Local LaTeX styles

many visitors since June 1st, 1996.

This information is for users on the computing science network of Groningen only (i.e., the network used by staff members).
However, some of the information may be useful for others as well.

This site will be updated in the near future.

Latest news

A mini-course

We have made a mini-course "How to learn LaTeX." (in dutch). We also have a first introduction on LaTeX (in English).

From LaTeX to HTML

A program
latex2html exists, that can translate LaTeX sources to HTML (and back). Special commands have been made to easily use this program.

The CTAN archive

The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) is a set of fully-mirrored ftp sites providing the most complete, up-to-date TeX-related software possible. Important file servers that contain TeX material are: There exists at least two interesting mail servers, namely TeX-nl (for members of the Dutch TeX Usersgroup) and 4TeX (for users of the pc-version 4allTeX.) Both servers are archived: (See also the NTG-pages). More information and remarks:
Rein Smedinga, rein@cs.rug.nl
Last modified: 25/feb/2002