: T): p(x)))

 END measure_induction

% epsilons provides a "choice" function that does not have a nonemptiness
% requirement.  Given a predicate over the type t, epsilon produces an
% element of satisfying that predicate if one exists, and otherwise
% produces an arbitrary element of that type.
% "epsilon! (x:t): p(x)" is translated to "epsilon(LAMBDA (x:t): p(x))".
% Note that the type parameter is given as nonempty, whihc means that
% there is an nonempty ASSUMPTION automatically generated for this theory.

  p: VAR pred[T]
  x: VAR T

  epsilon(p): T

  epsilon_ax: AXIOM (EXISTS x: p(x)) => p(epsilon(p))

 END epsilons

% sets provides the polymorphic set type, along with the usual set
% operations.  It is important to bear in mind that a set is just
% a predicate.

sets [T: TYPE]: THEORY

  set: TYPE = setof[T]

  x, y: VAR T

  a, b, c: VAR set

  p: VAR PRED[T]

  member(x, a): bool = a(x)

  empty?(a): bool = (FORALL x: NOT member(x, a))

  emptyset: set = {x | false}

  nonempty?(a): bool = NOT empty?(a)

  full?(a): bool = (FORALL x: member(x, a))

  fullset: set = {x | true}

  subset?(a, b): bool = (FORALL x: member(x, a) => member(x, b))

  strict_subset?(a, b): bool = subset?(a, b) & a /= b

  union(a, b): set = {x | member(x, a) OR member(x, b)}

  intersection(a, b): set = {x | member(x, a) AND member(x, b)}

  disjoint?(a, b): bool = empty?(intersection(a, b))

  complement(a): set = {x | NOT member(x, a)} 

  difference(a, b): set = {x | member(x, a) AND NOT member(x, b)}

  symmetric_difference(a, b): set =
    union(difference(a, b), difference(b, a))

  every(p)(a): bool = FORALL (x:(a)): p(x)

  every(p, a): bool = FORALL (x:(a)): p(x)

  some(p)(a): bool = EXISTS (x:(a)): p(x)

  some(p, a): bool = EXISTS (x:(a)): p(x)

  singleton?(a): bool = (EXISTS (x:(a)): (FORALL (y:(a)): x = y))

  singleton(x): (singleton?) = {y | y = x}

  add(x, a): (nonempty?) = {y | x = y OR member(y, a)}

  remove(x, a): set = {y | x /= y AND member(y, a)}

  % A choice function for nonempty sets
  choose(p: (nonempty?)): (p) = epsilon(p)

  the(p: (singleton?)): (p) = epsilon(p)

  rest(a): set = IF empty?(a) THEN a ELSE remove(choose(a), a) ENDIF

  setofsets: TYPE = setof[setof[T]]
  A, B : Var setofsets

  powerset(a): setofsets = {b | subset?(b, a)}

  Union(A): set = {x | EXISTS (a: (A)): a(x)}

  Intersection(A): set = {x | FORALL (a: (A)): a(x)}

  nonempty_singleton: JUDGEMENT (singleton?) SUBTYPE_OF (nonempty?)
  nonempty_union1: JUDGEMENT union(a: (nonempty?), b: set) HAS_TYPE (nonempty?)
  nonempty_union2: JUDGEMENT union(a: set, b: (nonempty?)) HAS_TYPE (nonempty?)

 END sets

% Lemmas about sets - many of these came from Bruno Dutertre in the
% more_set_lemmas theory of the finite_sets library

sets_lemmas [T: TYPE]: THEORY

  x, y: VAR T
  a, b, c: VAR set[T]
  A, B : Var setofsets[T]

  extensionality: LEMMA
      (FORALL x: member(x, a) IFF member(x, b)) IMPLIES (a = b)

  emptyset_is_empty?: LEMMA  empty?(a) IFF a = emptyset

  empty_no_members: LEMMA NOT member(x, emptyset)

  emptyset_min: LEMMA subset?(a, emptyset) IMPLIES a = emptyset

  nonempty_member: LEMMA nonempty?(a) IFF EXISTS x: member(x, a)

  fullset_member: LEMMA member(x, fullset)

  fullset_max: LEMMA subset?(fullset, a)  IMPLIES a = fullset

  fullset_is_full?: LEMMA full?(a) IFF a = fullset
  nonempty_exists: LEMMA nonempty?(a) IFF EXISTS (x: (a)): TRUE

  subset_emptyset: LEMMA subset?(emptyset, a)

  subset_fullset: LEMMA subset?(a, fullset)

  subset_reflexive: LEMMA subset?(a, a)

  subset_antisymmetric: LEMMA subset?(a, b) AND subset?(b, a) IMPLIES a = b

  subset_transitive: LEMMA
    subset?(a, b) AND subset?(b, c) IMPLIES subset?(a, c)

  subset_partial_order: LEMMA partial_order?(subset?[T])

  subset_is_partial_order: JUDGEMENT
    subset?[T] HAS_TYPE (partial_order?[set[T]])

  strict_subset_irreflexive: LEMMA NOT strict_subset?(a, a)

  strict_subset_transitive: LEMMA
    strict_subset?(a, b) AND strict_subset?(b, c) IMPLIES
     strict_subset?(a, c)

  strict_subset_strict_order: LEMMA strict_order?(strict_subset?[T])

  strict_subset_is_strict_order: JUDGEMENT
    strict_subset?[T] HAS_TYPE (strict_order?[set[T]])

  union_idempotent: LEMMA union(a, a) = a

  union_commutative: LEMMA union(a, b) = union(b, a)

  union_associative: LEMMA union(union(a, b), c) = union(a, union(b, c))

  union_empty: LEMMA union(a, emptyset) = a

  union_full: LEMMA union(a, fullset) = fullset

  union_subset1: LEMMA subset?(a, union(a, b))

  union_subset2: LEMMA subset?(a, b) IMPLIES union(a, b) = b

  union_upper_bound : LEMMA
    subset?(a, c) and subset?(b, c) IMPLIES subset?(union(a, b), c)
  union_difference: LEMMA union(a, b) = union(a, difference(b, a))

  union_diff_subset: LEMMA subset?(a, b) IMPLIES union(a, difference(b, a)) = b

  intersection_idempotent: LEMMA intersection(a, a) = a

  intersection_commutative: LEMMA intersection(a, b) = intersection(b, a)

  intersection_associative: LEMMA
    intersection(intersection(a, b), c) = intersection(a, intersection(b, c))

  intersection_empty: LEMMA intersection(a, emptyset) = emptyset

  intersection_full: LEMMA intersection(a, fullset) = a

  intersection_subset1: LEMMA subset?(intersection(a, b), a)

  intersection_subset2: LEMMA subset?(a, b) IMPLIES intersection(a, b) = a

  intersection_lower_bound: LEMMA
    subset?(c, a) and subset?(c, b) IMPLIES subset?(c, intersection(a, b))

  distribute_intersection_union: LEMMA
    intersection(a, union(b, c))
        = union(intersection(a, b), intersection(a, c))

  distribute_union_intersection: LEMMA
    union(a, intersection(b, c)) = intersection(union(a, b), union(a, c))

  complement_emptyset: LEMMA complement(emptyset[T]) = fullset

  complement_fullset: LEMMA complement(fullset[T]) = emptyset

  complement_complement: LEMMA complement(complement(a)) = a

  complement_equal: LEMMA complement(a) = complement(b) IFF a = b

  subset_complement: LEMMA
    subset?(complement(a), complement(b)) IFF subset?(b, a)

  demorgan1: LEMMA
    complement(union(a, b)) = intersection(complement(a), complement(b))

  demorgan2: LEMMA
    complement(intersection(a, b)) = union(complement(a), complement(b))

  difference_emptyset1: LEMMA difference(a, emptyset) = a

  difference_emptyset2: LEMMA difference(emptyset, a) = emptyset

  difference_fullset1: LEMMA difference(a, fullset) = emptyset

  difference_fullset2: LEMMA difference(fullset, a) = complement(a)

  difference_intersection: LEMMA
    difference(a, b) = intersection(a, complement(b))

  difference_difference1: LEMMA
    difference(difference(a, b), c) = difference(a, union(b, c))

  difference_difference2: LEMMA
    difference(a, difference(b, c))
      = union(difference(a, b), intersection(a, c))

  difference_subset : LEMMA  subset?(difference(a, b), a)

  difference_subset2: LEMMA
    subset?(a, b) IMPLIES difference(a, b) = emptyset

  difference_disjoint: LEMMA disjoint?(a, difference(b, a))

  difference_disjoint2: LEMMA disjoint?(a, b) IMPLIES difference(a, b) = a

  diff_union_inter: LEMMA
    difference(union(a, b), a) = difference(b, intersection(a, b))

  nonempty_add: LEMMA NOT empty?(add(x, a))

  member_add: LEMMA member(x, a) IMPLIES add(x, a) = a

  member_remove: LEMMA NOT member(x, a) IMPLIES remove(x, a) = a

  add_remove_member: LEMMA member(x, a) IMPLIES add(x, remove(x, a)) = a

  remove_add_member: LEMMA NOT member(x, a) IMPLIES remove(x, add(x, a)) = a

  subset_add: LEMMA subset?(a, add(x, a))

  add_as_union: LEMMA add(x, a) = union(a, singleton(x))

  singleton_as_add: LEMMA singleton(x) = add(x, emptyset)

  subset_remove: LEMMA subset?(remove(x, a), a)

  remove_as_difference: LEMMA remove(x, a) = difference(a, singleton(x))

  remove_member_singleton: LEMMA remove(x, singleton(x)) = emptyset

  choose_rest: LEMMA NOT empty?(a) IMPLIES add(choose(a), rest(a)) = a

  choose_member: LEMMA NOT empty?(a) IMPLIES member(choose(a), a)
  choose_not_member: LEMMA
      NOT empty?(a) IMPLIES NOT member(choose(a), rest(a))
  rest_not_equal: LEMMA NOT empty?(a) IMPLIES rest(a) /= a

  rest_member: LEMMA member(x,rest(a)) IMPLIES member(x,a)

  rest_subset : LEMMA subset?(rest(a), a)

  choose_add: LEMMA choose(add(x, a)) = x OR member(choose(add(x, a)), a)

  choose_rest_or: LEMMA
    member(x,a) IMPLIES member(x,rest(a)) OR x = choose(a)

  choose_singleton: LEMMA choose(singleton(x)) = x

  rest_singleton: LEMMA rest(singleton(x)) = emptyset[T]
  singleton_subset: LEMMA member(x, a) IFF subset?(singleton(x), a)

  rest_empty_lem: LEMMA NOT empty?(a) AND empty?(rest(a))
                          IMPLIES a = singleton(choose(a))

  singleton_disjoint: LEMMA NOT member(x, a) IMPLIES disjoint?(singleton(x), a)

  disjoint_remove_left: LEMMA
    disjoint?(a, b) IMPLIES disjoint?(remove(x, a), b)

  disjoint_remove_right: LEMMA
    disjoint?(a, b) IMPLIES disjoint?(a, remove(x, b))

  union_disj_remove_left: LEMMA
    disjoint?(a, b) AND a(x) IMPLIES
      union(remove(x, a), b) = remove(x, union(a, b))

  union_disj_remove_right: LEMMA
    disjoint?(a, b) AND b(x) IMPLIES
      union(a, remove(x, b)) = remove(x, union(a, b))

  subset_powerset: LEMMA subset?(a, b) IFF member(a, powerset(b))

  empty_powerset: LEMMA empty?(a) IFF singleton?(powerset(a))

  powerset_emptyset: LEMMA member(emptyset, powerset(a))

  nonempty_powerset: JUDGEMENT powerset(a) HAS_TYPE (nonempty?[set[T]])

  powerset_union: LEMMA Union(powerset(a)) = a

  powerset_intersection: LEMMA empty?(Intersection(powerset(a)))

  powerset_subset: LEMMA subset?(a, b) IFF subset?(powerset(a), powerset(b))

  Union_empty: LEMMA empty?(Union(A)) IFF empty?(A) OR every(empty?)(A)

  Union_full: LEMMA
    full?(Union(A)) IFF (FORALL x: EXISTS (a: (A)): member(x, a))

  Union_subset: LEMMA FORALL (a: (A)): subset?(a, Union(A))

  Union_surjective: JUDGEMENT
    Union HAS_TYPE (surjective?[setofsets[T], set[T]])

  Intersection_empty: LEMMA
    empty?(Intersection(A)) IFF
     (FORALL x: EXISTS (a: (A)): NOT member(x, a))

  Intersection_full: LEMMA full?(Intersection(A)) IFF every(full?)(A)

  %% The Intersection function should only be applied to nonempty sets of
  %% sets.  This is why.
  Intersection_empty_full: COROLLARY full?(Intersection(emptyset[set[T]]))

  Intersection_surjective: JUDGEMENT
    Intersection HAS_TYPE (surjective?[setofsets[T], set[T]])

  Complement(A): setofsets[T] = {a | EXISTS (b: (A)): a = complement(b)}

  Complement_empty: LEMMA empty?(Complement(A)) IFF empty?(A)

  Complement_full: LEMMA full?(Complement(A)) IFF full?(A)

  Complement_Complement: LEMMA Complement(Complement(A)) = A

  subset_Complement: LEMMA
    subset?(Complement(A), Complement(B)) IFF subset?(A, B)

  Complement_bijective: JUDGEMENT
    Complement HAS_TYPE (bijective?[setofsets[T], setofsets[T]])

  Demorgan1: LEMMA complement(Union(A)) = Intersection(Complement(A))
  Demorgan2: LEMMA complement(Intersection(A)) = Union(Complement(A))

END sets_lemmas

%  An alternate formulation of function inverses.  The version above
%  requires that the domain type be nonempty.  This causes two
%  difficulties:
%  (1) Functions from empty types to empty types have inverses, but the
%      function_inverse theory cannot describe them.
%  (2) Bijections always have inverses, but function_inverse (uselessly)
%      generates TCCs requiring that the domain type be nonempty.
%  Furthermore, for non-injective functions, the function_inverse theory
%  only gives a way of generating *some* inverse, using the Axiom of Choice.
%  There is no way to ask whether some function *is* an inverse of the given
%  function.
%  This theory is presented in two parts.  The first part makes no
%  assumptions about the domain and range types at all.  It presents
%  basic definitions, and some results that can be proven with no
%  information on the types.  The second part uses an assumption on the
%  input types, which is constructed to be as easily satisfiable as
%  possible.  However, this is still not as convenient as the
%  function_inverse version when the domain type is known to be nonempty.
%  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%      Author: Jerry James (, University of Kansas
function_inverse_def[D: TYPE, R: TYPE]: THEORY

  d: VAR D
  r: VAR R
  f: VAR [D -> R]
  g: VAR [R -> D]

  left_inverse?(g, f): bool = FORALL d: g(f(d)) = d
  right_inverse?(g, f): bool = FORALL r: f(g(r)) = r
  inverse?(g, f): bool = FORALL r: (EXISTS d: f(d) = r) => f(g(r)) = r

  left_inverse?(f)(g): MACRO bool = left_inverse?(g, f)
  right_inverse?(f)(g): MACRO bool = right_inverse?(g, f)
  inverse?(f)(g): MACRO bool = inverse?(g, f)

  %%% Left inverses / injective functions

  left_inverse_is_inverse: LEMMA
    FORALL f, (g: (left_inverse?(f))): inverse?(g, f)

  left_inj_surj: LEMMA
    FORALL f, (g: (left_inverse?(f))): injective?(f) AND surjective?(g)

  inj_left_alt: LEMMA
    FORALL (f: (injective?[D, R])), (g: (inverse?(f))): left_inverse?(g, f)

  surj_inv_alt: COROLLARY
    FORALL (f: (injective?[D, R])), (g: (inverse?(f))): surjective?(g)

  injective_inverse_alt: LEMMA
    FORALL (f: (injective?[D, R])), (g: (inverse?(f))): r = f(d) => g(r) = d

  comp_inverse_left_inj_alt: LEMMA
    FORALL (f: (injective?[D, R])), (g: (inverse?(f))): g(f(d)) = d

  noninjective_inverse_exists: LEMMA
    FORALL f: injective?(f) OR (EXISTS g: inverse?(g, f))

  %%% Right inverses / surjective functions

  right_inverse_is_inverse: LEMMA
    FORALL f, (g: (right_inverse?(f))): inverse?(g, f)

  right_surj_inj: LEMMA
    FORALL f, (g: (right_inverse?(f))): surjective?(f) AND injective?(g)

  surj_right_alt: LEMMA
    FORALL (f: (surjective?[D, R])), (g: (inverse?(f))): right_inverse?(g, f)

  inj_inv_alt: COROLLARY
    FORALL (f: (surjective?[D, R])), (g: (inverse?(f))): injective?(g)

  surjective_inverse_alt: LEMMA
    FORALL (f: (surjective?[D, R])), (g: (inverse?(f))): g(r) = d => r = f(d)

  comp_inverse_right_surj_alt: LEMMA
    FORALL (f: (surjective?[D, R])), (g: (inverse?(f))): f(g(r)) = r

  surjective_inverse_exists: LEMMA
    FORALL (f: (surjective?[D, R])): EXISTS g: inverse?(g, f)

  %%% Left-right inverses / bijective functions

  left_right_bij: COROLLARY
    FORALL f, g:
      right_inverse?(g, f) AND left_inverse?(g, f) =>
       bijective?(f) AND bijective?(g)

  bij_left_right: COROLLARY
    FORALL (f: (bijective?[D, R])), (g: (inverse?(f))):
      right_inverse?(g, f) AND left_inverse?(g, f)

  bij_inv_is_bij_alt: COROLLARY
    FORALL (f: (bijective?[D, R])), (g: (inverse?(f))): bijective?(g)

  bijective_inverse_alt: COROLLARY
    FORALL (f: (bijective?[D, R])), (g: (inverse?(f))): g(r) = d IFF r = f(d)

  comp_inverse_right_alt: COROLLARY
    FORALL (f: (bijective?[D, R])), (g: (inverse?(f))): f(g(r)) = r

  comp_inverse_left_alt: COROLLARY
    FORALL (f: (bijective?[D, R])), (g: (inverse?(f))): g(f(d)) = d

  bijective_inverse_exists: LEMMA
    FORALL (f: (bijective?[D, R])): exists1(inverse?(f))

  % The following are provided as support for discharging the
  % assumption TCCs arising from the use of function_inverse_alt

  exists_inv1: LEMMA
  exists_inv2: LEMMA
    (EXISTS (f: (surjective?[D, R])): TRUE) =>
       ((EXISTS (d: D): TRUE) OR (FORALL (r: R): FALSE))
  exists_inv3: LEMMA
    (EXISTS f: NOT injective?(f)) =>
       ((EXISTS (d: D): TRUE) OR (FORALL (r: R): FALSE))

 END function_inverse_def

% function_inverse.  In practice this definition will only be useful
% for injective functions.  This is not defined in functions because the
% epsilon! operator forces the domain type to be nonempty.  Note
% that this theory may not be instantiated through dependent function
% types.

function_inverse[D: NONEMPTY_TYPE, R: TYPE]: THEORY
  x: VAR D
  y: VAR R
  f: VAR [D -> R]
  g: VAR [R -> D]

  inverse(f)(y): D = (epsilon! x: f(x) = y)

  unique_bijective_inverse: JUDGEMENT
    inverse(f:(bijective?[D,R]))(y) HAS_TYPE {x:D | f(x) = y}

  bijective_inverse_is_bijective: JUDGEMENT
    inverse(f:(bijective?[D,R])) HAS_TYPE (bijective?[R,D])

  surjective_inverse: LEMMA
    (FORALL (f:(surjective?[D, R])):
       inverse(f)(y) = x IMPLIES y = f(x))

  injective_inverse: LEMMA
    (FORALL (f:(injective?[D, R])):
       y = f(x) IMPLIES inverse(f)(y) = x)

  bijective_inverse: LEMMA
    (FORALL (f:(bijective?[D, R])):
       inverse(f)(y) = x IFF y = f(x))

  bij_inv_is_bij: LEMMA
    bijective?(f) IMPLIES bijective?(inverse(f))

%   left_inverse?(g, f): bool = (FORALL x: g(f(x)) = x)

%   right_inverse?(g, f): bool = (FORALL y: f(g(y)) = y)

  surj_right: LEMMA surjective?(f) IFF right_inverse?(inverse(f), f)

  inj_left: LEMMA injective?(f) IFF left_inverse?(inverse(f), f)

  inj_inv: LEMMA surjective?(f) IMPLIES injective?(inverse(f))

  surj_inv: LEMMA injective?(f) IMPLIES surjective?(inverse(f))

  inv_inj_is_surj: JUDGEMENT
    inverse(f: (injective?[D, R])) HAS_TYPE (surjective?[R, D])
  inv_surj_is_inj: JUDGEMENT
    inverse(f: (surjective?[D, R])) HAS_TYPE (injective?[R, D])

  comp_inverse_right_surj: LEMMA
	FORALL (f:(surjective?[D,R])): f(inverse(f)(y)) = y

  comp_inverse_left_inj: LEMMA
	FORALL (f:(injective?[D,R])): inverse(f)(f(x)) = x

  comp_inverse_right: LEMMA
	FORALL (f:(bijective?[D,R])): f(inverse(f)(y)) = y

  comp_inverse_left: LEMMA
	FORALL (f:(bijective?[D,R])): inverse(f)(f(x)) = x

 END function_inverse

% This theory was provided by Jerry James
function_inverse_alt[D: TYPE, R: TYPE]: THEORY


