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Computer Science Msc Elisa Oostwal and Mathematics MSc Janis Norden just started their PhD positions in my Vidi project “Mechanistic machine learning - combining the explanatory power of dynamic models with the predictive power of Machine Learning" under my supervision.


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Engineering Msc Matteo Marcantoni just started his PhD position in our NWO Smart Industry project SMART-AGENTS (Swarm collaborative Multi-Agent cybeR physical sysTems with shAred sensinG modalitiEs, 5G commuNication and micro-elecTromechanical Sensor arrays). He will be working on efficient autonomous navigation and distributed control of a fleet of collaborative agents contributing with their individual equipment and capabilities for a joint goal.


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I am happy to share that my VIDI project “Mechanistic machine learning - combining the explanatory power of dynamic models with the predictive power of Machine Learning” has been awarded!

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Astrophysics Msc Petra Awad just started her PhD position in Data Science & Systems Complexity (DSSC) under supervision of Reynier Peletier and myself. She will be working on the detection and analysis of filament-like structures in different scales ranging from closeby streams in our Milky way up to filaments of the cosmic web.


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