Exercise 4: New upstream release with debuild

In the previous exercise we changed the packaging around an existing release. In this exercise, upstream has released a new version, and we are going to package it. And we 'll use debuild, which is a wrapper around dpkg-buildpackage, and more sophisticated.

Procedure 2.3.  Packaging a new upstream release with debuild

  1. Fetching the new release

    cd ~/packaging/hello
    wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/hello/hello-2.4.tar.gz


  2. Copying the old control files to the new source

    Now enter the old source directory, and run uupdate:

          cd hello-2.2
          uupdate -u hello-2.4.tar.gz

    New Release will be 2.4-1.
    Symlinking to pristine source from hello_2.4.orig.tar.gz...
    -- Untarring the new sourcecode archive hello-2.4.tar.gz
    Success!  The diffs from version 2.2-2 worked fine.
    Remember: Your current directory is the OLD sourcearchive!
    Do a "cd ../hello-2.4" to see the new package

    cd ../hello-2.4


  3. Packaging the new version

    debuild -rfakeroot -k'j.bokma@rug.nl'



    Check out what that gave us...