   % The function_inverse theory, in effect, forces its users to prove the
   % first disjunction; however, any of them give us the ability to define
   % inverses.  Note that the first two disjunctions are implied by each of
   % the others.  The axiom is expressed this way for the convenience of its
   % users, who may have any one of these pieces of evidence of invertibility
   % at hand.
   inverse_types: ASSUMPTION
     (EXISTS (d: D): TRUE) OR
     (FORALL (r: R): FALSE)


  d: VAR D
  r: VAR R
  f: VAR [D -> R]
  g: VAR [R -> D]

  inverses(f): TYPE+ = (inverse?(f))

  inverse_alt(f): inverses(f) = choose({g: inverses(f) | TRUE})

  bijective_inverse_is_inverse_alt: COROLLARY
    FORALL (f: (bijective?[D, R])), (g: inverses(f)): g = inverse_alt(f)

  unique_bijective_inverse_alt: JUDGEMENT
    inverse_alt(f: (bijective?[D,R]))(r) HAS_TYPE {d | f(d) = r}

  bijective_inverse_alt_is_bijective: JUDGEMENT
    inverse_alt(f: (bijective?[D,R])) HAS_TYPE (bijective?[R,D])

  inv_inj_is_surj_alt: JUDGEMENT
    inverse_alt(f: (injective?[D, R])) HAS_TYPE (surjective?[R, D])

  inv_surj_is_inj_alt: JUDGEMENT
    inverse_alt(f: (surjective?[D, R])) HAS_TYPE (injective?[R, D])

 END function_inverse_alt

% function_image provides the image and inverse_image functions.
% inverse_image is not the same as inverse; it is defined for all
% functions, not just injections, and returns a set.

function_image [D, R: TYPE]: THEORY
  f: VAR [D -> R]
  x: VAR D
  y: VAR R
  X, X1, X2: VAR set[D]
  Y, Y1, Y2: VAR set[R]

  fun_exists: LEMMA (EXISTS y: TRUE) OR (NOT EXISTS x: TRUE)
                          IMPLIES (EXISTS f: TRUE)

  image(f, X): set[R] = {y: R | (EXISTS (x:(X)): y = f(x))}

  image(f)(X): set[R] = image(f, X)

  inverse_image(f, Y): set[D] = {x: D | member(f(x), Y)}

  inverse_image(f)(Y): set[D] = inverse_image(f, Y)

  image_inverse_image: LEMMA
    subset?(image(f, inverse_image(f, Y)), Y)

  inverse_image_image: LEMMA
    subset?(X, inverse_image(f, image(f, X)))

  image_subset: LEMMA
    subset?(X1, X2) IMPLIES subset?(image(f, X1), image(f, X2))

  inverse_image_subset: LEMMA
    subset?(Y1, Y2) IMPLIES subset?(inverse_image(f, Y1), inverse_image(f, Y2))

  image_union: LEMMA
    image(f, union(X1, X2)) = union(image(f, X1), image(f, X2))

  image_intersection: LEMMA
    subset?(image(f, intersection(X1, X2)),
            intersection(image(f, X1), image(f, X2)))

  inverse_image_union: LEMMA
    inverse_image(f, union(Y1, Y2))
      = union(inverse_image(f, Y1), inverse_image(f, Y2))

  inverse_image_intersection: LEMMA
    inverse_image(f, intersection(Y1, Y2))
      = intersection(inverse_image(f, Y1), inverse_image(f, Y2))

  inverse_image_complement: LEMMA
    inverse_image(f, complement(Y)) = complement(inverse_image(f, Y))

 END function_image

% functions_props defines function composition.  It can't be defined in
% functions because it involves three type parameters.

function_props [T1, T2, T3: TYPE]: THEORY
  x: VAR T1
  f1: VAR [T1 -> T2]
  f2: VAR [T2 -> T3]
  X: VAR set[T1]
  R1: VAR PRED[[T1, T1]]
  R2: VAR PRED[[T2, T2]]
  R3: VAR PRED[[T3, T3]]

  o(f2, f1)(x): T3 = f2(f1(x))

  composition_injective: JUDGEMENT
    o(f2: (injective?[T2, T3]), f1: (injective?[T1, T2]))
      HAS_TYPE (injective?[T1, T3])

  composition_surjective: JUDGEMENT
    o(f2: (surjective?[T2, T3]), f1: (surjective?[T1, T2]))
      HAS_TYPE (surjective?[T1, T3])

  composition_bijective: JUDGEMENT
    o(f2: (bijective?[T2, T3]), f1: (bijective?[T1, T2]))
      HAS_TYPE (bijective?[T1, T3])

  image_composition: LEMMA
    image(f2, image(f1, X)) = image(f2 o f1, X)

  preserves_composition: LEMMA
    preserves(f1, R1, R2) AND preserves(f2, R2, R3)
      IMPLIES preserves(f2 o f1, R1, R3)

  inverts_composition1: LEMMA
    preserves(f1, R1, R2) AND inverts(f2, R2, R3)
      IMPLIES inverts(f2 o f1, R1, R3)

  inverts_composition2: LEMMA
    inverts(f1, R1, R2) AND preserves(f2, R2, R3)
      IMPLIES inverts(f2 o f1, R1, R3)
 END function_props

function_props_alt [T1, T2, T3: TYPE, R1: PRED[[T1, T1]],
                    R2: PRED[[T2, T2]], R3: PRED[[T3, T3]]]: THEORY
   composition_preserves: JUDGEMENT
     o(f2: (preserves[T2, T3, R2, R3]), f1: (preserves[T1, T2, R1, R2]))
       HAS_TYPE (preserves[T1, T3, R1, R3])

   composition_inverts1: JUDGEMENT
     o(f2: (preserves[T2, T3, R2, R3]), f1: (inverts[T1, T2, R1, R2]))
       HAS_TYPE (inverts[T1, T3, R1, R3])

   composition_inverts2: JUDGEMENT
     o(f2: (inverts[T2, T3, R2, R3]), f1: (preserves[T1, T2, R1, R2]))
       HAS_TYPE (inverts[T1, T3, R1, R3])
 END function_props_alt  

% function_props2 defines the associativity of function composition.  It
% can't be defined in function_props because it involves four type
% parameters.

function_props2 [T1, T2, T3, T4: TYPE]: THEORY
  f1: VAR [T1 -> T2]
  f2: VAR [T2 -> T3]
  f3: VAR [T3 -> T4]

  assoc: LEMMA (f3 o f2) o f1 = f3 o (f2 o f1)
 END function_props2

% relation_defs defines operators on relations between possibly different
% types.  Note that some of the names are overloaded with those given in
% functions - in practice this should not cause any problems.

relation_defs [T1, T2: TYPE]: THEORY
  R: VAR pred[[T1, T2]]
  X: VAR set[T1]
  Y: VAR set[T2]

  domain(R): TYPE = {x: T1 | EXISTS (y: T2): R(x, y)}

  range(R): TYPE = {y: T2 | EXISTS (x: T1): R(x, y)}

  image(R, X): set[T2] = {y: T2 | EXISTS (x: (X)): R(x, y)}

  image(R)(X): set[T2] = image(R, X)

  preimage(R, Y): set[T1] = {x: T1 | EXISTS (y: (Y)): R(x, y)}

  preimage(R)(Y): set[T1] = preimage(R, Y)

  postcondition(R, X): set[T2] = {y: T2 | FORALL (x: (X)): R(x, y)}

  postcondition(R)(X): set[T2] = postcondition(R, X)

  precondition(R, Y): set[T1] = {x: T1 | FORALL (y: (Y)): R(x, y)}

  precondition(R)(Y): set[T1] = precondition(R, Y)

  converse(R): pred[[T2, T1]] = (LAMBDA (y: T2), (x: T1): R(x, y))

  isomorphism?(R): bool =
    (EXISTS (f: (bijective?[T1, T2])): R = graph(f))

  total?(R): bool = FORALL (x: T1): EXISTS (y: T2): R(x, y)

  onto?(R): bool = FORALL (y: T2): EXISTS (x: T1): R(x, y)

 END relation_defs

% relation_props

relation_props [T1, T2, T3: TYPE]: THEORY
  R1: VAR pred[[T1, T2]]
  R2: VAR pred[[T2, T3]]
  x: VAR T1
  y: VAR T2
  z: VAR T3

  o(R1, R2)(x, z): bool = EXISTS y: R1(x, y) AND R2(y, z)

  total_composition: LEMMA total?(R1) & total?(R2) => total?(R1 o R2)

  onto_composition: LEMMA onto?(R1) & onto?(R2) => onto?(R1 o R2)

  composition_total: JUDGEMENT
    o(R1: (total?[T1, T2]), R2: (total?[T2, T3])) HAS_TYPE (total?[T1, T3])

  composition_onto: JUDGEMENT
    o(R1: (onto?[T1, T2]), R2: (onto?[T2, T3])) HAS_TYPE (onto?[T1, T3])

 END relation_props

relation_props2 [T1, T2, T3, T4: TYPE]: THEORY
  R1: VAR pred[[T1, T2]]
  R2: VAR pred[[T2, T3]]
  R3: VAR pred[[T3, T4]]

  assoc: LEMMA (R1 o R2) o R3 = R1 o (R2 o R3)
 END relation_props2

%  Properties of converses of relations on a single type.
%  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%      Author: Jerry James (, University of Kansas
relation_converse_props[T: TYPE]: THEORY

  reflexive_converse: JUDGEMENT
    converse(R: (reflexive?[T])) HAS_TYPE (reflexive?[T])

  irreflexive_converse: JUDGEMENT
    converse(R: (irreflexive?[T])) HAS_TYPE (irreflexive?[T])

  symmetric_converse: JUDGEMENT
    converse(R: (symmetric?[T])) HAS_TYPE (symmetric?[T])

  antisymmetric_converse: JUDGEMENT
    converse(R: (antisymmetric?[T])) HAS_TYPE (antisymmetric?[T])

  connected_converse: JUDGEMENT
    converse(R: (connected?[T])) HAS_TYPE (connected?[T])

  transitive_converse: JUDGEMENT
    converse(R: (transitive?[T])) HAS_TYPE (transitive?[T])

  equivalence_converse: JUDGEMENT
    converse(R: (equivalence?[T])) HAS_TYPE (equivalence?[T])

  preorder_converse: JUDGEMENT
    converse(R: (preorder?[T])) HAS_TYPE (preorder?[T])

  partial_order_converse: JUDGEMENT
    converse(R: (partial_order?[T])) HAS_TYPE (partial_order?[T])

  strict_order_converse: JUDGEMENT
    converse(R: (strict_order?[T])) HAS_TYPE (strict_order?[T])

  dichotomous_converse: JUDGEMENT
    converse(R: (dichotomous?[T])) HAS_TYPE (dichotomous?[T])

  total_order_converse: JUDGEMENT
    converse(R: (total_order?[T])) HAS_TYPE (total_order?[T])

  trichotomous_converse: JUDGEMENT
    converse(R: (trichotomous?[T])) HAS_TYPE (trichotomous?[T])

  strict_total_order_converse: JUDGEMENT
    converse(R: (strict_total_order?[T])) HAS_TYPE (strict_total_order?[T])

 END relation_converse_props

indexed_sets[index, T: TYPE]: THEORY
  i: VAR index
  x: VAR T
  A, B: VAR [index -> set[T]]
  S: VAR set[T]

  IUnion(A): set[T] = {x | EXISTS i: A(i)(x)}

  IIntersection(A): set[T] = {x | FORALL i: A(i)(x)}

  IUnion_Union: LEMMA
    IUnion(A) = Union(image(A)(fullset[index]))

  IIntersection_Intersection: LEMMA
    IIntersection(A) = Intersection(image(A)(fullset[index]))

  IUnion_union: LEMMA
    IUnion(LAMBDA i: union(A(i), B(i))) = union(IUnion(A), IUnion(B))

  IIntersection_intersection: LEMMA
    IIntersection(LAMBDA i: intersection(A(i), B(i)))
        = intersection(IIntersection(A), IIntersection(B))

  IUnion_intersection: LEMMA
    IUnion(LAMBDA i: intersection(A(i), S))
        = intersection(IUnion(A), S)

  IIntersection_union: LEMMA
    IIntersection(LAMBDA i: union(A(i), S))
        = union(IIntersection(A), S)
 END indexed_sets

% operator_defs

operator_defs[T: TYPE]: THEORY
  o, *: VAR [T, T -> T]
  -: VAR [T -> T]
  x, y, z: VAR T

  commutative?(o):     bool = (FORALL x, y: x o y = y o x)

  associative?(o):     bool = (FORALL x, y, z: (x o y) o z = x o (y o z))

  left_identity?(o)(y): bool = (FORALL x: y o x = x)

  right_identity?(o)(y): bool = (FORALL x: x o y = x)

  identity?(o)(y):     bool = (FORALL x: x o y = x AND y o x = x)

  has_identity?(o):    bool = (EXISTS y: identity?(o)(y))

  zero?(o)(y):         bool = (FORALL x: x o y = y AND y o x = y)

  has_zero?(o):        bool = (EXISTS y: zero?(o)(y))

  inverses?(o)(-)(y):  bool = (FORALL x: x o -x = y AND (-x) o x = y)

  has_inverses?(o):    bool = (EXISTS -, y: inverses?(o)(-)(y))

  distributive?(*, o): bool = (FORALL x, y, z: x * (y o z) = (x * y) o (x * z))

 END operator_defs

% numbers provides the number type, which is the highest numeric type.
% Its primary purpose is to provide a way to extend the reals, for
% example, the extended reals can be declared as a subtype of number that
% contains all the reals and the points at infinity.

numbers: THEORY


 END numbers

% number-fields provides the field axioms.  This allows development of,
% for example, complex numbers or nonstandard reals as subtypes, without
% having to extend the field operators.  Extended reals are not a subtype
% of number_field, as division by zero is allowed in the extended reals.
% Note that order relations are not defined here.

number_fields: THEORY
  number_field: NONEMPTY_TYPE FROM number
  numfield: NONEMPTY_TYPE = number_field
  number_field?(n: number): bool = number_field_pred(n)

  % The following declarations, if they could be expanded, are built in to
  %  the typechecker and prover:
  % 0, 1, 2, ... : number_field
  % AXIOM 0 /= 1 AND 0 /= 2 AND 1 /= 2 AND ...

  nonzero_number: NONEMPTY_TYPE = {r: number_field | r /= 0} CONTAINING 1
  nznum: NONEMPTY_TYPE = nonzero_number

  +, -, *: [numfield, numfield -> numfield]
  /: [numfield, nznum -> numfield]
  -: [numfield -> numfield]

  % Field Axioms - these are not provable using the decision
  % procedures, as the operators are translated to uninterpreted
  % functions, so that x * x = -1 is consistent.  When the
  % arguments are (a subtype of) real, then the translation is to
  % interpreted symbols.

  x, y, z: VAR numfield
  n0x: VAR nznum

  commutative_add : POSTULATE x + y = y + x

  associative_add : POSTULATE x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z

  identity_add    : POSTULATE x + 0 = x

  inverse_add     : AXIOM x + -x = 0

  minus_add       : AXIOM x - y = x + -y

  commutative_mult: AXIOM x * y = y * x

  associative_mult: AXIOM x * (y * z) =  (x * y) * z

  identity_mult   : AXIOM 1 * x = x

  inverse_mult    : AXIOM n0x * (1/n0x) = 1

  div_def         : AXIOM y/n0x = y * (1/n0x)

  distributive    : POSTULATE x * (y + z) = (x * y) + (x * z)

 END number_fields

% reals defines the real numbers as an uninterpreted subtype of number.
% Though not explicitly specified, all numeric constants are known to be
% of type real (hence number). Note that / is defined only when the second
% argument is nonzero.  This theory should not generally be used in
% auto-rewrite, since the inequalities are already known to the decision
% procedures, and tend to get rewritten to disjunctions, and leads to
% unnecessary case splits.

reals: THEORY

  real: NONEMPTY_TYPE FROM number_field

  real?(n:number): bool = number_field_pred(n) AND real_pred(n)

  % The following declarations, if they could be expanded, are built in to
  %  the typechecker:
  % AXIOM real_pred(0) AND real_pred(1) AND real_pred(2) AND ...
  % JUDGEMENT 0, 1, 2, ... HAS_TYPE real

  nonzero_real: NONEMPTY_TYPE = {r: real | r /= 0} CONTAINING 1
  nzreal: NONEMPTY_TYPE = nonzero_real
  nzreal_is_nznum: JUDGEMENT nonzero_real SUBTYPE_OF nonzero_number

  x, y: VAR real
  n0z: VAR nzreal

  closed_plus:    AXIOM real_pred(x + y)
  closed_minus:   AXIOM real_pred(x - y)
  closed_times:   AXIOM real_pred(x * y)
  closed_divides: AXIOM real_pred(x / n0z)
  closed_neg:     AXIOM real_pred(-x)

  real_plus_real_is_real:  JUDGEMENT +(x,y) HAS_TYPE real
  real_minus_real_is_real: JUDGEMENT -(x,y) HAS_TYPE real
  real_times_real_is_real: JUDGEMENT *(x,y) HAS_TYPE real
  real_div_nzreal_is_real: JUDGEMENT /(x,n0z) HAS_TYPE real

  minus_real_is_real: JUDGEMENT -(x) HAS_TYPE real

  <(x, y):  bool
  <=(x, y): bool = x < y OR x = y;
  >(x, y):  bool = y < x;
  >=(x, y): bool = y <= x

  reals_totally_ordered: POSTULATE strict_total_order?(<)

  % Built in:
  % AXIOM 0 < 1 AND 1 < 2 AND ...

 END reals

% real_axioms provides the usual commutativity, associativity, etc.
% axioms about the real numbers.  Note that many of these properties
% also hold for the rationals, integers, and natural numbers.  These
% properties are all known to the decision procedures of PVS, so should
% rarely need to be cited.  These axioms were taken from
% Royden's "Real Analysis" pp.29-31

real_axioms: THEORY
  x, y, z: VAR real
  n0x: VAR nzreal

  % Field Axioms are now in number_fields

  % Order Axioms

  posreal_add_closed : POSTULATE x > 0 AND y > 0 IMPLIES x + y > 0

  posreal_mult_closed: AXIOM x > 0 AND y > 0 IMPLIES x * y > 0

  posreal_neg        : POSTULATE x > 0 IMPLIES NOT -x > 0

  trichotomy         : POSTULATE x > 0 OR x = 0 OR 0 > x

  % Completeness Axiom defined in bounded_reals

 END real_axioms

bounded_real_defs: THEORY

  x, y: VAR real

  % Completeness Axiom

  S: VAR (nonempty?[real])

  upper_bound?(x, S): bool = FORALL (s: (S)): s <= x

  upper_bound?(S)(x): bool = upper_bound?(x, S)

  lower_bound?(x, S): bool = FORALL (s: (S)): x <= s

  lower_bound?(S)(x): bool = lower_bound?(x, S)

  least_upper_bound?(x, S): bool =
    upper_bound?(x, S) AND
      FORALL y: upper_bound?(y, S) IMPLIES (x <= y)

  least_upper_bound?(S)(x): bool = least_upper_bound?(x, S)

  greatest_lower_bound?(x, S): bool =
    lower_bound?(x, S) AND
      FORALL y: lower_bound?(y, S) IMPLIES (y <= x)

  greatest_lower_bound?(S)(x): bool = greatest_lower_bound?(x, S)

  real_complete: AXIOM
      (EXISTS y: upper_bound?(y, S)) IMPLIES
        (EXISTS y: least_upper_bound?(y, S))

  real_lower_complete: LEMMA
      (EXISTS y: lower_bound?(y, S)) IMPLIES 
        (EXISTS x: greatest_lower_bound?(x, S))

  % lub and glb

  bounded_above?(S): bool = (EXISTS x: upper_bound?(x, S))

  bounded_below?(S): bool = (EXISTS x: lower_bound?(x, S))

  bounded?(S): bool = bounded_above?(S) AND bounded_below?(S)

  bounded_set: TYPE = (bounded?)

