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Traffic sign image database

The traffic sign image database - traffic_sign.tar.gz, 8.3 Mbytes - contains 48 images of size 360x270 pixels in PNG format, each representing a traffic scene. The images are grouped in 3 classes, each class corresponding to a different template traffic sign (pedestrian crossing, compulsory for bikes, intersection). You can access a class with a click on the corresponding template traffic sign appearing below. Each of the 16 images from a class is further accessible with a click on the corresponding thumbnail image.
The images of the template traffic signs and the traffic scenes were taken with a LCD digital foto-camera; the only restriction imposed was that the projection of a traffic sign on the LCD be approximately the same size (+/- 10% variation). Your are kindly invited to use this database referring to the following article:
C. Grigorescu and N. Petkov - "Distance sets for shape filters and shape recognition", IEEE Trans. on Image Processing.

Crossing 01
Crossing 02
Crossing 03
Crossing 04
Crossing 05
Crossing 06
Crossing 07
Crossing 08
Crossing 09
Crossing 10
Crossing 11
Crossing 12
Crossing 13
Crossing 14
Crossing 15
Crossing 16