Fourth Workshop on SHAring and Reusing architectural Knowledge (SHARK 2009)

31st Int. Conf. on Software Engineering (ICSE 2009)
ICSE 2009
Vancouver, Canada, May 16-24, 2009

Workshop Program

Session 1: Keynote speech
9.00 - 9.15 Welcome

9.15 - 10.30 Keynote speech by Rich Hilliard. The new ISO/IEC/IEEE Stdandard on Architecture Description

10.30 - 11.00 Break

Session 2: Paper presentations

Cluster 1: Technologies and tools for Managing AK

11.00: Model-Driven Approach to Software Architecture Design, Daniel Perovich, Cecilia Bastarrica, Cristian Rojas

11.10: An Analysis of Decision-centric Architectural Design Approaches, Wanfeng Bu, Antony Tang, Jun Han

11.20: QuOnt: an ontology for the reuse of quality criteria, Remco C. de Boer, Hans van Vliet

11.30: Tool Support for Automating Architectural Knowledge Extraction, Aman Ul-haq, Muhammad Ali Babar

Cluster 2: Uses of AK

11.40: Managing assumptions during agile development, Ireo Ostacchini, Michel Wermelinger

11.50: SOA decision making - what do we need to know, Qing Gu, Hans Van Vliet

12.00: Making Use of Architecture throughout the Software Life Cycle - How the Build Hierarchy can Facilitate Product Line Development, Hataichanok Unphon

12.10: Understanding How to Support Architects in Sharing Knowledge, Rik Farenhorst, Hans van Vliet

12:20: Discussion on the topics for the afternoon breakout sessions.

12:30-14.00 Lunch

Session 3: Break out sessions

14.00 - 15.30 Breakout sessions - discussion (parallel)

15:30-16.00 Break

Session 4: Break out sessions and discussion

16.00 - 17.00 Breakout sessions - discussion, wrapup and prepare reporting (parallel)

17.00 - 17.20 Plenary wrapup from breakout sessions

17.20 - 17.30 Closing remarks (Co-chairs)

Social Event: Workshop Dinner (19:00-ish).
We plan to have a joint dinner, in order to facilitate closer links between the SHARKs! The dinner is NOT included in the workshop registration fee.