  SA: VAR (bounded_above?)

  lub_exists: LEMMA (EXISTS x: least_upper_bound?(x, SA))

  lub(SA): {x | least_upper_bound?(x, SA)}

  lub_lem: LEMMA lub(SA) = x IFF least_upper_bound?(x, SA)

  SB: VAR (bounded_below?)

  glb_exists: LEMMA (EXISTS x: greatest_lower_bound?(x, SB))

  glb(SB): {x | greatest_lower_bound?(x, SB)}

  glb_lem: LEMMA glb(SB) = x IFF greatest_lower_bound?(x, SB)

END bounded_real_defs

bounded_real_defs_alt [S: (nonempty?[real])]: THEORY
  x: VAR real
  upper_bound?: [real -> bool] = upper_bound?(S)
  lower_bound?: [real -> bool] = lower_bound?(S)
  least_upper_bound?: [real -> bool] = least_upper_bound?(S)
  greatest_lower_bound?: [real -> bool] = greatest_lower_bound?(S)

  lub_is_upper_bound: JUDGEMENT
    (least_upper_bound?) SUBTYPE_OF (upper_bound?)

  glb_is_lower_bound: JUDGEMENT
    (greatest_lower_bound?) SUBTYPE_OF (lower_bound?)
 END bounded_real_defs_alt

% reals_types declares some useful subtypes of the reals and some
% associated judgements.

real_types: THEORY
  x: VAR real

  nonneg_real: NONEMPTY_TYPE = {x: real        | x >= 0} CONTAINING 0
  nonpos_real: NONEMPTY_TYPE = {x: real        | x <= 0} CONTAINING 0
  posreal:     NONEMPTY_TYPE = {x: nonneg_real | x > 0}  CONTAINING 1
  negreal:     NONEMPTY_TYPE = {x: nonpos_real | x < 0}  CONTAINING -1
  nnreal: TYPE = nonneg_real
  npreal: TYPE = nonpos_real

  posreal_is_nzreal: JUDGEMENT posreal SUBTYPE_OF nzreal
  negreal_is_nzreal: JUDGEMENT negreal SUBTYPE_OF nzreal

  nzx, nzy: VAR nzreal
  px, py:   VAR posreal
  nx, ny:   VAR negreal
  nnx, nny: VAR nonneg_real
  npx, npy: VAR nonpos_real

  nonneg_real_add_closed: LEMMA nnx + nny >= 0
  nonpos_real_add_closed: LEMMA npx + npy <= 0
  negreal_add_closed    : LEMMA nx + ny < 0

  nonneg_real_mult_closed: LEMMA nnx * nny >= 0

  nzreal_times_nzreal_is_nzreal: JUDGEMENT *(nzx, nzy) HAS_TYPE nzreal
  nzreal_div_nzreal_is_nzreal:   JUDGEMENT /(nzx, nzy) HAS_TYPE nzreal
  minus_nzreal_is_nzreal:        JUDGEMENT -(nzx)      HAS_TYPE nzreal

  nnreal_plus_nnreal_is_nnreal:  JUDGEMENT +(nnx, nny) HAS_TYPE nnreal
  nnreal_times_nnreal_is_nnreal: JUDGEMENT *(nnx, nny) HAS_TYPE nnreal
  nnreal_div_posreal_is_nnreal:  JUDGEMENT /(nnx, py)  HAS_TYPE nnreal
  nnreal_div_negreal_is_npreal:  JUDGEMENT /(nnx, ny)  HAS_TYPE npreal

  npreal_plus_npreal_is_npreal:  JUDGEMENT +(npx, npy) HAS_TYPE npreal
  npreal_times_npreal_is_nnreal: JUDGEMENT *(npx, npy) HAS_TYPE nnreal
  npreal_div_posreal_is_npreal:  JUDGEMENT /(npx, py)  HAS_TYPE npreal
  npreal_div_negreal_is_nnreal:  JUDGEMENT /(npx, ny)  HAS_TYPE nnreal

  posreal_plus_nnreal_is_posreal:   JUDGEMENT +(px, nny) HAS_TYPE posreal
  nnreal_plus_posreal_is_posreal:   JUDGEMENT +(nnx, py) HAS_TYPE posreal
  posreal_times_posreal_is_posreal: JUDGEMENT *(px, py) HAS_TYPE posreal
  posreal_div_posreal_is_posreal:   JUDGEMENT /(px, py) HAS_TYPE posreal

  negreal_plus_negreal_is_negreal:  JUDGEMENT +(nx, ny) HAS_TYPE negreal
  negreal_times_negreal_is_posreal: JUDGEMENT *(nx, ny) HAS_TYPE posreal
  negreal_div_negreal_is_posreal:   JUDGEMENT /(nx, ny) HAS_TYPE posreal

 END real_types

% rationals defines the rational numbers as an uninterpreted subtype of real.
% The basic number operations are redeclared in order to specify that
% they are closed, e.g. the sum of two rationals is a rational.

rationals: THEORY

  rational: NONEMPTY_TYPE FROM real
  rat: NONEMPTY_TYPE = rational

  rational?(n: number): bool =
    number_field_pred(n) AND real_pred(n) AND rational_pred(n)

  % The following declarations, if they could be expanded, are built in to
  %  the typechecker:
  % AXIOM rational_pred(0) AND rational_pred(1) AND rational_pred(2) AND ...
  % JUDGEMENT 0, 1, 2, ... HAS_TYPE rational

  nonzero_rational: NONEMPTY_TYPE = {r: rational | r /= 0} CONTAINING 1
  nzrat: NONEMPTY_TYPE = nonzero_rational
  nzrat_is_nzreal: JUDGEMENT nonzero_rational SUBTYPE_OF nonzero_real

  x, y: VAR rat
  n0z: VAR nzrat

  closed_plus:    AXIOM rational_pred(x + y)
  closed_minus:   AXIOM rational_pred(x - y)
  closed_times:   AXIOM rational_pred(x * y)
  closed_divides: AXIOM rational_pred(x / n0z)
  closed_neg:     AXIOM rational_pred(-x)

  rat_plus_rat_is_rat:  JUDGEMENT +(x,y) HAS_TYPE rat
  rat_minus_rat_is_rat: JUDGEMENT -(x,y) HAS_TYPE rat
  rat_times_rat_is_rat: JUDGEMENT *(x,y) HAS_TYPE rat
  rat_div_nzrat_is_rat: JUDGEMENT /(x,n0z) HAS_TYPE rat

  minus_rat_is_rat: JUDGEMENT -(x) HAS_TYPE rat

  nonneg_rat: NONEMPTY_TYPE = {r: rational   | r >= 0} CONTAINING 0
  nonpos_rat: NONEMPTY_TYPE = {r: rational   | r <= 0} CONTAINING 0
  posrat:     NONEMPTY_TYPE = {r: nonneg_rat | r > 0}  CONTAINING 1
  negrat:     NONEMPTY_TYPE = {r: nonpos_rat | r < 0}  CONTAINING -1
  nnrat: NONEMPTY_TYPE = nonneg_rat
  nprat: NONEMPTY_TYPE = nonpos_rat

  nnx, nny: VAR nonneg_rat
  npx, npy: VAR nonpos_rat
  px, py: VAR posrat
  nx, ny: VAR negrat
  n0x, n0y: VAR nzrat

  nnrat_is_nnreal:   JUDGEMENT nonneg_rat SUBTYPE_OF nonneg_real
  nprat_is_npreal:   JUDGEMENT nonpos_rat SUBTYPE_OF nonpos_real
  posrat_is_posreal: JUDGEMENT posrat     SUBTYPE_OF posreal
  negrat_is_negreal: JUDGEMENT negrat     SUBTYPE_OF negreal
  posrat_is_nzrat:   JUDGEMENT posrat     SUBTYPE_OF nzrat
  negrat_is_nzrat:   JUDGEMENT negrat     SUBTYPE_OF nzrat

  nzrat_times_nzrat_is_nzrat: JUDGEMENT *(n0x, n0y) HAS_TYPE nzrat
  nzrat_div_nzrat_is_nzrat:   JUDGEMENT /(n0x, n0y) HAS_TYPE nzrat
  minus_nzrat_is_nzrat:       JUDGEMENT -(n0x)      HAS_TYPE nzrat

  nnrat_plus_nnrat_is_nnrat:  JUDGEMENT +(nnx, nny) HAS_TYPE nonneg_rat
  nnrat_times_nnrat_is_nnrat: JUDGEMENT *(nnx, nny) HAS_TYPE nonneg_rat
  nnrat_div_posrat_is_nnrat:  JUDGEMENT /(nnx, py)  HAS_TYPE nonneg_rat
  nnrrat_div_negrat_is_nprat: JUDGEMENT /(nnx, ny)  HAS_TYPE nprat

  nprat_plus_nprat_is_nprat:  JUDGEMENT +(npx, npy) HAS_TYPE nprat
  nprat_times_nprat_is_nnrat: JUDGEMENT *(npx, npy) HAS_TYPE nnrat
  nprat_div_posrat_is_nprat:  JUDGEMENT /(npx, py)  HAS_TYPE nprat
  nprat_div_negrat_is_nnrat:  JUDGEMENT /(npx, ny)  HAS_TYPE nnrat

  posrat_plus_nnrat_is_posrat:   JUDGEMENT +(px, nny) HAS_TYPE posrat
  nnrat_plus_posrat_is_posrat:   JUDGEMENT +(nnx, py) HAS_TYPE posrat
  posrat_times_posrat_is_posrat: JUDGEMENT *(px, py)  HAS_TYPE posrat
  posrat_div_posrat_is_posrat:   JUDGEMENT /(px, py)  HAS_TYPE posrat

  negrat_plus_negrat_is_negrat:  JUDGEMENT +(nx, ny) HAS_TYPE negrat
  negrat_times_negrat_is_posrat: JUDGEMENT *(nx, ny) HAS_TYPE posrat
  negrat_div_negrat_is_posrat:   JUDGEMENT /(nx, ny) HAS_TYPE posrat

 END rationals

% integers defines the integers as an uninterpreted subtype of rational.
% The basic number operations are redeclared in order to specify that
% they are closed, e.g. the sum of two integers is an integer.

integers: THEORY

  integer: NONEMPTY_TYPE FROM rational
  int: NONEMPTY_TYPE = integer

  integer?(n:number): bool =
    number_field_pred(n) AND real_pred(n)
      AND rational_pred(n) AND integer_pred(n)

  % The following declarations, if they could be expanded, are built in to
  %  the typechecker:
  % AXIOM integer_pred(0) AND integer_pred(1) AND integer_pred(2) AND ...
  % JUDGEMENT 0, 1, 2, ... HAS_TYPE integer

  nonzero_integer: NONEMPTY_TYPE = {i: int | i /= 0} CONTAINING 1
  nzint: NONEMPTY_TYPE = nonzero_integer
  nzint_is_nzrat: JUDGEMENT nonzero_integer SUBTYPE_OF nonzero_rational

  i, j: VAR int
  n0i, n0j: VAR nzint

  closed_plus:  AXIOM integer_pred(i + j)
  closed_minus: AXIOM integer_pred(i - j)
  closed_times: AXIOM integer_pred(i * j)
  closed_neg:   AXIOM integer_pred(-i)

  upfrom(i): NONEMPTY_TYPE = {s: int | s >= i} CONTAINING i
  above(i):  NONEMPTY_TYPE = {s: int | s > i} CONTAINING i + 1

  int_plus_int_is_int:  JUDGEMENT +(i,j) HAS_TYPE int
  int_minus_int_is_int: JUDGEMENT -(i,j) HAS_TYPE int
  int_times_int_is_int: JUDGEMENT *(i,j) HAS_TYPE int

  minus_int_is_int: JUDGEMENT -(i) HAS_TYPE int
  minus_nzint_is_nzint: JUDGEMENT -(n0i) HAS_TYPE nzint
  nonneg_int: NONEMPTY_TYPE = {i: int        | i >= 0} CONTAINING 0
  nonpos_int: NONEMPTY_TYPE = {i: int        | i <= 0} CONTAINING 0
  posint:     NONEMPTY_TYPE = {i: nonneg_int | i > 0}  CONTAINING 1
  negint:     NONEMPTY_TYPE = {i: nonpos_int | i < 0}  CONTAINING -1

  posnat: NONEMPTY_TYPE = posint

  nni, nnj: VAR nonneg_int
  npi, npj: VAR nonpos_int
  pi, pj: VAR posint
  ni, nj: VAR negint

  % Built in:
  % JUDGEMENT 1, 2, 3, ... HAS_TYPE posint

  nnint_is_nnrat:   JUDGEMENT nonneg_int SUBTYPE_OF nonneg_rat
  npint_is_nprat:   JUDGEMENT nonpos_int SUBTYPE_OF nonpos_rat
  posint_is_posrat: JUDGEMENT posint     SUBTYPE_OF posrat
  negint_is_negrat: JUDGEMENT negint     SUBTYPE_OF negrat
  posint_is_nzint:  JUDGEMENT posint     SUBTYPE_OF nzint
  negint_is_nzint:  JUDGEMENT negint     SUBTYPE_OF nzint

  nzint_times_nzint_is_nzint:    JUDGEMENT *(n0i, n0j) HAS_TYPE nzint
  nnint_plus_nnint_is_nnint:	 JUDGEMENT +(nni, nnj) HAS_TYPE nonneg_int
  nnint_times_nnint_is_nnint:    JUDGEMENT *(nni, nnj) HAS_TYPE nonneg_int
  npint_plus_npint_is_npint:	 JUDGEMENT +(npi, npj) HAS_TYPE nonpos_int
  npint_times_npint_is_nnint:    JUDGEMENT *(npi, npj) HAS_TYPE nonneg_int
  posint_plus_nnint_is_posint:   JUDGEMENT +(pi, nnj)  HAS_TYPE posint
  nnint_plus_posint_is_posint:   JUDGEMENT +(nni, pj)  HAS_TYPE posint
  posint_times_posint_is_posint: JUDGEMENT *(pi, pj)   HAS_TYPE posint
  negint_plus_negint_is_negint:  JUDGEMENT +(ni, nj)   HAS_TYPE negint
  negint_times_negint_is_posint: JUDGEMENT *(ni, nj)   HAS_TYPE posint

  % Note: subrange may be an empty type
  subrange(i, j): TYPE = {k: int | i <= k AND k <= j}

  even?(i): bool = EXISTS j: i = j * 2
  odd?(i): bool  = EXISTS j: i = j * 2 + 1

  even_int: NONEMPTY_TYPE = (even?) CONTAINING 0
  odd_int:  NONEMPTY_TYPE = (odd?)  CONTAINING 1

  % The following declarations, if they could be expanded, are built in to
  %  the typechecker:
  % JUDGEMENT 0, 2, 4, ... HAS_TYPE even_int
  % JUDGEMENT 1, 3, 5, ... HAS_TYPE odd_int
  e1, e2: VAR even_int
  o1, o2: VAR odd_int

  odd_is_nzint: JUDGEMENT odd_int SUBTYPE_OF nzint

  even_plus_even_is_even:  JUDGEMENT +(e1,e2) HAS_TYPE even_int
  even_minus_even_is_even: JUDGEMENT -(e1,e2) HAS_TYPE even_int
  odd_plus_odd_is_even:    JUDGEMENT +(o1,o2) HAS_TYPE even_int
  odd_minus_odd_is_even:   JUDGEMENT -(o1,o2) HAS_TYPE even_int
  odd_plus_even_is_odd:	   JUDGEMENT +(o1,e2) HAS_TYPE odd_int
  odd_minus_even_is_odd:   JUDGEMENT -(o1,e2) HAS_TYPE odd_int
  even_plus_odd_is_odd:	   JUDGEMENT +(e1,o2) HAS_TYPE odd_int
  even_minus_odd_id_odd:   JUDGEMENT -(e1,o2) HAS_TYPE odd_int
  even_times_int_is_even:  JUDGEMENT *(e1,i)  HAS_TYPE even_int
  int_times_even_is_even:  JUDGEMENT *(i,e2)  HAS_TYPE even_int
  odd_times_odd_is_odd:	   JUDGEMENT *(o1,o2) HAS_TYPE odd_int
  minus_even_is_even:	   JUDGEMENT -(e1)    HAS_TYPE even_int
  minus_odd_is_odd:	   JUDGEMENT -(o1)    HAS_TYPE odd_int

 END integers

% naturalnumbers defines the natural numbers as a subtype of integer.
% The sum and product operations are redeclared in order to specify that
% they are closed, e.g. the sum of two natural numbers is a natural
% number.  The successor and predecessor functions are defined here.

naturalnumbers: THEORY

  naturalnumber: TYPE = nonneg_int
  nat: NONEMPTY_TYPE = naturalnumber

  % The following declaration, if it could be expanded, is built in to
  %  the typechecker:
  % JUDGEMENT 0, 1, 2, ... HAS_TYPE naturalnumber

  i, j, k: VAR nat
  n: VAR posnat

  upfrom_nat_is_nat:   JUDGEMENT upfrom(i) SUBTYPE_OF nat
  upfrom_posnat_is_posnat: JUDGEMENT upfrom(n) SUBTYPE_OF posnat
  above_nat_is_posnat: JUDGEMENT above(i) SUBTYPE_OF posnat
  subrange_nat_is_nat: JUDGEMENT subrange(i,j) SUBTYPE_OF nat
  subrange_posnat_is_posnat: JUDGEMENT subrange(n,j) SUBTYPE_OF posnat

  upto(i):   NONEMPTY_TYPE = {s: nat | s <= i} CONTAINING i
  below(i):  TYPE = {s: nat | s < i}  % may be empty

%  nat_plus_nat_is_nat: JUDGEMENT +(i,j) HAS_TYPE nat
%  nat_times_nat_is_nat: JUDGEMENT *(i,j) HAS_TYPE nat
  succ(i): nat = i + 1

  pred(i): nat = IF i > 0 THEN i - 1 ELSE 0 ENDIF;

  ~(i, j): nat = IF i > j THEN i - j ELSE 0 ENDIF

  wf_nat: AXIOM well_founded?(LAMBDA i, j: i < j)

  p: VAR pred[nat]

  nat_induction: LEMMA
    (p(0) AND (FORALL j: p(j) IMPLIES p(j+1)))
        IMPLIES (FORALL i: p(i))

  % Strong induction on naturals.

  NAT_induction: LEMMA 
    (FORALL j: (FORALL k: k < j IMPLIES p(k)) IMPLIES p(j))
       IMPLIES (FORALL i: p(i))

  % This seems out of place - it is here so we can prove it by induction
  x: VAR int
  even_or_odd: THEOREM even?(x) IFF NOT odd?(x)

 END naturalnumbers

min_nat[T: TYPE FROM nat]: THEORY
  S: VAR (nonempty?[T])
  a, x: VAR T

  min(S): {a | S(a) AND (FORALL x: S(x) IMPLIES a <= x)}

  minimum?(a, S) : bool = S(a) AND (FORALL x: S(x) IMPLIES a <= x)

  min_def : LEMMA 
     FORALL (S: (nonempty?[T])) : min(S) = a IFF minimum?(a, S)

 END min_nat

% real_defs defines some useful real functions and
% provides all the judgements for the subtypes nzreal, nonneg_real,
% posreal, rat, nzrat, nonneg_rat, posrat, int, nzint, nat, and posint.
% For abs, we don't declare all these possibilities, since abs is the
% identity on the nonneg and pos number types.  Note that for abs, max,
% and min the range type is dependent on the domain, providing information
% in the type that is usually provided through separate lemmas.

real_defs: THEORY
  m, n: VAR real

  sgn(m): int = IF m >= 0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 ENDIF

  abs(m): {n: nonneg_real | n >= m}
    = IF m < 0 THEN -m ELSE m ENDIF

  nonzero_abs_is_pos: JUDGEMENT abs(x:nzreal) HAS_TYPE {y: posreal | y >= x}
  rat_abs_is_nonneg: JUDGEMENT abs(q:rat) HAS_TYPE {r: nonneg_rat | r >= q}
  nzrat_abs_is_pos: JUDGEMENT abs(q:nzrat) HAS_TYPE {r: posrat | r >= q}
  int_abs_is_nonneg: JUDGEMENT abs(i:int) HAS_TYPE {j: nonneg_int | j >= i}
  nzint_abs_is_pos: JUDGEMENT abs(i:nzint) HAS_TYPE {j: posint | j >= i}

  max(m, n): {p: real | p >= m AND p >= n}
    = IF m < n THEN n ELSE m ENDIF

  min(m, n): {p: real | p <= m AND p <= n}
    = IF m > n THEN n ELSE m ENDIF

  % real subtype judgements

  nzreal_max: JUDGEMENT
    max(x,y:nzreal) HAS_TYPE {z: nzreal | z >= x AND z >= y}
  nzreal_min: JUDGEMENT
    min(x,y:nzreal) HAS_TYPE {z: nzreal | z <= x AND z <= y}

  nonneg_real_max: JUDGEMENT
    max(x,y:nonneg_real) HAS_TYPE {z: nonneg_real | z >= x AND z >= y}
  nonneg_real_min: JUDGEMENT
    min(x,y:nonneg_real) HAS_TYPE {z: nonneg_real | z <= x AND z <= y}

  posreal_max: JUDGEMENT
    max(x,y:posreal) HAS_TYPE {z: posreal | z >= x AND z >= y}
  posreal_min: JUDGEMENT
    min(x,y:posreal) HAS_TYPE {z: posreal | z <= x AND z <= y}

  % rat subtype judgements

  rat_max: JUDGEMENT
    max(q,r:rat) HAS_TYPE {s: rat | s >= q AND s >= r}
  rat_min: JUDGEMENT
    min(q,r:rat) HAS_TYPE {s: rat | s <= q AND s <= r}

  nzrat_max: JUDGEMENT
    max(q,r:nzrat) HAS_TYPE {s: nzrat | s >= q AND s >= r}
  nzrat_min: JUDGEMENT
    min(q,r:nzrat) HAS_TYPE {s: nzrat | s <= q AND s <= r}

  nonneg_rat_max: JUDGEMENT
    max(q,r:nonneg_rat) HAS_TYPE {s: nonneg_rat | s >= q AND s >= r}
  nonneg_rat_min: JUDGEMENT
    min(q,r:nonneg_rat) HAS_TYPE {s: nonneg_rat | s <= q AND s <= r}

  posrat_max: JUDGEMENT
    max(q,r:posrat) HAS_TYPE {s: posrat | s >= q AND s >= r}
  posrat_min: JUDGEMENT
    min(q,r:posrat) HAS_TYPE {s: posrat | s <= q AND s <= r}

  % int subtype judgements

  int_max: JUDGEMENT
    max(i,j:int) HAS_TYPE {k: int | i <= k AND j <= k}
  int_min: JUDGEMENT
    min(i,j:int) HAS_TYPE {k: int | k <= i AND k <= j}

  nzint_max: JUDGEMENT
    max(i,j:nzint) HAS_TYPE {k: nzint | i <= k AND j <= k}
  nzint_min: JUDGEMENT
    min(i,j:nzint) HAS_TYPE {k: nzint | k <= i AND k <= j}

  nat_max: JUDGEMENT
    max(i,j:nat) HAS_TYPE {k: nat | i <= k AND j <= k}
  nat_min: JUDGEMENT
    min(i,j:nat) HAS_TYPE {k: nat | k <= i AND k <= j}

  posint_max: JUDGEMENT
    max(i,j:posint) HAS_TYPE {k: posint | i <= k AND j <= k}
  posint_min: JUDGEMENT
    min(i,j:posint) HAS_TYPE {k: posint | k <= i AND k <= j}

 END real_defs

% real_props contains useful properties about real numbers.  Most of
% these are known to the decision procedures of PVS, but there are some
% nonlinear ones that cannot be gotten automatically.  Nonlinear
% expressions are those that involve multiplication or division by two
% non-numeric terms.  Thus x*y and x/c are nonlinear, while 2001*x + 39*z is
% linear.  Note that it doesn't matter whether the terms are constants
% or variables, only whether they are actual numbers.

real_props: THEORY
  w, x, y, z: VAR real
  n0w, n0x, n0y, n0z: VAR nonzero_real
  nnw, nnx, nny, nnz: VAR nonneg_real
  pw, px, py, pz: VAR posreal
  npw, npx, npy, npz: VAR nonpos_real
  nw, nx, ny, nz: VAR negreal

  inv_ne_0: LEMMA 1/n0x /= 0

  % Cancellation Laws for equality

  both_sides_plus1: LEMMA (x + z = y + z) IFF x = y

  both_sides_plus2: LEMMA (z + x = z + y) IFF x = y

  both_sides_minus1: LEMMA (x - z = y - z) IFF x = y

  both_sides_minus2: LEMMA (z - x = z - y) IFF x = y

  both_sides_times1: LEMMA (x * n0z = y * n0z) IFF x = y

  both_sides_times2: LEMMA (n0z * x = n0z * y) IFF x = y

  both_sides_div1: LEMMA (x/n0z = y/n0z) IFF x = y

  both_sides_div2: LEMMA (n0z/n0x = n0z/n0y) IFF n0x = n0y

  times_plus: LEMMA (x + y) * (z + w) = x*z + x*w + y*z + y*w

  times_div1: LEMMA x * (y/n0z) = (x * y)/n0z

  times_div2: LEMMA (x/n0z) * y = (x * y)/n0z

  div_times: LEMMA (x/n0x) * (y/n0y) = (x*y)/(n0x*n0y)

  div_eq_zero: LEMMA x/n0z = 0 IFF x = 0

  div_simp: LEMMA n0x/n0x = 1

  div_cancel1: LEMMA n0z * (x/n0z) = x

  div_cancel2: LEMMA (x/n0z) * n0z = x

  div_cancel3: LEMMA x/n0z = y IFF x = y * n0z

  div_cancel4: LEMMA y = x/n0z IFF y * n0z = x

  cross_mult: LEMMA (x/n0x = y/n0y) IFF (x * n0y = y * n0x)

  add_div: LEMMA (x/n0x) + (y/n0y) = (x * n0y + y * n0x)/(n0x * n0y)

  minus_div1: LEMMA (x/n0x) - (y/n0y) = (x * n0y - y * n0x)/(n0x * n0y)

  minus_div2: LEMMA (x/n0x - y/n0x) = (x - y)/n0x

  div_distributes: LEMMA (x/n0z) + (y/n0z) =  (x + y)/n0z

  div_distributes_minus: LEMMA (x/n0z) - (y/n0z) =  (x - y)/n0z

  div_div1: LEMMA (x / (n0y / n0z)) = ((x * n0z) / n0y)

  div_div2: LEMMA ((x / n0y) / n0z) = (x / (n0y * n0z))

  idem_add_is_zero: LEMMA x + x = x IMPLIES x = 0

  zero_times1: LEMMA 0 * x = 0

  zero_times2: LEMMA x * 0 = 0

  zero_times3: LEMMA x * y = 0 IFF x = 0 OR y = 0

  neg_times_neg: LEMMA (-x) * (-y) = x * y

  zero_is_neg_zero: LEMMA -0 = 0

  % Order lemmas for <

  strict_lt : LEMMA strict_total_order?(<)

  trich_lt: LEMMA x < y OR x = y OR y < x

  tri_unique_lt1: LEMMA x < y IMPLIES (x /= y AND NOT(y < x))

  tri_unique_lt2: LEMMA x = y IMPLIES (NOT(x < y) AND NOT(y < x))

  zero_not_lt_zero: LEMMA NOT 0 < 0

  neg_lt: LEMMA 0 < -x IFF x < 0

  pos_times_lt: LEMMA 0 < x * y IFF (0 < x AND 0 < y) OR (x < 0 AND y < 0)

  neg_times_lt: LEMMA x * y < 0 IFF (0 < x AND y < 0) OR (x < 0 AND 0 < y)

  quotient_pos_lt: FORMULA 0 < 1/n0x IFF 0 < n0x
  quotient_neg_lt: FORMULA 1/n0x < 0 IFF n0x < 0

  pos_div_lt: LEMMA 0 < x/n0y IFF (0 < x AND 0 < n0y) OR (x < 0 AND n0y < 0)

  neg_div_lt: LEMMA x/n0y < 0 IFF (0 < x AND n0y < 0) OR (x < 0 AND 0 < n0y)

  div_mult_pos_lt1: LEMMA z/py < x IFF z < x * py

  div_mult_pos_lt2: LEMMA x < z/py IFF x * py < z

  div_mult_neg_lt1: LEMMA z/ny < x IFF x * ny < z

  div_mult_neg_lt2: LEMMA x < z/ny IFF z < x * ny

  % Cancellation laws for <

  both_sides_plus_lt1: LEMMA x + z < y + z IFF x < y

  both_sides_plus_lt2: LEMMA z + x < z + y IFF x < y

  both_sides_minus_lt1: LEMMA x - z < y - z IFF x < y

  both_sides_minus_lt2: LEMMA z - x < z - y IFF y < x

  both_sides_times_pos_lt1: LEMMA x * pz < y * pz IFF x < y

  both_sides_times_pos_lt2: LEMMA pz * x < pz * y IFF x < y

  both_sides_times_neg_lt1: LEMMA x * nz < y * nz IFF y < x

  both_sides_times_neg_lt2: LEMMA nz * x < nz * y IFF y < x

  both_sides_div_pos_lt1: LEMMA x/pz < y/pz IFF x < y

  both_sides_div_pos_lt2: LEMMA pz/px < pz/py IFF py < px

  both_sides_div_pos_lt3: LEMMA nz/px < nz/py IFF px < py

  both_sides_div_neg_lt1: LEMMA x/nz < y/nz IFF y < x

  both_sides_div_neg_lt2: LEMMA pz/nx < pz/ny IFF ny < nx

  both_sides_div_neg_lt3: LEMMA nz/nx < nz/ny IFF nx < ny

  lt_plus_lt1: LEMMA x <= y AND z < w IMPLIES x + z < y + w

  lt_plus_lt2: LEMMA x < y AND z <= w IMPLIES x + z < y + w

  lt_minus_lt1: LEMMA x <= y AND w < z IMPLIES x - z < y - w

  lt_minus_lt2: LEMMA x < y AND w <= z IMPLIES x - z < y - w

  lt_times_lt_pos1: LEMMA px <= y AND nnz < w IMPLIES px * nnz < y * w

  lt_times_lt_pos2: LEMMA nnx < y AND pz <= w IMPLIES nnx * pz < y * w

  lt_div_lt_pos1: LEMMA px <= y AND pz < w IMPLIES px/w < y/pz

  lt_div_lt_pos2: LEMMA nnx < y AND pz <= w IMPLIES nnx/w < y/pz

  lt_times_lt_neg1: LEMMA x <= ny AND z < npw IMPLIES ny * npw < x * z

  lt_times_lt_neg2: LEMMA x < npy AND z <= nw IMPLIES npy * nw < x * z

  lt_div_lt_neg1: LEMMA x <= ny AND z < nw IMPLIES ny/z < x/nw

  lt_div_lt_neg2: LEMMA x < npy AND z <= nw IMPLIES npy/z < x/nw

  % Order lemmas for <=

  total_le: LEMMA total_order?(<=)

  dich_le: LEMMA x <= y OR y <= x

  zero_le_zero: LEMMA 0 <= 0

  neg_le: LEMMA 0 <= -x IFF x <= 0

  pos_times_le: LEMMA 0 <= x * y IFF (0 <= x AND 0 <= y) OR (x <= 0 AND y <= 0)

  neg_times_le: LEMMA x * y <= 0 IFF (0 <= x AND y <= 0) OR (x <= 0 AND 0 <= y)

  quotient_pos_le: FORMULA 0 <= 1/n0x IFF 0 <= n0x
  quotient_neg_le: FORMULA 1/n0x <= 0 IFF n0x <= 0

  pos_div_le: LEMMA
    0 <= x/n0y IFF (0 <= x AND 0 <= n0y) OR (x <= 0 AND n0y <= 0)

  neg_div_le: LEMMA
    x/n0y <= 0 IFF (0 <= x AND n0y <= 0) OR (x <= 0 AND 0 <= n0y)

  div_mult_pos_le1: LEMMA z/py <= x IFF z <= x * py

  div_mult_pos_le2: LEMMA x <= z/py IFF x * py <= z

  div_mult_neg_le1: LEMMA z/ny <= x IFF x * ny <= z

  div_mult_neg_le2: LEMMA x <= z/ny IFF z <= x * ny

  % Cancellation laws for <=

  both_sides_plus_le1: LEMMA x + z <= y + z IFF x <= y

  both_sides_plus_le2: LEMMA z + x <= z + y IFF x <= y

  both_sides_minus_le1: LEMMA x - z <= y - z IFF x <= y

  both_sides_minus_le2: LEMMA z - x <= z - y IFF y <= x

  both_sides_times_pos_le1: LEMMA x * pz <= y * pz IFF x <= y

  both_sides_times_pos_le2: LEMMA pz * x <= pz * y IFF x <= y

  both_sides_times_neg_le1: LEMMA x * nz <= y * nz IFF y <= x

  both_sides_times_neg_le2: LEMMA nz * x <= nz * y IFF y <= x

  both_sides_div_pos_le1: LEMMA x/pz <= y/pz IFF x <= y

  both_sides_div_pos_le2: LEMMA pz/px <= pz/py IFF py <= px

  both_sides_div_pos_le3: LEMMA nz/px <= nz/py IFF px <= py

  both_sides_div_neg_le1: LEMMA x/nz <= y/nz IFF y <= x

  both_sides_div_neg_le2: LEMMA pz/nx <= pz/ny IFF ny <= nx

  both_sides_div_neg_le3: LEMMA nz/nx <= nz/ny IFF nx <= ny

  le_plus_le: LEMMA x <= y AND z <= w IMPLIES x + z <= y + w

  le_minus_le: LEMMA x <= y AND w <= z IMPLIES x - z <= y - w

  le_times_le_pos: LEMMA nnx <= y AND nnz <= w IMPLIES nnx * nnz <= y * w

  le_div_le_pos: LEMMA nnx <= y AND pz <= w IMPLIES nnx/w <= y/pz

  le_times_le_neg: LEMMA x <= npy AND z <= npw IMPLIES npy * npw <= x * z

  le_div_le_neg: LEMMA x <= npy AND z <= nw IMPLIES npy/z <= x/nw

  % Order lemmas for >

  strict_gt : LEMMA strict_total_order?(>)

  trich_gt: LEMMA x > y OR x = y OR y > x

  tri_unique_gt1: LEMMA x > y IMPLIES (x /= y AND NOT(y > x))

  tri_unique_gt2: LEMMA x = y IMPLIES (NOT(x > y) AND NOT(y > x))

  zero_not_gt_zero: LEMMA NOT 0 > 0

  neg_gt: LEMMA 0 > -x IFF x > 0

  pos_times_gt: LEMMA x * y > 0 IFF (0 > x AND 0 > y) OR (x > 0 AND y > 0)

  neg_times_gt: LEMMA 0 > x * y IFF (0 > x AND y > 0) OR (x > 0 AND 0 > y)

  quotient_pos_gt: FORMULA 1/n0x > 0 IFF n0x > 0
  quotient_neg_gt: FORMULA 0 > 1/n0x IFF 0 > n0x

  pos_div_gt: LEMMA x/n0y > 0 IFF (0 > x AND 0 > n0y) OR (x > 0 AND n0y > 0)

  neg_div_gt: LEMMA 0 > x/n0y IFF (0 > x AND n0y > 0) OR (x > 0 AND 0 > n0y)

  div_mult_pos_gt1: LEMMA x > z/py IFF x * py > z

  div_mult_pos_gt2: LEMMA z/py > x IFF z > x * py

  div_mult_neg_gt1: LEMMA x > z/ny IFF z > x * ny

  div_mult_neg_gt2: LEMMA z/ny > x IFF x * ny > z

  % Cancellation laws for >

  both_sides_plus_gt1: LEMMA x + z > y + z IFF x > y

  both_sides_plus_gt2: LEMMA z + x > z + y IFF x > y

  both_sides_minus_gt1: LEMMA x - z > y - z IFF x > y

  both_sides_minus_gt2: LEMMA z - x > z - y IFF y > x

  both_sides_times_pos_gt1: LEMMA x * pz > y * pz IFF x > y

  both_sides_times_pos_gt2: LEMMA pz * x > pz * y IFF x > y

  both_sides_times_neg_gt1: LEMMA x * nz > y * nz IFF y > x

  both_sides_times_neg_gt2: LEMMA nz * x > nz * y IFF y > x

  both_sides_div_pos_gt1: LEMMA x/pz > y/pz IFF x > y

  both_sides_div_pos_gt2: LEMMA pz/px > pz/py IFF py > px

  both_sides_div_pos_gt3: LEMMA nz/px > nz/py IFF px > py

  both_sides_div_neg_gt1: LEMMA x/nz > y/nz IFF y > x

  both_sides_div_neg_gt2: LEMMA pz/nx > pz/ny IFF ny > nx

  both_sides_div_neg_gt3: LEMMA nz/nx > nz/ny IFF nx > ny

  gt_plus_gt1: LEMMA x >= y AND z > w IMPLIES x + z > y + w

  gt_plus_gt2: LEMMA x > y AND z >= w IMPLIES x + z > y + w

  gt_minus_gt1: LEMMA x >= y AND w > z IMPLIES x - z > y - w

  gt_minus_gt2: LEMMA x > y AND w >= z IMPLIES x - z > y - w

  gt_times_gt_pos1: LEMMA x >= py AND z > nnw IMPLIES x * z > py * nnw

  gt_times_gt_pos2: LEMMA x > nny AND z >= pw IMPLIES x * z > nny * pw

  gt_div_gt_pos1: LEMMA x >= py AND z > pw IMPLIES x/pw > py/z

  gt_div_gt_pos2: LEMMA x > nny AND z >= pw IMPLIES x/pw > nny/z

  gt_times_gt_neg1: LEMMA nx >= y AND npz > w IMPLIES y * w > nx * npz

  gt_times_gt_neg2: LEMMA npx > y AND nz >= w IMPLIES y * w > npx * nz

  gt_div_gt_neg1: LEMMA nx >= y AND nz > w IMPLIES y/nz > nx/w

  gt_div_gt_neg2: LEMMA npx > y AND nz >= w IMPLIES y/nz > npx/w

  % Order lemmas for >=

  total_ge : LEMMA total_order?(>=)

  dich_ge: LEMMA x >= y OR y >= x

  zero_ge_zero: LEMMA 0 >= 0

  neg_ge: LEMMA 0 >= -x IFF x >= 0

  pos_times_ge: LEMMA x * y >= 0 IFF (0 >= x AND 0 >= y) OR (x >= 0 AND y >= 0)

  neg_times_ge: LEMMA 0 >= x * y IFF (0 >= x AND y >= 0) OR (x >= 0 AND 0 >= y)

  quotient_pos_ge: FORMULA 1/n0x >= 0 IFF n0x >= 0
  quotient_neg_ge: FORMULA 0 >= 1/n0x IFF 0 >= n0x

  pos_div_ge: LEMMA
    x/n0y >= 0 IFF (0 >= x AND 0 >= n0y) OR (x >= 0 AND n0y >= 0)

  neg_div_ge: LEMMA
    0 >= x/n0y IFF (0 >= x AND n0y >= 0) OR (x >= 0 AND 0 >= n0y)

  div_mult_pos_ge1: LEMMA z/py >= x IFF z >= x * py

  div_mult_pos_ge2: LEMMA x >= z/py IFF x * py >= z

  div_mult_neg_ge1: LEMMA z/ny >= x IFF x * ny >= z

  div_mult_neg_ge2: LEMMA x >= z/ny IFF z >= x * ny

  % Cancellation laws for >=

  both_sides_plus_ge1: LEMMA x + z >= y + z IFF x >= y

  both_sides_plus_ge2: LEMMA z + x >= z + y IFF x >= y

  both_sides_minus_ge1: LEMMA x - z >= y - z IFF x >= y

  both_sides_minus_ge2: LEMMA z - x >= z - y IFF y >= x

  both_sides_times_pos_ge1: LEMMA x * pz >= y * pz IFF x >= y

  both_sides_times_pos_ge2: LEMMA pz * x >= pz * y IFF x >= y

  both_sides_times_neg_ge1: LEMMA x * nz >= y * nz IFF y >= x

  both_sides_times_neg_ge2: LEMMA nz * x >= nz * y IFF y >= x

  both_sides_div_pos_ge1: LEMMA x/pz >= y/pz IFF x >= y

  both_sides_div_pos_ge2: LEMMA pz/px >= pz/py IFF py >= px

  both_sides_div_pos_ge3: LEMMA nz/px >= nz/py IFF px >= py

  both_sides_div_neg_ge1: LEMMA x/nz >= y/nz IFF y >= x

  both_sides_div_neg_ge2: LEMMA pz/nx >= pz/ny IFF ny >= nx

  both_sides_div_neg_ge3: LEMMA nz/nx >= nz/ny IFF nx >= ny

  ge_plus_ge: LEMMA x >= y AND z >= w IMPLIES x + z >= y + w

  ge_minus_ge: LEMMA x >= y AND w >= z IMPLIES x - z >= y - w

  ge_times_ge_pos: LEMMA x >= nny AND z >= nnw IMPLIES x * z >= nny * nnw

  ge_div_ge_pos: LEMMA x >= nny AND z >= pw IMPLIES x/pw >= nny/z

  ge_times_ge_neg: LEMMA npx >= y AND npz >= w IMPLIES y * w >= npx * npz

  ge_div_ge_neg: LEMMA npx >= y AND nz >= w IMPLIES y/nz >= npx/w

  nonzero_times1: LEMMA n0x * y = 0 IFF y = 0

  nonzero_times2: LEMMA x * n0y = 0 IFF x = 0

  nonzero_times3: LEMMA n0x * n0y = 0 IFF FALSE

  % Useful lemmas about the multiplicative identity

  eq1_gt: FORMULA x > 1 AND x * y = 1 IMPLIES y < 1

  eq1_ge: FORMULA x >= 1 AND x * y = 1 IMPLIES y <= 1
  eqm1_gt: FORMULA x > 1 AND x * y = -1 IMPLIES y > -1

  eqm1_ge: FORMULA x >= 1 AND x * y = -1 IMPLIES y >= -1

  eqm1_lt: FORMULA x < -1 AND x * y = -1 IMPLIES y < 1

  eqm1_le: FORMULA x <= -1 AND x * y = -1 IMPLIES y <= 1

  sqrt_1: LEMMA x * x = 1 IFF x = 1 OR x = -1

  sqrt_1_lt: LEMMA x * x < 1 IMPLIES abs(x) < 1

  sqrt_1_le: LEMMA x * x <= 1 IMPLIES abs(x) <= 1

  idem_mult: LEMMA x * x = x IFF x = 0 OR x = 1

  i, j: VAR int

  product_1: LEMMA i >= 0 AND j >= 0 AND i*j = 1 IMPLIES i = 1 AND j = 1

  product_m1: LEMMA i >= 0 AND j <= 0 AND i*j = -1 IMPLIES i = 1 AND j = -1

  % Properties of absolute value

  triangle: LEMMA abs(x+y) <= abs(x) + abs(y)  

  abs_mult: LEMMA abs(x * y) = abs(x) * abs(y)

  abs_div: LEMMA abs(x / n0y) = abs(x) / abs(n0y)

  abs_abs: LEMMA abs(abs(x)) = abs(x)

  abs_square: LEMMA abs(x * x) = x * x

  abs_limits: LEMMA -(abs(x) + abs(y)) <= x + y AND x + y <= abs(x) + abs(y)

  % The axiom of Archimedes 

  axiom_of_archimedes: LEMMA
    FORALL (x: real): EXISTS (i: int): x < i

  archimedean: LEMMA
    FORALL (px: posreal): EXISTS (n: posnat): 1/n < px

  real_lt_is_strict_total_order: JUDGEMENT
    < HAS_TYPE (strict_total_order?[real])

  real_le_is_total_order: JUDGEMENT <= HAS_TYPE (total_order?[real])

  real_gt_is_strict_total_order: JUDGEMENT
    > HAS_TYPE (strict_total_order?[real])

  real_ge_is_total_order: JUDGEMENT >= HAS_TYPE (total_order?[real])

 END real_props

% rational_props contains the properties of rational numbers.  This mostly
% consists of subtypes and judgements, as most of the properties given in
% real_props are inherited.

rational_props: THEORY
  x, y: VAR real
  i: VAR int
  n0j: VAR nzint
  p: VAR posnat
  r: VAR rat

  rational_pred_ax: AXIOM EXISTS i, n0j: r = i/n0j
  rational_pred_ax2: LEMMA EXISTS i, p: r = i/p

  density_positive : LEMMA
      0 <= x AND x < y IMPLIES (EXISTS r: x < r AND r < y)
  density: LEMMA x < y IMPLIES (EXISTS r: x < r AND r < y)

 END rational_props

% integer_props contains the properties of integers and naturalnumbers.

integer_props: THEORY
  m, n: VAR nat
  i, j, k: VAR int
  n0j: VAR nzint

  N: VAR (nonempty?[nat])

  I: VAR (nonempty?[int])

  integer_pred_ax: LEMMA EXISTS n: i = n OR i = -n

  div_simple: LEMMA (EXISTS k: i = k*n0j) = integer_pred(i/n0j)

  lub_nat: LEMMA
    upper_bound?(m, N)
      => EXISTS (n:(N)): least_upper_bound?(n, N)

  lub_int: LEMMA
    upper_bound?(i, I)
      => EXISTS (j:(I)): least_upper_bound?(j, I)

  glb_nat: LEMMA
    EXISTS (n:(N)): greatest_lower_bound?(n, N)

  glb_int: LEMMA
    lower_bound?(i, I)
      => EXISTS (j:(I)): greatest_lower_bound?(j, I)

 END integer_props

% The definitions for floor and ceiling, courtesy of
%   Paul S. Miner   		           email:
%   Mail Stop 130			     fax: (804) 864-4234
%   NASA Langley Research Center	   phone: (804) 864-6201
%   Hampton, Virginia 23681-0001

floor_ceil: THEORY
  x, y: VAR real
  j: VAR nonzero_integer
  i, k: VAR integer
  floor_exists: LEMMA EXISTS i: i <= x & x < i + 1
  ceiling_exists: LEMMA EXISTS i: x <= i & i < x + 1
  floor(x): {i | i <= x & x < i + 1}
  fractional(x): {x | 0 <= x & x < 1} = x - floor(x)
  ceiling(x): {i | x <= i & i < x + 1}
  floor_def: LEMMA floor(x) <= x & x < floor(x) + 1
  ceiling_def: LEMMA x <= ceiling(x) & ceiling(x) < x + 1
  floor_ceiling_reflect1: LEMMA floor(-x) = -ceiling(x)
  floor_ceiling_reflect2: LEMMA ceiling(-x) = -floor(x)
  nonneg_floor_is_nat: JUDGEMENT floor(x:nonneg_real) HAS_TYPE nat
  nonneg_ceiling_is_nat: JUDGEMENT ceiling(x:nonneg_real) HAS_TYPE nat
  floor_int: LEMMA floor(i) = i
  ceiling_int: LEMMA ceiling(i) = i
  floor_plus_int: LEMMA floor(x + i) = floor(x) + i
  ceiling_plus_int: LEMMA ceiling(x + i) = ceiling(x) + i
  floor_ceiling_nonint: LEMMA NOT integer?(x) => ceiling(x) - floor(x) = 1

  floor_ceiling_int: lemma floor(i)=ceiling(i)
  floor_neg: LEMMA 
        floor(x) = IF integer?(x) THEN -floor(-x) ELSE -floor(-x) - 1 ENDIF
  real_parts: LEMMA x = floor(x) + fractional(x)
  floor_plus: LEMMA 
        floor(x + y) = floor(x) + floor(y) + floor(fractional(x) + fractional(y))
  ceiling_plus: LEMMA
        ceiling(x + y) = floor(x) + floor(y) + ceiling(fractional(x) + fractional(y))
  floor_split: lemma i = floor(i/2)+ceiling(i/2)

  floor_within_1: lemma x - floor(x) < 1

  ceiling_within_1: lemma ceiling(x) - x < 1

  floor_val:   LEMMA i >= k*j AND i < (k+1)*j IMPLIES floor(i/j) = k 

  floor_small: LEMMA  abs(i) < abs(j) IMPLIES
                         floor(i/j) = IF i/j >= 0 THEN 0 ELSE -1 ENDIF

  floor_eq_0:  LEMMA floor(x) = 0 IMPLIES x >= 0 AND x < 1

 END floor_ceil

% exponentiation provides the definitions expt and ^.  expt multiplies a
% real by itself the number of times specified, where 0 times returns a 1
% (thus expt(0,0) = 1).  ^ is defined in terms of expt to work for
% integers, but in this case if the integer negative then the real
% argument must be nonzero; this leads to the dependent type given below.

exponentiation: THEORY
  r: VAR real
  q: VAR rat
  nnq: VAR nonneg_rat
  m, n: VAR nat
  pm, pn: VAR posnat
  i, j: VAR int
  n0i, n0j: VAR nzint
  x, y: VAR real
  px, py: VAR posreal
  n0x, n0y: VAR nzreal
  gt1x, gt1y: VAR {r: posreal | r > 1}
  lt1x, lt1y: VAR {r: posreal | r < 1}
  ge1x, ge1y: VAR {r: posreal | r >= 1}
  le1x, le1y: VAR {r: posreal | r <= 1}

  expt(r, n): RECURSIVE real =
    IF n = 0 THEN 1
    ELSE r * expt(r, n-1)

  expt_pos_aux: LEMMA expt(px, n) > 0

  expt_nonzero_aux: LEMMA expt(n0x, n) /= 0;

  nnreal_expt:  JUDGEMENT expt(x:nnreal,  n:nat) HAS_TYPE nnreal
  posreal_expt: JUDGEMENT expt(x:posreal, n:nat) HAS_TYPE posreal
  nzreal_expt:  JUDGEMENT expt(x:nzreal,  n:nat) HAS_TYPE nzreal
  rat_expt:     JUDGEMENT expt(x:rat,     n:nat) HAS_TYPE rat
  nnrat_expt:   JUDGEMENT expt(x:nnrat,   n:nat) HAS_TYPE nnrat
  posrat_expt:  JUDGEMENT expt(x:posrat,  n:nat) HAS_TYPE posrat
  int_expt:     JUDGEMENT expt(x:int,     n:nat) HAS_TYPE int
  nat_expt:     JUDGEMENT expt(x:nat,     n:nat) HAS_TYPE nat
  posnat_expt:  JUDGEMENT expt(x:posnat,  n:nat) HAS_TYPE posnat

  ^(r: real, i:{i:int | r /= 0 OR i >= 0}): real
    = IF i >= 0 THEN expt(r, i) ELSE 1/expt(r, -i) ENDIF

  expt_pos: LEMMA px^i > 0

  expt_nonzero: LEMMA n0x^i /= 0

  nnreal_exp:  JUDGEMENT ^(x:nnreal,  i:int | x/=0 OR i>=0) HAS_TYPE nnreal
  posreal_exp: JUDGEMENT ^(x:posreal, i:int) HAS_TYPE posreal
  nzreal_exp:  JUDGEMENT ^(x:nzreal,  i:int) HAS_TYPE nzreal
  rat_exp:     JUDGEMENT ^(x:rat,     i:int | x/=0 OR i>=0) HAS_TYPE rat
  nnrat_exp:   JUDGEMENT ^(x:nnrat,   i:int | x/=0 OR i>=0) HAS_TYPE nnrat
  posrat_exp:  JUDGEMENT ^(x:posrat,  i:int) HAS_TYPE posrat
  int_exp:     JUDGEMENT ^(x:int, n:nat)    HAS_TYPE int
  nat_exp:     JUDGEMENT ^(x:nat, n:nat)    HAS_TYPE nat
  posint_exp:  JUDGEMENT ^(x:posint, n:nat) HAS_TYPE posint

  % Properties of expt

  expt_x0_aux: LEMMA expt(x, 0) = 1

  expt_x1_aux: LEMMA expt(x, 1) = x

  expt_1n_aux: LEMMA expt(1, n) = 1

  increasing_expt_aux: LEMMA expt(gt1x, m+2) > gt1x

  decreasing_expt_aux: LEMMA expt(lt1x, m+2) < lt1x

  expt_1_aux: LEMMA expt(px, n + 1) = 1 IFF px = 1

  expt_plus_aux: LEMMA expt(n0x, m + n) = expt(n0x, m) * expt(n0x, n)

  expt_minus_aux: LEMMA
    m >= n IMPLIES expt(n0x, m - n) = expt(n0x, m)/expt(n0x, n)

  expt_times_aux: LEMMA expt(n0x, m * n) = expt(expt(n0x, m), n)

  expt_divide_aux: LEMMA 1/expt(n0x, m * n) = expt(1/expt(n0x, m), n)

  both_sides_expt1_aux: LEMMA expt(px, m+1) = expt(px, n+1) IFF m = n OR px = 1

  both_sides_expt2_aux: LEMMA expt(px, pm) = expt(py, pm) IFF px = py

  both_sides_expt_pos_lt_aux: LEMMA
    expt(px, m+1) < expt(py, m+1) IFF px < py

  both_sides_expt_gt1_lt_aux: LEMMA
    expt(gt1x, m+1) < expt(gt1x, n+1) IFF m < n

  both_sides_expt_lt1_lt_aux: LEMMA
    expt(lt1x, m+1) < expt(lt1x, n+1) IFF n < m

  both_sides_expt_pos_le_aux: LEMMA
    expt(px, m+1) <= expt(py, m+1) IFF px <= py

  both_sides_expt_gt1_le_aux: LEMMA
    expt(gt1x, m+1) <= expt(gt1x, n+1) IFF m <= n

  both_sides_expt_lt1_le_aux: LEMMA
    expt(lt1x, m+1) <= expt(lt1x, n+1) IFF n <= m

  both_sides_expt_pos_gt_aux: LEMMA
    expt(px, m+1) > expt(py, m+1) IFF px > py

  both_sides_expt_gt1_gt_aux: LEMMA
    expt(gt1x, m+1) > expt(gt1x, n+1) IFF m > n

  both_sides_expt_lt1_gt_aux: LEMMA
    expt(lt1x, m+1) > expt(lt1x, n+1) IFF n > m

  both_sides_expt_pos_ge_aux: LEMMA
    expt(px, m+1) >= expt(py, m+1) IFF px >= py

  both_sides_expt_gt1_ge_aux: LEMMA
    expt(gt1x, m+1) >= expt(gt1x, n+1) IFF m >= n

  both_sides_expt_lt1_ge_aux: LEMMA
    expt(lt1x, m+1) >= expt(lt1x, n+1) IFF n >= m

  expt_of_mult: LEMMA expt(x * y, n) = expt(x, n) * expt(y, n)

  expt_of_div: LEMMA expt(x / n0y, n) = expt(x, n) / expt(n0y, n)

  expt_of_inv: LEMMA expt(1 / n0x, n) = 1 / expt(n0x, n)

  expt_of_abs: LEMMA expt(abs(x), n) = abs(expt(x, n))

  abs_of_expt_inv: LEMMA abs(1 / expt(n0x, n)) = 1 / expt(abs(n0x),n)

  % Properties of ^

  expt_x0: LEMMA x^0 = 1

  expt_x1: LEMMA x^1 = x

  expt_1i: LEMMA 1^i = 1

  expt_plus: LEMMA n0x^(i + j) = n0x^i * n0x^j

  expt_times: LEMMA n0x^(i * j) = (n0x^i)^j

  expt_inverse: LEMMA n0x^(-i) = 1/(n0x^i)

  expt_div: LEMMA n0x^i/n0x^j = n0x^(i-j)

  both_sides_expt1: LEMMA px ^ n0i = px ^ n0j IFF n0i = n0j OR px = 1

  both_sides_expt2: LEMMA px ^ n0i = py ^ n0i IFF px = py

  b: VAR above(1)

  pos_expt_gt: LEMMA n < b^n

  expt_ge1: LEMMA b^n >= 1

  both_sides_expt_pos_lt: LEMMA px ^ pm < py ^ pm IFF px < py

  both_sides_expt_gt1_lt: LEMMA gt1x ^ i < gt1x ^ j IFF i < j

  both_sides_expt_lt1_lt: LEMMA lt1x ^ i < lt1x ^ j IFF j < i

  both_sides_expt_pos_le: LEMMA px ^ pm <= py ^ pm IFF px <= py

  both_sides_expt_gt1_le: LEMMA gt1x ^ i <= gt1x ^ j IFF i <= j

  both_sides_expt_lt1_le: LEMMA lt1x ^ i <= lt1x ^ j IFF j <= i

  both_sides_expt_pos_gt: LEMMA px ^ pm > py ^ pm IFF px > py

  both_sides_expt_gt1_gt: LEMMA gt1x ^ i > gt1x ^ j IFF i > j

  both_sides_expt_lt1_gt: LEMMA lt1x ^ i > lt1x ^ j IFF j > i

  both_sides_expt_pos_ge: LEMMA px ^ pm >= py ^ pm IFF px >= py

  both_sides_expt_gt1_ge: LEMMA gt1x ^ i >= gt1x ^ j IFF i >= j

  both_sides_expt_lt1_ge: LEMMA lt1x ^ i >= lt1x ^ j IFF j >= i

  expt_gt1_pos: LEMMA gt1x^pm >= gt1x

  expt_gt1_neg: LEMMA gt1x^(-pm) < 1

  expt_gt1_nonpos: LEMMA gt1x^(-m) <= 1

  mult_expt: LEMMA (n0x * n0y) ^i = n0x^i * n0y^i

  div_expt : LEMMA (n0x / n0y)^i = n0x^i / n0y^i

  inv_expt : LEMMA (1 / n0x)^i = 1 / n0x^i

  abs_expt: LEMMA abs(n0x)^i = abs(n0x^i)

  expt_lt1_bound1: LEMMA  expt(lt1x, n) <= 1

  expt_lt1_bound2: LEMMA  expt(lt1x, pn) < 1

  expt_gt1_bound1: LEMMA  1 <= expt(gt1x, n)

  expt_gt1_bound2: LEMMA  1 < expt(gt1x, pn)

  large_expt: LEMMA 1 < px  IMPLIES (FORALL py: EXISTS n: py < expt(px, n))

  small_expt: LEMMA px < 1  IMPLIES (FORALL py: EXISTS n: expt(px, n) < py)

  exponent_adjust: LEMMA b^i+b^(i-pm) < b^(i+1)

  exp_of_exists: lemma exists i: b^i <= py & py < b^(i+1)

 END exponentiation

% Euclidean division courtesy of Bruno Dutertre

euclidean_division : THEORY
  a, i : VAR nat
  b : VAR posnat
  n : VAR int

  %  Type mod(b) = 0.. b-1
  %  (replace below[b] to reduce number of TCCs)

  mod(b) : NONEMPTY_TYPE = { i | i <  b}

  %  Euclidean division

  euclid_nat : LEMMA
        EXISTS (q : nat), (r : mod(b)) : a = b * q + r

  euclid_int : PROPOSITION
        EXISTS (q : int), (r : mod(b)) : n = b * q + r

  unique_quotient : PROPOSITION
        FORALL (q1, q2 : int), (r1, r2 : mod(b)) :
            b * q1 + r1 = b * q2 + r2 IMPLIES q1 = q2

  unique_remainder : COROLLARY
        FORALL (q1, q2 : int), (r1, r2 : mod(b)) :
            b * q1 + r1 = b * q2 + r2 IMPLIES r1 = r2

  unique_division : COROLLARY
        FORALL (q1, q2 : int), (r1, r2 : mod(b)) :
            b * q1 + r1 = b * q2 + r2 IMPLIES q1 = q2 AND r1 = r2

 END euclidean_division

%  Divisibility relation
%  For integers and natural numbers
%  Provided by Bruno Dutertre
divides : THEORY
  n, m, l, x, y : VAR int
  p, q : VAR nat
  nz : VAR nzint

  %  Divides relation

  divides(n, m): bool = EXISTS x : m = n * x

  divides(n)(m): bool = divides(n, m)

  mult_divides1: JUDGEMENT *(n, m) HAS_TYPE (divides(n))
  mult_divides2: JUDGEMENT *(n, m) HAS_TYPE (divides(m))

  %  Easy lemmas

  divides_sum : LEMMA
     divides(x, n) AND divides(x, m) IMPLIES divides(x, n + m)

  divides_diff : LEMMA
     divides(x, n) AND divides(x, m) IMPLIES divides(x, n - m)

  divides_opposite : LEMMA
     divides(x, - n) IFF divides(x, n)

  opposite_divides : LEMMA
     divides(- x, n) IFF divides(x, n)

  divides_prod1 : LEMMA
     divides(x, n) IMPLIES divides(x, n * m)

  divides_prod2 : LEMMA
     divides(x, n) IMPLIES divides(x, m * n)

  %  Elimination

  divides_prod_elim1 : LEMMA
     divides(nz * n, nz * m) IFF divides(n, m)

  divides_prod_elim2 : LEMMA
     divides(n* nz, m * nz) IFF divides(n, m)

  %  Reflexivity and transitivity

  divides_reflexive: LEMMA divides(n, n)

  divides_transitive: LEMMA
     divides(n, m) AND divides(m, l) IMPLIES divides(n, l)

  %  Mutual divisors are equal or opposite

  product_one : LEMMA 
     x * y = 1 IFF (x = 1 AND y = 1) OR (x = -1 AND y = -1)

  mutual_divisors : LEMMA 
     divides(n, m) AND divides(m, n) IMPLIES n = m OR n = - m

  mutual_divisors_nat: LEMMA
     divides(p, q) AND divides(q, p) IMPLIES p = q
  %  special properties of zero and one

  one_divides : LEMMA divides(1, n)

  divides_zero : LEMMA divides(n, 0)

  zero_div_zero : LEMMA divides(0, n) IFF n = 0

  divisors_of_one : LEMMA divides(n, 1) IFF n = 1 OR n = -1

  one_div_one : LEMMA divides(p, 1) IFF p = 1

  %  comparisons divisor/multiple

  divisor_smaller: LEMMA divides(p, q) IMPLIES q=0 OR p <= q

  divides_next: LEMMA divides(n, n + 1) IFF n = 1 OR n = -1

  p1: VAR above(1)
  divides_plus_1: LEMMA
    divides(p1, nz) => NOT divides(p1, nz + 1)
 END divides

% Modulo arithmetic defines rem and associated properties
% Provided by Bruno Dutertre
modulo_arithmetic : THEORY
  x, y, z, t, q, i : VAR int
  n0x : VAR nzint
  px, py, b: VAR posnat
  n: VAR nat

  %  Remainder of x/b

  rem(b)(x): {r: mod(b) | EXISTS q: x = b * q + r}

  rem_def: LEMMA
     FORALL (r : mod(b)): rem(b)(x) = r IFF EXISTS q: x = b * q + r

  rem_def2: LEMMA
     FORALL (r : mod(b)): rem(b)(x) = r IFF divides(b, x - r)

  rem_def3: LEMMA
     FORALL (r : mod(b)): rem(b)(x) = r IFF divides(b, r - x)

  %  Remainder for easy x

  rem_mod: LEMMA FORALL (r : mod(b)): rem(b)(r) = r

  rem_mod2: LEMMA 0 <= x AND x < b IMPLIES rem(b)(x) = x

  rem_zero: LEMMA rem(b)(0) = 0

  rem_self: LEMMA rem(b)(b) = 0

  rem_multiple1: LEMMA rem(b)(b * x) = 0

  rem_multiple2: LEMMA rem(b)(x * b) = 0

  rem_one: LEMMA b /= 1 IMPLIES rem(b)(1) = 1

  rem_minus_one: LEMMA rem(b)(-1) = b-1

  %  Congruence properties

  same_remainder: LEMMA
     rem(b)(x) = rem(b)(y) IFF divides(b, x - y)

  rem_rem: LEMMA rem(b)(rem(b)(x)) = rem(b)(x)

  rem_sum: LEMMA
     rem(b)(x) = rem(b)(y) AND rem(b)(z) = rem(b)(t) 
        IMPLIES rem(b)(x + z) = rem(b)(y + t)

  rem_sum1: LEMMA rem(b)(rem(b)(x) + y) = rem(b)(x + y)

  rem_sum2: LEMMA rem(b)(x + rem(b)(y)) = rem(b)(x + y)

  rem_diff: LEMMA
     rem(b)(x) = rem(b)(y) AND rem(b)(z) = rem(b)(t)
        IMPLIES rem(b)(x - z) = rem(b)(y - t)

  rem_diff1: LEMMA rem(b)(rem(b)(x) - y) = rem(b)(x - y)

  rem_diff2: LEMMA rem(b)(x - rem(b)(y)) = rem(b)(x - y)

  rem_prod1: LEMMA rem(b)(rem(b)(x) * y) = rem(b)(x * y)

  rem_prod2: LEMMA rem(b)(x * rem(b)(y)) = rem(b)(x * y)

  rem_prod: LEMMA
     rem(b)(x) = rem(b)(y) AND rem(b)(z) = rem(b)(t)
        IMPLIES rem(b)(x * z) = rem(b)(y * t)

  rem_expt: LEMMA
      rem(b)(x) = rem(b)(y) IMPLIES rem(b)(expt(x, n)) = rem(b)(expt(y, n))

  rem_expt1: LEMMA rem(b)(expt(rem(b)(x), n)) = rem(b)(expt(x, n))

  rem_sum_elim1: LEMMA
     rem(b)(x + y) = rem(b)(x + z) IFF rem(b)(y) = rem(b)(z)

  rem_sum_elim2: LEMMA
     rem(b)(y + x) = rem(b)(z + x) IFF rem(b)(y) = rem(b)(z)

  rem_diff_elim1: LEMMA
     rem(b)(x - y) = rem(b)(x - z) IFF rem(b)(y) = rem(b)(z)

  rem_diff_elim2: LEMMA
     rem(b)(y - x) = rem(b)(z - x) IFF rem(b)(y) = rem(b)(z)

  rem_opposite_elim: LEMMA
     rem(b)(- x) = rem(b)(- y) IFF rem(b)(x) = rem(b)(y)

  % Provide a name for the function asserted to exist by euclid_int
  ndiv(x,b) : {q: int | x = b * q + rem(b)(x)}

  ndiv_lt: LEMMA ndiv(x,b) <= x/b

  JUDGEMENT ndiv(n,b) HAS_TYPE upto(n)

  rem_floor: LEMMA FORALL b, x: x = rem(b)(x) + b * floor(x / b)

  rem_base: LEMMA
    FORALL b, x, i, n:
      rem(b)(x) = rem(b + n)(x + i) IFF divides(b + n, i - n * floor(x / b))

  rem_sum_floor: LEMMA
    FORALL b, x, i:
      rem(b)(x + i) = rem(b)(x) + i - b * floor((rem(b)(x) + i) / b)

  rem_sum_assoc: COROLLARY
    FORALL b, x, n: rem(b)(x + n) = rem(b)(x) + n IFF rem(b)(x) < b - n

  rem_add_one: LEMMA
    FORALL b, x:
      rem(b)(x + 1) = rem(b)(x) + 1 OR
       (rem(b)(x) = b - 1 AND rem(b)(x + 1) = 0)

  rem_wrap: LEMMA
    FORALL b, x, (n: below(b)):
      rem(b)(x) < rem(b)(x + n) IFF rem(b)(x) < b - n AND n > 0

  rem_wrap_eq: COROLLARY
    FORALL b, x, (n: below(b)):
      rem(b)(x) <= rem(b)(x + n) IFF rem(b)(x) < b - n OR divides(b, n)

 END modulo_arithmetic

% subrange_induction defines induction schemas for subranges.  This is a
% parameterized theory so that it may be used as a name to the prover
% induction commands.  subrange_induction is the weak form, and
% SUBRANGE_induction is the strong form of induction.

subrange_inductions[i: int, j: upfrom(i)]: THEORY
  k, m: VAR subrange(i, j)
  p: VAR pred[subrange(i, j)]

  subrange_induction: LEMMA
    (p(i) AND (FORALL k: k < j AND p(k) IMPLIES p(k + 1)))
        IMPLIES (FORALL k: p(k))

  SUBRANGE_induction: LEMMA
    (FORALL k: (FORALL m: m < k IMPLIES p(m)) IMPLIES p(k))
      IMPLIES (FORALL k: p(k))

 END subrange_inductions

% bounded_int_inductions provides the weak and strong forms of induction for
% the various bounded subtypes of int.

bounded_int_inductions[m: int]: THEORY
  pf: VAR pred[upfrom(m)]
  jf, kf: VAR upfrom(m)

  upfrom_induction: LEMMA
    (pf(m) AND (FORALL jf: pf(jf) IMPLIES pf(jf + 1)))
       IMPLIES (FORALL jf: pf(jf))

  UPFROM_induction: LEMMA
    (FORALL jf: (FORALL kf: kf < jf IMPLIES pf(kf)) IMPLIES pf(jf))
      IMPLIES (FORALL jf: pf(jf))

  pa: VAR pred[above(m)]
  ja, ka: VAR above(m)

  above_induction: LEMMA
    (pa(m+1) AND (FORALL ja: pa(ja) IMPLIES pa(ja + 1)))
      IMPLIES (FORALL ja: pa(ja))

  ABOVE_induction: LEMMA
    (FORALL ja: (FORALL ka: ka < ja IMPLIES pa(ka)) IMPLIES pa(ja))
      IMPLIES (FORALL ja: pa(ja))

 END bounded_int_inductions

% bounded_nat_inductions provides the weak and strong forms of induction for
% the various bounded subtypes of nat.

bounded_nat_inductions[m: nat]: THEORY
  pt: VAR pred[upto(m)]
  jt, kt: VAR upto(m)

  upto_induction: LEMMA
    (pt(0) AND (FORALL jt: jt < m AND pt(jt) IMPLIES pt(jt + 1)))
      IMPLIES (FORALL jt: pt(jt))

  UPTO_induction: LEMMA
    (FORALL jt: (FORALL kt: kt < jt IMPLIES pt(kt)) IMPLIES pt(jt))
      IMPLIES (FORALL jt: pt(jt))

  pb: VAR pred[below(m)]
  jb, kb: VAR below(m)

  below_induction: LEMMA
    ((m > 0 IMPLIES pb(0))
        AND (FORALL jb: jb < m - 1 AND pb(jb) IMPLIES pb(jb + 1)))
      IMPLIES (FORALL jb: pb(jb))

  BELOW_induction: LEMMA
    (FORALL jb: (FORALL kb: kb < jb IMPLIES pb(kb)) IMPLIES pb(jb))
      IMPLIES (FORALL jb: pb(jb))

 END bounded_nat_inductions

% subrange_type

subrange_type[m, n: int] : THEORY
  subrange: TYPE = subrange(m, n)
 END subrange_type

% int_types defines some useful subtypes of the integers for
% backward compatibility.

int_types[m: int] : THEORY
  upfrom: NONEMPTY_TYPE = upfrom(m)
  above:  NONEMPTY_TYPE = above(m)
 END int_types

% nat_types defines some useful subtypes of the natural numbers for
% backward compatibility.

nat_types[m: nat] : THEORY
  upto:   NONEMPTY_TYPE = upto(m)
  below:  TYPE = below(m)
 END nat_types

nat_fun_props : THEORY
%      Author:  Bruno Dutertre 
%      Special properties of injective/surgective functions over nats


  n, m : VAR nat

  injection_n_to_m: THEOREM
	(EXISTS (f: [below(n) -> below(m)]): injective?(f)) IMPLIES n <= m

  injection_n_to_m_var: THEOREM
	(EXISTS (f: [below(n) -> below(m)]): injective?(f)) IFF n <= m

  surjection_n_to_m: THEOREM
	(EXISTS (f: [below(n) -> below(m)]): surjective?(f)) IMPLIES m <= n

  surjection_n_to_m_var: THEOREM
	(EXISTS (f: [below(n) -> below(m)]): surjective?(f)) IFF 
	    (m > 0 AND m <= n) OR (m = 0 AND n = 0)

  bijection_n_to_m: THEOREM
	(EXISTS (f: [below(n) -> below(m)]): bijective?(f)) IFF n = m

  injection_n_to_m2: THEOREM
	(EXISTS (f: [upto(n) -> upto(m)]): injective?(f)) IFF n <= m

  surjection_n_to_m2: THEOREM
	(EXISTS (f: [upto(n) -> upto(m)]): surjective?(f)) IFF m <= n

  bijection_n_to_m2: THEOREM
	(EXISTS (f: [upto(n) -> upto(m)]): bijective?(f)) IFF n = m

  surj_equiv_inj: THEOREM
	FORALL (f: [below(n) -> below(n)]): surjective?(f) IFF injective?(f)
  inj_equiv_bij: THEOREM
	FORALL (f: [below(n) -> below(n)]): bijective?(f) IFF injective?(f)

  surj_equiv_bij: THEOREM
	FORALL (f: [below(n) -> below(n)]): bijective?(f) IFF surjective?(f)

  surj_equiv_inj2: THEOREM
	FORALL (f: [upto(n) -> upto(n)]): surjective?(f) IFF injective?(f)
  inj_equiv_bij2: THEOREM
	FORALL (f: [upto(n) -> upto(n)]): bijective?(f) IFF injective?(f)

  surj_equiv_bij2: THEOREM
	FORALL (f: [upto(n) -> upto(n)]): bijective?(f) IFF surjective?(f)

END nat_fun_props

%  finite sets (basic definitions and closure properties)
%  -----------------------------------------------------
%      Authors:  Damir Jamsek
%                Ricky W. Butler
%                Sam Owre
%                C. Michael Holloway
%  This theory defines finite sets as the subtype of sets[T] that
%  satisfy the predicate "is_finite".  This predicate states
%  that there is an injective function into below[N] for some N.
% finite_sets_def, card_def, and finite_sets are combined here to make
% things a bit more backward compatible.  These were all originally
% part of the finite_sets library.

finite_sets[T: TYPE]: THEORY
% beginning of original finite_sets_def theory
  x, y, z: VAR T
  s: VAR set[T]
  N: VAR nat

  is_finite(s): bool = (EXISTS N, (f: [(s) -> below[N]]):

  finite_set: TYPE = (is_finite) CONTAINING emptyset[T]

  non_empty_finite_set: TYPE = {s: finite_set | NOT empty?(s)}

  is_finite_surj: LEMMA (EXISTS (N: nat), (f: [below[N] -> (s)]):
                            surjective?(f)) IFF is_finite(s) 

  A, B: VAR finite_set
  NA, NB: VAR non_empty_finite_set

  finite_subset:       LEMMA subset?(s,A) IMPLIES is_finite(s)
  finite_intersection: LEMMA is_finite(intersection(A,B))
  finite_add:          LEMMA is_finite(add(x,A))

  % -------- Judgements --------------------------------------------------

  nonempty_finite_is_nonempty: JUDGEMENT
    non_empty_finite_set SUBTYPE_OF (nonempty?[T])

  finite_singleton: JUDGEMENT singleton(x) HAS_TYPE finite_set

  finite_union: JUDGEMENT union(A, B) HAS_TYPE finite_set
  finite_intersection1: JUDGEMENT intersection(s, A) HAS_TYPE finite_set
  finite_intersection2: JUDGEMENT intersection(A, s) HAS_TYPE finite_set
  finite_difference: JUDGEMENT difference(A, s) HAS_TYPE finite_set

  nonempty_finite_union1: JUDGEMENT union(NA, B) HAS_TYPE non_empty_finite_set

  nonempty_finite_union2: JUDGEMENT union(A, NB) HAS_TYPE non_empty_finite_set

  nonempty_add_finite: JUDGEMENT add(x, A) HAS_TYPE non_empty_finite_set

  finite_remove: JUDGEMENT remove(x, A) HAS_TYPE finite_set

  finite_rest: JUDGEMENT rest(A) HAS_TYPE finite_set

  finite_emptyset: JUDGEMENT emptyset HAS_TYPE finite_set

  nonempty_singleton_finite: JUDGEMENT
   singleton(x) HAS_TYPE non_empty_finite_set

  % -------- Base type is finite -----------------------------------------

  is_finite_type: bool = (EXISTS N, (g:[T -> below[N]]): injective?(g))

  finite_full:         LEMMA is_finite_type IFF is_finite(fullset[T])
  finite_type_set:     LEMMA is_finite_type IMPLIES is_finite(s)
  finite_complement:   LEMMA is_finite_type IMPLIES is_finite(complement(s))

% end of original finite_sets_def

% beginning of original card_def theory

%  Fundamental definition of card
%      Authors:  Bruno Dutertre 
%                Ricky W. Butler

  S, S2: VAR finite_set
  n, m: VAR nat
  p : VAR posnat

  inj_set(S): (nonempty?[nat]) = 
                 { n | EXISTS (f : [(S)->below[n]]) : injective?(f) }

  Card(S): nat = min(inj_set(S))

  inj_Card    : LEMMA Card(S) = n IMPLIES 
                          (EXISTS (f : [(S) -> below[n]]) : injective?(f))

  reduce_inj  : LEMMA (FORALL (f : [(S)->below[p]]) :
                          injective?(f) AND NOT surjective?(f) IMPLIES 
                              (EXISTS (g: [(S)->below[p-1]]): injective?(g)))

  Card_injection: LEMMA (EXISTS (f : [(S)->below[n]]) : injective?(f)) 
                            IMPLIES Card(S) <= n
  Card_surjection : LEMMA (EXISTS (f : [(S)->below[n]]) : surjective?(f)) 
                              IMPLIES n <= Card(S) 
  Card_bijection : THEOREM
        Card(S) = n IFF (EXISTS (f : [(S)->below[n]]) : bijective?(f))

  Card_disj_union: THEOREM disjoint?(S,S2) IMPLIES 
                              Card(union(S,S2)) = Card(S) + Card(S2)

% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  card(S): {n: nat| n = Card(S)}               % inhibit expansion

  card_def        : THEOREM card(S) = Card(S)  % But if you really need to

% end of original card_def theory

% beginning of original finite_sets theory 

  card_emptyset   : THEOREM card(emptyset[T]) = 0

  empty_card      : THEOREM empty?(S) IFF card(S) = 0

  card_empty?     : THEOREM (card(S) = 0) = empty?(S)

  card_is_0       : THEOREM (card(S) = 0) = (S = emptyset)

  nonempty_card   : THEOREM nonempty?(S) IFF card(S) > 0

  card_singleton  : THEOREM card(singleton(x)) = 1

  card_one        : THEOREM card(S) = 1 IFF (EXISTS x : S = singleton(x))

  card_disj_union : THEOREM disjoint?(A,B) IMPLIES 
                              card(union(A,B)) = card(A) + card(B)

  card_diff_subset: THEOREM subset?(A, B) IMPLIES 
                                  card(difference(B, A)) = card(B) - card(A)

  card_subset     : THEOREM subset?(A,B) IMPLIES card(A) <= card(B)

  card_plus       : THEOREM card(A) + card(B) = 
                                card(union(A, B)) + card(intersection(A,B))  

  card_union      : THEOREM card(union(A,B)) = card(A) + card(B) -

  card_add        : THEOREM card(add(x, S)) = card(S) 
                                                   + IF S(x) THEN 0 ELSE 1 ENDIF

  card_remove     : THEOREM card(remove(x, S)) = card(S)
                                                   - IF S(x) THEN 1 ELSE 0 ENDIF

  card_rest       : THEOREM NOT empty?(S) IMPLIES card(rest(S)) = card(S) - 1

  same_card_subset: THEOREM subset?(A, B) AND card(A) = card(B) 
                               IMPLIES A = B

  smaller_card_subset : THEOREM subset?(A, B) AND card(A) < card(B) IMPLIES
                                 (EXISTS x : member(x, B) AND NOT member(x, A))

  card_1_has_1    : THEOREM card(S) >= 1 IMPLIES (EXISTS (x: T): S(x))

  card_2_has_2    : THEOREM card(S) >= 2 IMPLIES
                              (EXISTS (x,y: T): x /= y AND S(x) AND S(y))

  card_intersection_le: THEOREM card(intersection(A,B)) <= card(A) AND
                              card(intersection(A,B)) <= card(B)

  card_bij        : THEOREM card(S) = N
                             IFF (EXISTS (f: [(S) -> below[N]]): bijective?(f))

  bij_exists      : COROLLARY (EXISTS (f: [(S) -> below(card(S))]):

%  card_n_has_n    : THEOREM card(S) >= n IMPLIES
%                              (EXISTS (X: [below[N] -> T]):
%                                   (FORALL (i: below[N]): S(X(i))) AND
%                                   (FORALL (i,j: below[N]): X(i) /= X(j)))
END finite_sets

% Courtesy Jerry James
restrict_set_props[T: TYPE, S: TYPE FROM T]: THEORY

  restrict_finite: LEMMA
    FORALL (a: set[T]): is_finite(a) => is_finite(restrict[T, S, bool](a))

  finite_restrict: JUDGEMENT
    restrict[T, S, bool](a: finite_set[T]) HAS_TYPE finite_set[S]

  empty_restrict: JUDGEMENT
    restrict[T, S, bool](a: (empty?[T])) HAS_TYPE (empty?[S])

  card_restrict: LEMMA
    FORALL (a: finite_set[T]): card(restrict[T, S, bool](a)) <= card(a)

 END restrict_set_props

% Courtesy Jerry James
extend_set_props[T: TYPE, S: TYPE FROM T]: THEORY

  finite_extension: LEMMA
    FORALL (a: set[S]):
      is_finite(extend[T, S, bool, FALSE](a)) IFF is_finite(a)

  finite_extend: JUDGEMENT
    extend[T, S, bool, FALSE](a: finite_set[S]) HAS_TYPE finite_set[T]

  empty_extend: JUDGEMENT
    extend[T, S, bool, FALSE](a: (empty?[S])) HAS_TYPE (empty?[T])

  nonempty_extend: JUDGEMENT
    extend[T, S, bool, FALSE](a: (nonempty?[S])) HAS_TYPE (nonempty?[T])

  singleton_extend: JUDGEMENT
    extend[T, S, bool, FALSE](a: (singleton?[S])) HAS_TYPE (singleton?[T])

  card_extend: LEMMA
    FORALL (a: finite_set[S]): card(extend[T, S, bool, FALSE](a)) = card(a)

 END extend_set_props

%  Additions to the function_image theory.  These additions
%  show that the image of a finite set is finite, and that any injective
%  function is bijective with its image.
%  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%      Author: Jerry James (, University of Kansas
function_image_aux[D: TYPE, R: TYPE]: THEORY

  S: VAR finite_set[D]
  f: VAR [D -> R]
  inj: VAR (injective?[D, R])

  finite_image: JUDGEMENT image(f, S) HAS_TYPE finite_set[R]

  card_image: LEMMA FORALL f, S: card(image(f, S)) <= card(S)

  card_injective_image: LEMMA FORALL inj, S: card(image(inj, S)) = card(S)

  bijective_image: LEMMA
    FORALL inj: bijective?[D, (image(inj, fullset[D]))](inj)

 END function_image_aux

% function_iterate provides the iterate function, which composes a
% function with itself a specified number of times.  The function must
% have the same domain and range.  Two useful properties of iterate are
% also provided.

function_iterate[T: TYPE]: THEORY
  f: VAR [T -> T]
  m, n: VAR nat
  x: VAR T

  iterate(f, n)(x): RECURSIVE T =
    IF n = 0 THEN x ELSE f(iterate(f, n-1)(x)) ENDIF

  iterate_add: LEMMA
    iterate(f, m) o iterate(f, n) = iterate(f, m + n)

  iterate_add_applied: LEMMA 
    iterate(f,m)(iterate(f, n)(x)) = iterate(f, m + n)(x)

  iterate_add_one: LEMMA 
    iterate(f, n)(f(x)) = iterate(f, n+1)(x)

  iterate_mult: LEMMA
    iterate(iterate(f, m), n) = iterate(f, m * n)

  iterate_invariant: LEMMA
    f(iterate(f, n)(x)) = iterate(f, n)(f(x))
 END function_iterate

% sequences provides the polymorphic sequence type, as a function from
% nat to the base type.  The usual sequence functions are also provided.
% Note that these are infinite sequences, and do not contain finite
% sequences as a subtype.

sequences[T: TYPE]: THEORY

  sequence: TYPE = [nat->T]
  i, n: VAR nat
  x: VAR T
  p: VAR pred[T]
  seq: VAR sequence
  Trel: VAR PRED[[T, T]]

  nth(seq, n): T = seq(n)

  suffix(seq, n): sequence =
    (LAMBDA i: seq(i+n))

  first(seq): T = nth(seq, 0)

  rest(seq): sequence = suffix(seq, 1)

  delete(n, seq): sequence =
    (LAMBDA i: (IF i < n THEN seq(i) ELSE seq(i + 1) ENDIF))

  insert(x, n, seq): sequence =
    (LAMBDA i: (IF i < n THEN seq(i)
                ELSIF i = n THEN x
                ELSE seq(i - 1) ENDIF))

  add(x, seq): sequence = insert(x, 0, seq)

  insert_delete: LEMMA insert(nth(seq, n), n, delete(n, seq)) = seq

  add_first_rest: LEMMA add(first(seq), rest(seq)) = seq

  every(p)(seq): bool = (FORALL n: p(nth(seq, n)))

  every(p, seq): bool = (FORALL n: p(nth(seq, n)))

  some(p)(seq): bool = (EXISTS n: p(nth(seq, n)))

  some(p, seq): bool = (EXISTS n: p(nth(seq, n)))

  sequence_induction: LEMMA
    p(nth(seq, 0)) AND (FORALL n: p(nth(seq, n)) IMPLIES p(nth(seq, n + 1)))
      IMPLIES every(p)(seq)

  ascends?(seq, Trel): bool = preserves(seq, (LAMBDA i, n: i <= n), Trel)

  descends?(seq, Trel): bool = inverts(seq, (LAMBDA i, n: i <= n), Trel)

 END sequences

% seq_functions defines the map function that generates the image of a
% sequence under a function.

seq_functions[D, R: TYPE]: THEORY
  f: VAR [D -> R]
  s: VAR sequence[D]
  n: VAR nat

  map(f)(s): sequence[R] = (LAMBDA n: f(nth(s, n)))

  map(f, s): sequence[R] = (LAMBDA n: f(nth(s, n)))

 END seq_functions

% This theory defines finite sequences as a dependent type.  Two finite
% sequences are concatenated with the operator 'o', and a subsequence can be
% extracted with the operator '^'.  Note that ^ allows any natural numbers
% m and n to define the range; if m > n then the empty sequence is returned

finite_sequences [T: TYPE]: THEORY
  finite_sequence: TYPE = [# length: nat, seq: [below[length] -> T] #]
  finseq: TYPE = finite_sequence

  fs, fs1, fs2, fs3: VAR finseq
  m, n: VAR nat

  empty_seq: finseq =
    (# length := 0,
       seq := (LAMBDA (x: below[0]): epsilon! (t:T): true) #)

  finseq_appl(fs): [below[length(fs)] -> T] = fs`seq;

  CONVERSION finseq_appl;

  o(fs1, fs2): finseq =
     LET l1 = fs1`length,
         lsum = l1 + fs2`length
      IN (# length := lsum,
            seq := (LAMBDA (n:below[lsum]):
                      IF n < l1
                         THEN fs1`seq(n)
                         ELSE fs2`seq(n-l1)
                      ENDIF) #);

  p: VAR [nat, nat]

  ^(fs, p): finseq =
    LET (m, n) = p
     IN IF m > n OR m >= fs`length
        THEN empty_seq
        ELSE LET len = min(n - m + 1, fs`length - m)
              IN (# length := len,
                    seq := (LAMBDA (x: below[len]): fs`seq(x + m)) #)

  extract1(fs:{fs | fs`length = 1}): T = fs`seq(0)

  CONVERSION extract1

  o_assoc: LEMMA fs1 o (fs2 o fs3) = (fs1 o fs2) o fs3

 END finite_sequences

% ordstruct provides the building blocks for defining the
% ordinals up to epsilon_0.

ordstruct: DATATYPE
  zero: zero?
  add(coef: posnat, exp: ordstruct, rest: ordstruct): nonzero?
 END ordstruct

% ordinals uses the ordstruct datatype to define the ordinals up to
% epsilon_0, by providing an ordering on ordstruct and defining the
% ordinals to be those elements of type ordstruct that are in a
% Cantor normal form with respect to the ordering.  Thus
%    add(i, u, v) = (omega^u)*i + v
%    add(i, u, add(j, v, w)) = (omega^u)*i + (omega^v)*j + w, where u>v.  

ordinals: THEORY
  i, j, k: VAR posnat
  m, n, o: VAR nat
  u, v, w, x, y, z: VAR ordstruct
  size: [ordstruct->nat] = reduce[nat](0, (LAMBDA i, m, n: 1 + m+n));

  <(x, y): RECURSIVE bool =
     CASES x OF
        zero: NOT zero?(y),
        add(i, u, v): CASES y OF
                        zero: FALSE,
                        add(j, z, w): (u<z) OR
                                      (u=z) AND (i<j) OR
                                      (u=z) AND (i=j) AND (v<w)
   MEASURE size(x);

  >(x, y): bool = y < x;
  <=(x, y): bool = x < y OR x = y;
  >=(x, y): bool = y < x OR y = x

  ordinal?(x): RECURSIVE bool =
    CASES x OF
      zero: TRUE,
      add(i, u, v): (ordinal?(u) AND ordinal?(v) AND 
                      CASES v OF
                        zero: TRUE,
                        add(k, r, s): r < u
   MEASURE size

  ordinal: NONEMPTY_TYPE = (ordinal?)

  r, s, t: VAR ordinal
  ordinal_irreflexive: LEMMA NOT r < r

  ordinal_antisym: LEMMA r < s IMPLIES NOT s < r

  ordinal_antisymmetric: LEMMA r <= s AND s <= r IMPLIES r = s

  ordinal_transitive: LEMMA r < s AND s < t IMPLIES r < t

  ordinal_trichotomy: LEMMA r < s OR r = s OR s < r

  p: VAR pred[ordinal]

  ordinal_induction: AXIOM
    (FORALL r: (FORALL s: s < r IMPLIES p(s)) IMPLIES p(r))
      IMPLIES (FORALL r: p(r))

  well_founded_le: LEMMA
    well_founded?(LAMBDA (r, s: (ordinal?)): r < s)

 END ordinals

% lex2 provides a lexical ordering for pairs of natural numbers.
% This illustrates the use of ordinals.

lex2: THEORY

  i, j, m, n: VAR nat

  lex2(m, n): ordinal = 
    (IF m=0
       THEN IF n = 0
               THEN zero
               ELSE add(n, zero, zero)
       ELSIF n = 0 THEN add(m, add(1,zero,zero),zero)
       ELSE add(m, add(1,zero,zero), add(n,zero, zero))

  lex2_lt: LEMMA
    lex2(i, j) < lex2(m, n) =
     (i < m OR (i = m AND j < n))

 END lex2

% list provides the datatype definition for lists.

  null: null?
  cons (car: T, cdr:list):cons?

 END list

% list_props provides the length, append, and reverse functions.
% These could have been defined using the reduce function generated
% for the list datatype, but this is harder to work with in an
% interactive proof.

list_props [T: TYPE]: THEORY
  l, l1, l2, l3: VAR list[T]
  x: VAR T

  length(l): RECURSIVE nat =
    CASES l OF
      null: 0,
      cons(x, y): length(y) + 1
   MEASURE reduce_nat(0, (LAMBDA (x: T), (n: nat): n + 1))

  member(x, l): RECURSIVE bool =
    CASES l OF
      null: FALSE,
      cons(hd, tl): x = hd OR member(x, tl)
   MEASURE length(l)

  member_null: LEMMA member(x, l) IMPLIES NOT null?(l)

  nth(l, (n:below[length(l)])): RECURSIVE T =
    IF n = 0 THEN car(l) ELSE nth(cdr(l), n-1) ENDIF
   MEASURE length(l)

  append(l1, l2): RECURSIVE list[T] =
    CASES l1 OF
      null: l2,
      cons(x, y): cons(x, append(y, l2))
    MEASURE length(l1)

  reverse(l): RECURSIVE list[T] =
    CASES l OF
      null: l,
      cons(x, y): append(reverse(y), cons(x, null))
    MEASURE length

  append_null: LEMMA append(l, null) = l

  append_assoc: LEMMA
     append(append(l1, l2), l3) = append(l1, append(l2, l3))

  reverse_append: LEMMA
    reverse(append(l1, l2)) = append(reverse(l2), reverse(l1))

  reverse_reverse: LEMMA reverse(reverse(l)) = l

  length_append: LEMMA length(append(l1, l2)) = length(l1) + length(l2)

  length_reverse: LEMMA length(reverse(l)) = length(l)

  a, b, c: VAR T

  list_rep: LEMMA (: a, b, c :) = cons(a, cons(b, cons(c, null)))

  every_append: LEMMA
    every(P)(append(l1, l2)) IFF (every(P)(l1) AND every(P)(l2))

  every_disjunct1: LEMMA
    every(P)(l) IMPLIES every(LAMBDA (x: T): P(x) OR Q(x))(l)

  every_disjunct2: LEMMA
    every(Q)(l) IMPLIES every(LAMBDA (x: T): P(x) OR Q(x))(l)

  every_conjunct: LEMMA
    every(LAMBDA (x: T): P(x) AND Q(x))(l) => (every(P)(l) AND every(Q)(l))

  every_member: LEMMA every({c: T | member(c, l)})(l)

 END list_props

% map_props gives the commutativity properties of composition and map,
% for both sequences and lists.

map_props [T1, T2, T3: TYPE]: THEORY
  f1: VAR [T1 -> T2]
  f2: VAR [T2 -> T3]
  s: VAR sequence[T1]
  l: VAR list[T1]

  map_list_composition: LEMMA map(f2)(map(f1)(l)) = map(f2 o f1)(l)

  map_seq_composition: LEMMA map(f2)(map(f1)(s)) = map(f2 o f1)(s)

 END map_props

% filters defines filter functions for sets and lists, which take a set
% (list) and a predicate and return the set (list) of those elements
% that satisfy the predicate.  Both the curried and uncurried forms are
% given.  Note that filter on lists could be defined using reduce, but
% becomes harder to work with in an interactive proof.

filters[T: TYPE]: THEORY
  s: VAR set[T]
  l: VAR list[T]
  p: VAR pred[T]
  filter(s, p): set[T] = {x: T | s(x) & p(x)}

  filter(p)(s): set[T] = {x: T | s(x) & p(x)}

  filter(l, p): RECURSIVE list[T] =
    CASES l OF
      null: null,
      cons(x, y): IF p(x) THEN cons(x, filter(y, p)) ELSE filter(y, p) ENDIF
    MEASURE length(l)

  filter(p)(l): RECURSIVE list[T] =
    CASES l OF
      null: null,
      cons(x, y): IF p(x) THEN cons(x, filter(p)(y)) ELSE filter(p)(y) ENDIF
    MEASURE length(l)
 END filters

% list2finseq

list2finseq[T: TYPE]: THEORY
  l: VAR list[T]
  fs: VAR finseq[T]
  n: VAR nat

  list2finseq(l): finseq[T] =
    (# length := length(l),
       seq := (LAMBDA (x: below[length(l)]): nth(l, x)) #)

  finseq2list_rec(fs, (n: nat | n <= length(fs))): RECURSIVE list[T] =
    IF n = 0
       THEN null
       ELSE cons(fs`seq(length(fs) - n),
                 finseq2list_rec(fs, n-1))

  finseq2list(fs): list[T] = finseq2list_rec(fs, length(fs))

  CONVERSION list2finseq, finseq2list

 END list2finseq

% list2set

list2set[T:TYPE]: THEORY
  l: VAR list[T]
  x: VAR T

  list2set(l) : RECURSIVE set[T] =
    CASES l OF
      null: emptyset[T],
      cons(x, y): add(x, list2set(y))
   MEASURE length

  CONVERSION list2set

 END list2set

% The disjointness theory defines the pairwise_disjoint? function.
% This is used in generating the disjointness axiom for large datatypes
% or enumeration types.  This is because for N constructors, N(N-1)/2
% terms need to be constructed.  Thus care must be taken if the list
% is longer than a few hundred elements.

disjointness: THEORY
  l: VAR list[bool]
  pairwise_disjoint?(l): RECURSIVE boolean =
    cases l of
      null: true,
      cons(x,y): every(LAMBDA (z:bool): NOT (x AND z))(y)
                  AND pairwise_disjoint?(y)
   MEASURE length(l)
 END disjointness

% characters - this follows the ASCII control codes, of which only the
% first 128 are defined:
%     |  0 NUL|  1 SOH|  2 STX|  3 ETX|  4 EOT|  5 ENQ|  6 ACK|  7 BEL|
%     |  8 BS |  9 HT | 10 NL | 11 VT | 12 NP | 13 CR | 14 SO | 15 SI |
%     | 16 DLE| 17 DC1| 18 DC2| 19 DC3| 20 DC4| 21 NAK| 22 SYN| 23 ETB|
%     | 24 CAN| 25 EM | 26 SUB| 27 ESC| 28 FS | 29 GS | 30 RS | 31 US |
%     | 32 SP | 33  ! | 34  " | 35  # | 36  $ | 37  % | 38  & | 39  ' |
%     | 40  ( | 41  ) | 42  * | 43  + | 44  , | 45  - | 46  . | 47  / |
%     | 48  0 | 49  1 | 50  2 | 51  3 | 52  4 | 53  5 | 54  6 | 55  7 |
%     | 56  8 | 57  9 | 58  : | 59  ; | 60  < | 61  = | 62  > | 63  ? |
%     | 64  @ | 65  A | 66  B | 67  C | 68  D | 69  E | 70  F | 71  G |
%     | 72  H | 73  I | 74  J | 75  K | 76  L | 77  M | 78  N | 79  O |
%     | 80  P | 81  Q | 82  R | 83  S | 84  T | 85  U | 86  V | 87  W |
%     | 88  X | 89  Y | 90  Z | 91  [ | 92  \ | 93  ] | 94  ^ | 95  _ |
%     | 96  ` | 97  a | 98  b | 99  c |100  d |101  e |102  f |103  g |
%     |104  h |105  i |106  j |107  k |108  l |109  m |110  n |111  o |
%     |112  p |113  q |114  r |115  s |116  t |117  u |118  v |119  w |
%     |120  x |121  y |122  z |123  { |124  | |125  } |126  ~ |127 DEL|

character: DATATYPE
 END character

% strings - the strings theory introduces the char type and represents
% strings as a finite sequence of chars.  The string_rep lemma shows how
% strings are represented internally.  The other lemmas are useful for
% rewriting.  This theory is useful to auto-rewrite with, but make sure
% that list2finseq is not also an auto-rewrite rule.
% strings are input as a sequence of characters between double
% quotes.  The \ is an escape character, whose value depends on the
% following character(s).  \" and \\ are used to embed a " and \ in a string.
% A \ followed by a decimal number (< 256) or a \x or \X followed by a
% hexidecimal number (< FF) represents that character number.  The other
% possibilities are:
%  \a  - 007 (C-g, Bell)
%  \b  - 008 (C-h, Backspace)
%  \t  - 009 (C-i, Tab)
%  \n  - 010 (C-j, Newline)
%  \v  - 011 (C-k, VT)
%  \f  - 012 (C-l, Newpage)
%  \r  - 013 (C-m, Return)

strings: THEORY
  char: TYPE = (char?)
  string: TYPE = finite_sequence[char]

  string_rep: LEMMA
    "foo" = list2finseq(cons(char(102),
                                  cons(char(111), null))))

  l1, l2: VAR list[char]

  c1, c2: VAR char

  fseq_lem: LEMMA
    (list2finseq(l1) = list2finseq(l2)) = (l1 = l2)

  cons_lem: LEMMA (cons(c1,l1) = cons(c2,l2)) = (c1 = c2 & l1 = l2)

  char_lem: LEMMA (c1 = c2) = (code(c1) = code(c2))
 END strings

  bottom: bottom?
  up(down: T): up?
 END lift

union[T1, T2: TYPE]: DATATYPE
  inl(left: T1): inl?
  inr(right: T2): inr?
 END union

% Defines fixpoints for sets, needed to support the mucalculus model checker.

mucalculus[T:TYPE]: THEORY

  s: VAR T
  p, p1, p2: VAR pred[T]
  predicate_transformer: TYPE = [pred[T]->pred[T]]
  pt: VAR predicate_transformer
  setofpred: VAR pred[pred[T]]

  <=(p1,p2): bool = FORALL s: p1(s) IMPLIES p2(s)

  monotonic?(pt): bool =
      FORALL p1, p2: p1 <= p2 IMPLIES pt(p1) <= pt(p2)

  pp: VAR (monotonic?)

  fixpoint?(pp, p): bool = (pp(p) = p)

  fixpoint?(pp)(p): bool = fixpoint?(pp, p)

  glb(setofpred): pred[T] =
      LAMBDA s: (FORALL p: member(p,setofpred) IMPLIES p(s))

  % least fixpoint
  lfp(pp): pred[T] = glb({p | pp(p) <= p})

  lfp_induction: FORMULA pp(p) <= p IMPLIES lfp(pp) <= p

  mu(pp): pred[T] = lfp(pp)

  lfp?(pp, p1): bool =
    fixpoint?(pp, p1) AND FORALL p2: fixpoint?(pp,p2) IMPLIES p1 <= p2

  lfp?(pp)(p1): bool = lfp?(pp, p1)

  lub(setofpred): pred[T] = LAMBDA s: EXISTS p: member(p,setofpred) AND p(s)

  % greatest fixpoint
  gfp(pp): pred[T] = lub({p | p <= (pp(p))})

  gfp_induction: FORMULA p <= pp(p) IMPLIES p <= gfp(pp)

  nu(pp): pred[T] = gfp(pp)

  gfp?(pp, p1): bool =
    fixpoint?(pp,p1) AND FORALL p2: fixpoint?(pp,p2) IMPLIES p2 <= p1

  gfp?(pp)(p1): bool = gfp?(pp, p1)

 END mucalculus

% Basic CTL temporal operators (without fairness) defined in mu-calculus

ctlops[state : TYPE]: THEORY
  u,v,w: VAR state
  f,g,Q,P,p1,p2: VAR pred[state]
  Z: VAR pred[[state, state]]

  N: VAR [state, state -> bool]

  CONVERSION+ K_conversion

  EX(N,f)(u):bool = (EXISTS v: (f(v) AND N(u, v)))

  EG(N,f):pred[state] = nu(LAMBDA Q: (f AND EX(N,Q)))

  EU(N,f,g):pred[state] = mu(LAMBDA Q: (g OR (f AND EX(N,Q))))

  % Other operator definitions
  EF(N,f):pred[state] = EU(N, TRUE, f)
  AX(N,f):pred[state] = NOT EX(N, NOT f)
  AF(N,f):pred[state] = NOT EG(N, NOT f)
  AG(N,f):pred[state] = NOT EF(N, NOT f)
  AU(N,f,g):pred[state] = NOT EU(N, NOT g, (NOT f AND NOT g)) AND AF(N, g)

  CONVERSION- K_conversion
 END ctlops

% Fair versions of CTL operators where
% fairAG(N, f)(Ff)(s) means f always holds along every N-path
% from s along which the fairness predicate Ff holds infinitely
% often.  This is different from the usual linear-time notion of 
% fairness where the strong form asserts that if an action A is 
% enabled infinitely often, it is taken infinitely often, and the 
% weak form asserts that if any action that is continuously enabled 
% is taken infinitely often.  

fairctlops  [ state : TYPE ]: THEORY
  u,v,w: VAR state
  f,g,Q,P,p1,p2: VAR pred[state]
  N: VAR [state, state->bool]
  Ff: VAR pred[state] % Fair formula

  CONVERSION+ K_conversion

  fairEG(N, f)(Ff): pred[state] =
    nu(LAMBDA P: EU(N, f, f AND Ff AND EX(N, P)))

  fairAF(N,f)(Ff):pred[state]  = NOT fairEG(N, NOT f)(Ff)

  fair?(N,Ff):pred[state] = fairEG(N,LAMBDA u: TRUE)(Ff)

  fairEX(N,f)(Ff):pred[state] = EX(N,f AND fair?(N,Ff))

  fairEU(N,f,g)(Ff):pred[state] = EU(N,f,g AND fair?(N,Ff))

  fairEF(N,f)(Ff):pred[state] = EF(N,f AND fair?(N,Ff))

  fairAX(N,f)(Ff):pred[state] = NOT fairEX(N, NOT f)(Ff)

  fairAG(N,f)(Ff):pred[state] = NOT fairEF(N,NOT f)(Ff)

  fairAU(N,f,g)(Ff):pred[state] =
	NOT fairEU(N,NOT g,NOT f AND NOT g)(Ff)
	    AND fairAF(N,g)(Ff)

  CONVERSION- K_conversion

 END fairctlops

% Fair versions of CTL operators with lists of fairness conditions.
% FairAG(N,f)(Fflist)(s) means f always holds on every N-path from
% s along which each predicate in Fflist holds infinitely often.

Fairctlops[state : TYPE]: THEORY
  u,v,w: VAR state
  f,g,Q,P,p1,p2: VAR pred[state]
  N: VAR [state, state->bool]
  Fflist, Gflist: VAR list[pred[state]] % Fair formula

  CONVERSION+ K_conversion

  CheckFair(Q, N, f, Fflist): RECURSIVE pred[state] =
    (CASES Fflist OF
     cons(Ff, Gflist):
	     EU(N, f, f AND Ff AND
		      EX(N, CheckFair(Q, N, f, Gflist))),
     null : Q
    MEASURE length(Fflist)

  FairEG(N, f)(Fflist): pred[state] =
    nu(LAMBDA P: CheckFair(P, N, f, Fflist))

  FairAF(N,f)(Fflist):pred[state]  = NOT FairEG(N, NOT f)(Fflist)

  Fair?(N,Fflist):pred[state] = FairEG(N,LAMBDA u: TRUE)(Fflist)

  FairEX(N,f)(Fflist):pred[state] = EX(N,f AND Fair?(N,Fflist))

  FairEU(N,f,g)(Fflist):pred[state] = EU(N,f,g AND Fair?(N,Fflist))

  FairEF(N,f)(Fflist):pred[state] = EF(N,f AND Fair?(N,Fflist))

  FairAX(N,f)(Fflist):pred[state] = NOT FairEX(N, NOT f)(Fflist)

  FairAG(N,f)(Fflist):pred[state] = NOT FairEF(N,NOT f)(Fflist)

  FairAU(N,f,g)(Fflist):pred[state] =
	NOT FairEU(N,NOT g,NOT f AND NOT g)(Fflist)
	    AND FairAF(N,g)(Fflist)

  % Turn off K_conversion so that it is not a conversion by default.
  CONVERSION- K_conversion
 END Fairctlops

% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% The bit theory defines bits and their properties. Bits are interpreted
% as the natural numbers 0 and 1.
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------

  bit  : TYPE = bool
  nbit : TYPE = below(2)  %  could be {n: nat | n = 0 OR n = 1}

  b: VAR bit

  bit_cases: LEMMA b = FALSE OR b = TRUE

  b0: [below(1) -> bit] = (LAMBDA (i: below(1)): FALSE)
  b1: [below(1) -> bit] = (LAMBDA (i: below(1)): TRUE)

  b2n(b:bool)     : nbit = IF b THEN 1 ELSE 0 ENDIF 
  n2b(nb: nbit)   : bool = (nb = 1)


END bit

% Definition of a bitvector
% -----------------------------------------
%   Defines:
%       bvec: TYPE = [below(N) -> bit]
%       ^(bv, (i: below(N))): bit
%   Establishes:
bv[N: nat]: THEORY

  bvec : TYPE = [below(N) -> bit]

  b: VAR bit
  bv: VAR bvec
  i: VAR below[N]

  bvec0(i): bit = FALSE
  bvec1(i): bit = TRUE
  fill(b)(i): bit = b;

  % The implementation of the bitvector can be hidden through use of
  % the ^ function below.
  ^(bv, i): bit = bv(i)

END bv

exp2: THEORY

  n,m, x1, x2: VAR nat
  exp2(n: nat): RECURSIVE posnat = IF n = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 2 * exp2(n - 1) ENDIF

  JUDGEMENT exp2(n: nat) HAS_TYPE above(n)

% === Properties of exp2 ===================================================

  exp2_def	 : LEMMA exp2(n) = 2^n
  exp2_pos	 : LEMMA exp2(n) > 0
  exp2_n	 : LEMMA exp2(n+1) = 2*exp2(n)
  exp2_sum	 : LEMMA exp2(n + m) = exp2(n) * exp2(m)
  exp2_minus	 : LEMMA (FORALL n,(k:upto(n)): exp2(n-k)=exp2(n)/exp2(k))
  exp2_strictpos : LEMMA n > 0 IMPLIES exp2(n) > 1
  exp2_lt	 : LEMMA n < m IMPLIES exp2(n) < exp2(m)

  exp_prop       : LEMMA x1 < exp2(n) AND  x2 < exp2(m) 
                           IMPLIES x1 * exp2(m) + x2 < exp2(n + m)

END exp2

bv_cnv: THEORY


  CONVERSION fill[1]

END bv_cnv

bv_concat_def [n:nat, m:nat ]: THEORY
% This theory defines the concatenation operator o for bitvectors:
%   o: [bvec[n], bvec[m] -> bvec[n+m]] 
% The theory is instantiated with the sizes of the input bit vectors.


  o(bvn: bvec[n], bvm: bvec[m]): bvec[n+m] =
       (LAMBDA (nm: below(n+m)): IF nm < m THEN bvm(nm)
                                 ELSE bvn(nm - m)

END bv_concat_def

bv_bitwise [N: nat] : THEORY
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Defines bit-wise logical operations on bit vectors.
%    Introduces:
%       OR : bv1 OR bv2
%       &  : bv1 & bv2
%       IFF: bv1 IFF bv2
%       NOT: NOT bv1
%       XOR: bv1 XOR bv2
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------  

  i: VAR below(N) 
  OR(bv1,bv2: bvec[N]) : bvec[N] = (LAMBDA i: bv1(i) OR bv2(i));
  AND(bv1,bv2: bvec[N]): bvec[N] = (LAMBDA i: bv1(i) AND bv2(i)) ;

  IFF(bv1,bv2: bvec[N]): bvec[N] = (LAMBDA i: bv1(i) IFF bv2(i)) ;

  NOT(bv: bvec[N])     : bvec[N] = (LAMBDA i: NOT bv(i)) ;

  XOR(bv1,bv2: bvec[N]): bvec[N] = (LAMBDA i: XOR(bv1(i),bv2(i))) ;

% === The following lemmas can be used to hide the implementation
%     details of the bitvector

  bv, bv1, bv2: VAR bvec[N]

  bv_OR  : LEMMA (bv1 OR bv2)^i = (bv1^i OR bv2^i)

  bv_AND : LEMMA (bv1 AND bv2)^i = (bv1^i AND bv2^i)

  bv_IFF : LEMMA (bv1 IFF bv2)^i = (bv1^i IFF bv2^i)

  bv_XOR : LEMMA XOR(bv1,bv2)^i = XOR(bv1^i,bv2^i)

  bv_NOT : LEMMA (NOT bv)^i = NOT(bv^i)

END bv_bitwise

% Interpretation of a bitvector as a natural number
% -------------------------------------------------
%   Defines:
%       bv2nat: function[bvec[N] -> below(exp2(N))] 
%       nat2bv: function[below(exp2(N)) -> bvec[N]]
%   Establishes:
%       bv2nat_bij: THEOREM bijective?(bv2nat)
%       bv2nat_inv: THEOREM bv2nat(nat2bv(val)) = val  
%   See note at end of theory for reasons why nat2bv should be avoided
%   in specifications.
bv_nat[N: nat]: THEORY

% === Interpretation of a bit vector as a natural number ================

  bv2nat_rec(n: upto(N), bv:bvec[N]): RECURSIVE nat =
      IF n = 0 THEN 0
      ELSE exp2(n-1) * bv^(n-1) + bv2nat_rec(n - 1, bv)

  bv_lem: LEMMA FORALL (n: below(N), bv: bvec[N]): bv(n) = FALSE OR bv(n) = TRUE 

  bv2nat_rec_bound: LEMMA FORALL (n: upto(N), bv: bvec[N]): 
                                  bv2nat_rec(n, bv) < exp2(n)

  bv2nat(bv:bvec[N]): below(exp2(N)) = bv2nat_rec(N, bv)

% ===== Properties of bv2nat ===================================

  n           : VAR upto(N)
  val         : VAR below(exp2(N))
  bv, bv1, bv2: VAR bvec[N]

  bv2nat_inj_rec: LEMMA
      bv2nat_rec(n, bv1) = bv2nat_rec(n, bv2)
        <=>  (FORALL (m: below(N)): (m < n) IMPLIES bv1(m) = bv2(m))

  bv2nat_surj_rec: LEMMA FORALL (y:below(exp2(n))): 
                                   EXISTS bv:bv2nat_rec(n, bv) = y

  bv2nat_inj     : THEOREM % injective?(bv2nat)
                            (FORALL (x, y: bvec[N]): (bv2nat(x) = bv2nat(y) 
                                      IMPLIES (x = y)))

  bv2nat_surj    : THEOREM % surjective?(bv2nat)
                              (FORALL (y: below(exp2(N))): 
                                     (EXISTS (x: bvec[N]): bv2nat(x) = y))

  bv2nat_bij        : THEOREM bijective?(bv2nat)    

  bv2nat_rec_fill_F : LEMMA bv2nat_rec(n, fill[N](FALSE)) = 0
  bv2nat_rec_fill_T : LEMMA bv2nat_rec(n, fill[N](TRUE)) = exp2(n)-1

  bv2nat_fill_F     : LEMMA bv2nat(fill[N](FALSE)) = 0
  bv2nat_fill_T     : LEMMA bv2nat(fill[N](TRUE)) = exp2(N)-1

  bv2nat_eq0        : LEMMA bv2nat(bv) = 0     IMPLIES (bv = fill[N](FALSE))
  bv2nat_eq_max     : LEMMA bv2nat(bv) = exp2(N)-1 IMPLIES bv = (fill[N](TRUE)) 

  bv2nat_top_bit    : THEOREM N > 0 IMPLIES
                             IF bv2nat(bv) < exp2(N-1) THEN bv^(N-1) = FALSE
                                                       ELSE bv^(N-1) = TRUE ENDIF

  bv2nat_topbit    : THEOREM N > 0 IMPLIES bv^(N-1) = (bv2nat(bv) >= exp2(N-1))

% =================== Properties of nat2bv ===================================

  nat2bv(val: below(exp2(N))): {bv: bvec[N] | bv2nat(bv) = val}

  nat2bv_def       : LEMMA  nat2bv = inverse(bv2nat)

  nat2bv_bij       : THEOREM bijective?[below(exp2(N)),bvec[N]](nat2bv)

  nat2bv_inv       : THEOREM nat2bv(bv2nat(bv)) = bv

  nat2bv_rew       : LEMMA nat2bv(val) = bv IFF bv2nat(bv) = val

  bv2nat_inv       : THEOREM bv2nat(nat2bv(val)) = val

END bv_nat

empty_bv: THEORY


  empty_bv: [below[0] -> bool] = (LAMBDA (x: below[0]): TRUE) ;

END empty_bv

bv_caret[N: nat]: THEORY
% An extractor operation decomposes a bvec into smaller
% bit vectors.  In the following, we define a number of
% extractors for bvec. 
%    Introduces:
%       bv^(m,n) creates bv[m-n+1] from bits m through n
%       bv^^(m,n) can return an empty bitvector if n > m

  % The following operator (^) extracts a contiguous fragment of
  % a bit vector between two given positions.

%  ^(bv: bvec[N], p:[m: below(N), upto(m)]): bvec[LET (m, n) = p IN m - n + 1] =
%             LET (m, n) = p IN
%                (LAMBDA  (ii: below(m - n + 1)): bv(ii + n)) ;

   ^(bv: bvec[N], sp:[i1: below(N), upto(i1)]): bvec[proj_1(sp)-proj_2(sp)+1] =
       (LAMBDA  (ii: below(proj_1(sp) - proj_2(sp) + 1)):
		  bv(ii + proj_2(sp))) ;

%  ^^(bv: bvec[N], p:[m:below[N],nat]): bvec[LET (m, n) = p IN 
%                                        IF m < n THEN 0 ELSE m - n + 1 ENDIF] =
%      LET (m, n) = p IN
%        IF m < n THEN empty_bv 
%        ELSE (LAMBDA (ii: below[m-n+1]): bv(ii + n))
%        ENDIF

% === Useful Lemmas and Theorems =========================================

  bv: VAR bvec[N]

  bv_caret_all  : LEMMA N > 0 IMPLIES bv^(N-1, 0) = bv

%    dcaret_lem : LEMMA (FORALL (i: below(N), j: upto(i)): bv^^(i,j) = bv^(i,j))

  bv_caret_ii_0 : LEMMA (FORALL (i: below(N)): bv^(i,i)^0 = bv^i)

  bv_caret_elim : LEMMA (FORALL (i: below(N), j: upto(i), k: below(i-j+1)): 
                               bv ^ (i, j) ^ k = bv^(j+k))

END bv_caret 

%  Basic properties of infinite sets.  This theory defines infinite sets
%  as the subtype of set[T] that satisfies the predicate "is_infinite".
%  This predicate states that there is no injective function into below[N]
%  for any N.
%  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%      Author: Jerry James (, University of Kansas
infinite_sets_def[T: TYPE]: THEORY

  S, R: VAR set[T]

  % ==========================================================================
  % The main definition
  % ==========================================================================

  is_infinite(S): MACRO bool = NOT is_finite(S)  
  infinite_set: TYPE = {S | NOT is_finite(S)}

  Inf: VAR infinite_set
  Fin: VAR finite_set[T]
  t: VAR T

  % ==========================================================================
  % Properties of infinite sets
  % ==========================================================================

  infinite_nonempty: JUDGEMENT infinite_set SUBTYPE_OF (nonempty?[T])

  infinite_add: JUDGEMENT add(t, Inf) HAS_TYPE infinite_set

  infinite_remove: JUDGEMENT remove(t, Inf) HAS_TYPE infinite_set

  infinite_superset: THEOREM FORALL Inf, S: subset?(Inf, S) => is_infinite(S)

  infinite_union_left: JUDGEMENT union(Inf, S) HAS_TYPE infinite_set
  infinite_union_right: JUDGEMENT union(S, Inf) HAS_TYPE infinite_set

  infinite_union: THEOREM
    FORALL S, R:
      is_infinite(union(S, R)) => is_infinite(S) OR is_infinite(R)

  infinite_intersection: THEOREM
    FORALL S, R:
      is_infinite(intersection(S, R)) => is_infinite(S) AND is_infinite(R)

  infinite_difference: JUDGEMENT difference(Inf, Fin) HAS_TYPE infinite_set

  infinite_rest: JUDGEMENT rest(Inf) HAS_TYPE infinite_set

  infinite_fullset: THEOREM
    (EXISTS S: is_infinite(S)) => is_infinite(fullset[T])

 END infinite_sets_def

finite_sets_of_sets[T: TYPE]: THEORY

  a: VAR set[T]

  powerset_natfun_rec(A: finite_set[T],
                      n: upto(card(A)),
                      f: (bijective?[(A), below(card(A))]),
                      B: (powerset(A))):
        RECURSIVE nat =
   IF n = 0 THEN 0
   ELSE LET nval = exp2(n-1) * IF member(inverse(f)(n-1), B) THEN 1 ELSE 0 ENDIF
         IN nval + powerset_natfun_rec(A, n-1, f, B)

  powerset_natfun_rec_bound: LEMMA
   FORALL (A: finite_set[T],
           n: upto(card(A)),
           f: (bijective?[(A), below(card(A))]),
           B: (powerset(A))):
     powerset_natfun_rec(A, n, f, B) < exp2(n)

  powerset_natfun(A: finite_set[T])(B: (powerset(A))): below(exp2(card(A))) =
    LET f = choose(bijective?[(A), below(card(A))])
     IN powerset_natfun_rec(A, card(A), f, B)

  powerset_natfun_inj_rec: LEMMA
   FORALL (A: finite_set[T],
           n: upto(card(A)),
           f: (bijective?[(A), below(card(A))]),
           B1, B2: (powerset(A))):
    powerset_natfun_rec(A, n, f, B1) = powerset_natfun_rec(A, n, f, B2)
      <=> (FORALL (m: upto(card(A))):
            (m < n) IMPLIES
               (member(inverse(f)(m), B1) IFF member(inverse(f)(m), B2)))

  powerset_natfun_inj: LEMMA
    FORALL (A: finite_set[T]):
      FORALL (B1, B2: (powerset(A))):
        powerset_natfun(A)(B1) = powerset_natfun(A)(B2) IMPLIES B1 = B2

  powerset_finite: JUDGEMENT
    powerset(A: finite_set[T]) HAS_TYPE finite_set[set[T]]

  SS: VAR setofsets[T]

  Union_finite: THEOREM
    FORALL SS: is_finite(Union(SS)) IFF is_finite(SS) AND every(is_finite)(SS)

  Union_infinite: COROLLARY
      is_infinite(Union(SS)) IFF is_infinite(SS) OR some(is_infinite)(SS)

  Intersection_finite: THEOREM
      nonempty?(SS) AND every(is_finite)(SS) => is_finite(Intersection(SS))

  Intersection_infinite: COROLLARY
    FORALL SS: is_infinite(Intersection(SS)) => every(is_infinite)(SS)

  Complement_finite: THEOREM
    FORALL SS: is_finite(Complement(SS)) IFF is_finite(SS)

  Complement_is_finite: JUDGEMENT
    Complement(SS: finite_set[set[T]]) HAS_TYPE finite_set[set[T]]

  Complement_infinite: COROLLARY
    FORALL SS: is_infinite(Complement(SS)) IFF is_infinite(SS)

  Complement_is_infinite: JUDGEMENT
    Complement(SS: infinite_set[set[T]]) HAS_TYPE infinite_set[set[T]]

 END finite_sets_of_sets

% Equivalence classes, quotient types, etc.
% Bart Jacobs, Dep. Comp. Sci., Univ. Nijmegen.
% With suggestions and remarks from: 
% Ulrich Hensel, Marieke Huisman, Hendrik Tews.
% With modifications and additions by Sam Owre, SRI International

EquivalenceClosure[T : TYPE] : THEORY

  R, S : VAR PRED[[T, T]]
  x, y : VAR T

  % Higher order definition of equivalence relation closure.

  EquivClos(R) : equivalence[T] =
    { (x, y) | FORALL(S : equivalence[T]) : subset?(R, S) IMPLIES S(x, y) }

  EquivClosSuperset : LEMMA
    subset?(R, EquivClos(R))

  EquivClosMonotone : LEMMA
    subset?(R, S) IMPLIES subset?(EquivClos(R), EquivClos(S))

  EquivClosLeast : LEMMA
    equivalence?(S) AND subset?(R, S) IMPLIES subset?(EquivClos(R), S)

  EquivClosIdempotent : LEMMA
    EquivClos(EquivClos(R)) = EquivClos(R)

  EquivalenceCharacterization : LEMMA
    equivalence?(S) IFF (S = EquivClos(S))

END EquivalenceClosure

QuotientDefinition[T : TYPE] : THEORY

  R : VAR set[[T, T]]
  S : VAR equivalence[T]
  x, y, z : VAR T

  EquivClass(R)(x) : set[T] = { z | R(x, z) }

  EquivClassNonEmpty : LEMMA

  EquivClassEq : LEMMA
    EquivClass(S)(x) = EquivClass(S)(y) IFF S(x, y)

  repEC(S)(x): T = choose(EquivClass(S)(x))

  % The next two lemmas facilitate working with representatives.

  EquivClassChoose : LEMMA
    S(x, repEC(S)(x))

  ChooseEquivClassChoose : LEMMA
    EquivClass(S)(repEC(S)(x)) = EquivClass(S)(x)

  Quotient(S) : TYPE =
    { P : set[T] | EXISTS x : P = EquivClass(S)(x) }

  rep(S)(P: Quotient(S)): T = choose(P)

  rep_is_repEC: LEMMA
     rep(S)(EquivClass(S)(x)) = repEC(S)(x)

  rep_lemma: LEMMA

  % Note that quotient_map has a different range type than EquivClass,
  % and EquivClass(S) is not surjective.
  quotient_map(S)(x) : Quotient(S) =

  quotient_map_surjective : LEMMA

  % Quotients are also defined for arbitrary relations, via the
  % Equivalence Closure (EC).

  ECQuotient(R) : TYPE =              

  ECquotient_map(R)(x) : ECQuotient(R) =

END QuotientDefinition

KernelDefinition[X: TYPE, X1: TYPE FROM X, Y : TYPE] : THEORY

  f : VAR [X1 -> Y]
  R : VAR PRED[[X, X]]
  x1, x2 : VAR X1

  % The following definition would be part of the 'functions' theory
  % but equivalence is defined afterwards.

  EquivalenceKernel(f) : equivalence[X1] =
    { (x1, x2) | f(x1) = f(x2) }

  PreservesEq(R)(f) : bool =
    subset?(restrict[[X, X],[X1, X1], bool](R), EquivalenceKernel(f))

  PreservesEqClosure : LEMMA
    PreservesEq(R) = PreservesEq(EquivClos[X1](R))

  PreservesEq_is_preserving: LEMMA
    PreservesEq(R) = preserves(restrict[[X, X], [X1, X1], bool](R), =[Y])

END KernelDefinition

QuotientKernelProperties[X : TYPE, X1: TYPE FROM X] : THEORY

  S : VAR equivalence[X1]
  R : VAR PRED[[X, X]]

  Kernel_quotient_map : LEMMA
    EquivalenceKernel[X, X1, Quotient(S)](quotient_map(S)) = S

  PreservesEq_quotient_map : LEMMA
    PreservesEq[X, X1, Quotient(S)](S)(quotient_map(S))

  quotient_map_is_Quotient_EqivalenceRespecting: JUDGEMENT
    quotient_map(S) HAS_TYPE (PreservesEq[X, X1, Quotient(S)](S))

  Kernel_ECquotient_map : LEMMA
    EquivalenceKernel[X, X1, ECQuotient(S)](quotient_map(S)) = S

  PreservesEq_ECquotient_map : LEMMA
    PreservesEq[X, X1, ECQuotient(S)](S)(quotient_map(S))

  quotient_map_is_ECQuotient_EqivalenceRespecting: JUDGEMENT
    quotient_map(S) HAS_TYPE (PreservesEq[X, X1, ECQuotient(S)](S))

END QuotientKernelProperties

QuotientSubDefinition[X : TYPE, X1: TYPE FROM X] : THEORY

  x: VAR X1
  S : VAR {R: equivalence[X] | PreservesEq[X, X, bool](R)(X1_pred)}

  QuotientSub(S) : TYPE =
    { P :set[X] | EXISTS x : P = EquivClass(S)(x) }

  quotient_sub_map(S)(x) : QuotientSub(S) =

END QuotientSubDefinition

QuotientExtensionProperties[X : TYPE, X1: TYPE FROM X, Y : TYPE] : THEORY

  S : VAR {R: equivalence[X] | PreservesEq[X, X, bool](R)(X1_pred)}

      (g : (PreservesEq[X, X1, Y](S)))
      (P : QuotientSub[X, X1](S))
      : Y
    = g(rep(S)(P))

  lift_commutation : LEMMA
    FORALL (S),
           (g : (PreservesEq[X, X1, Y](S))) : 
      lift(S)(g) o quotient_sub_map[X, X1](S) = g

  lift_unicity : LEMMA
    FORALL (S | PreservesEq[X, X, bool](S)(X1_pred)),
           (g : (PreservesEq[X, X1, Y](S))) :
      FORALL(h : [QuotientSub[X, X1](S) -> Y]) :
        h o quotient_sub_map[X, X1](S) = g IMPLIES h = lift(S)(g)

END QuotientExtensionProperties

QuotientDistributive[X, Y: TYPE] : THEORY

% This theory makes clear that quotients commute with products: there is an isomorphism 
%     [X/S, Y] iso [X,Y]/EqualityExtension(S)
% given by the canonical map (from right to left). Such distributivity
% results can be used to define functions with several parameters on a
% quotient.  In the presence of function types, this can also be done
% via Currying.  The result is included here mainly as a test for the
% formalisation of quotients.

  S : VAR equivalence[X]
  z, w : VAR [X, Y]

  EqualityExtension(S) : set[[[X, Y], [X, Y]]] =
    { (z, w) | S(z`1, w`1) AND z`2 = w`2  }

  EqualityExtension_is_equivalence: JUDGEMENT
    EqualityExtension(S) HAS_TYPE equivalence[[X, Y]]

  EqualityExtensionPreservesEq : LEMMA
    PreservesEq[[X, Y], [X, Y], [Quotient(S), Y]]
        (LAMBDA(x : X, y : Y) : (quotient_map(S)(x), y))

  QuotientDistributive : LEMMA
    bijective?[Quotient(EqualityExtension(S)), [Quotient(S), Y]]
      (lift[[X, Y], [X, Y], [Quotient(S), Y]](EqualityExtension(S))
           (LAMBDA(x : X, y : Y) : (quotient_map(S)(x), y)))

  %     [X/S, Y/R] iso [X,Y]/RelExtension(S,R)

  R: VAR equivalence[Y]

  RelExtension(S, R) : equivalence[[X, Y]] =
    { (z, w) | S(z`1, w`1) AND R(z`2, w`2) }

  RelExtensionPreservesEq : LEMMA
    PreservesEq[[X, Y], [X, Y], [Quotient(S), Quotient(R)]]
        (LAMBDA(x : X, y : Y) : (quotient_map(S)(x), quotient_map(R)(y)))

  RelQuotientDistributive : LEMMA
    bijective?[Quotient(RelExtension(S,R)), [Quotient(S), Quotient(R)]]
      (lift[[X, Y], [X, Y], [Quotient(S), Quotient(R)]](RelExtension(S, R))
           (LAMBDA(x : X, y : Y) : (quotient_map(S)(x), quotient_map(R)(y))))

  %     F: [X -> equivalence[Y]]
  %        [x:X -> Y/F(x)] iso [X -> Y]/FunExtension(F)
  F: VAR [X -> equivalence[Y]]
  f, g : VAR [X -> Y]

  FunExtension(F) : equivalence[[X -> Y]] =
    { (f, g) | FORALL (x : X) : F(x)(f(x), g(x)) }

  FunExtensionPreservesEq : LEMMA
    PreservesEq[[X -> Y], [X -> Y], [x : X -> Quotient(F(x))]]
        (LAMBDA(f : [X -> Y]) : LAMBDA (x : X) : quotient_map(F(x))(f(x)))

  FunQuotientDistributive : LEMMA
    bijective?[Quotient(FunExtension(F)), [x : X -> Quotient(F(x))]]
      (lift[[X -> Y], [X -> Y], [x : X -> Quotient(F(x))]](FunExtension(F))
           (LAMBDA(f : [X -> Y]) : (LAMBDA (x : X): (quotient_map(F(x))(f(x))))))

END QuotientDistributive

QuotientIteration[X : TYPE] : THEORY

% In this theory it will be shown how successive quotients can be reduced
% to a single quotient:
%     (X/S)/R iso X/action(S)(R)
% again via the canonical map.

  S : VAR equivalence[X]
  x, y : VAR X

  action(S)(R : equivalence[Quotient(S)])(x, y) : bool =
    R(EquivClass(S)(x), EquivClass(S)(y))

  action_equivalence_is_equivalence: JUDGEMENT
    action(S)(R : equivalence[Quotient(S)]) HAS_TYPE equivalence[X]

  QuotientAction : LEMMA
    FORALL(R : equivalence[Quotient(S)]) :
      bijective?[Quotient(R), Quotient(action(S)(R))]
        (lift[Quotient(S), Quotient(S), Quotient(action(S)(R))](R)
           (lift[X, X, Quotient(action(S)(R))](S)

END QuotientIteration

% The following theory illustrates how the lift type can be used
% to describe partial functions from X to Y, namely as total
% functions from X to lift[Y].

PartialFunctionDefinitions[X, Y : TYPE] : THEORY

% Two representations of partial functions are described,
% and shown to be isomorphic. In practice, the formulation
% based on lift is more convenient, because definitions
% are easier and fewer TCCs are generated.

  SubsetPartialFunction : TYPE =
    [# dom : PRED[X], fun : [(dom) -> Y] #]

  LiftPartialFunction : TYPE =
    [X -> lift[Y]]

  f : VAR LiftPartialFunction
  g : VAR SubsetPartialFunction
  h : VAR [X -> Y]

  SPartFun_appl(g): [(dom(g)) -> Y] = g`fun

  SPartFun_to_LPartFun(g) : LiftPartialFunction =
    LAMBDA(x : X) : IF dom(g)(x) THEN up(fun(g)(x)) ELSE bottom ENDIF

  LPartFun_to_SPartFun(f) : SubsetPartialFunction =
      dom := {x : X | up?(f(x))}, 
      fun := LAMBDA(y : {x : X | up?(f(x))}) : down(f(y))

  TotalFun_to_SPartFun(h): SubsetPartialFunction =
      dom := {x : X | TRUE},
      fun := h

  TotalFun_to_LPartFun(h): LiftPartialFunction =
    LAMBDA(x : X) : up(h(x))

  CONVERSION SPartFun_appl,
             SPartFun_to_LPartFun, LPartFun_to_SPartFun,
             TotalFun_to_SPartFun, TotalFun_to_LPartFun

  SPartFun_to_LPartFun_to_SPartFun : LEMMA
    LPartFun_to_SPartFun(SPartFun_to_LPartFun(g)) = g

  LPartFun_to_SPartFun_to_LPartFun : LEMMA
    SPartFun_to_LPartFun(LPartFun_to_SPartFun(f)) = f

END PartialFunctionDefinitions

PartialFunctionComposition[X, Y, Z : TYPE] : THEORY

  f : VAR LiftPartialFunction[X, Y]
  g : VAR LiftPartialFunction[Y, Z]

  o(g, f) : LiftPartialFunction[X, Z] =
    LAMBDA(x : X) :
      CASES f(x) OF
        bottom : bottom,
        up(y) : g(y)

  h : VAR SubsetPartialFunction[X, Y]
  k : VAR SubsetPartialFunction[Y, Z]

  CompDom(k, h) : PRED[X] =
    { x : X | dom(h)(x) AND dom(k)(fun(h)(x)) };

  o(k, h) : SubsetPartialFunction[X, Z] =
      dom := CompDom(k, h),
      fun := LAMBDA(x : (CompDom(k, h))) : fun(k)(fun(h)(x))

  SPartFun_to_LPartFun_CompositionPreservation : LEMMA
    SPartFun_to_LPartFun(k o h)
      = SPartFun_to_LPartFun(k) o SPartFun_to_LPartFun(h)

  LPartFun_to_SPartFun_CompositionPreservation : LEMMA
    LPartFun_to_SPartFun(g o f)
      = LPartFun_to_SPartFun(g) o LPartFun_to_SPartFun(f)

END PartialFunctionComposition