Heorhiy (George) V. Byelas, PDEng
- room number: 491 (Bernoulliborg, building 5161)
- phone numbers
| domestic:
| (050) 363-5097
| international:
| +31-50-3635097
- e-mail: h.v.byelas rug.nl
- Interest/expertise: Software Visualization, Software Architecture, Reverse Engineering
George's recent Publications
- Heorhiy Byelas (2010) Visualization of metrics and areas of interest on software architecture diagrams. PhD thesis. promotor: A.C. Telea. (BibTeX)
- Heorhiy Byelas and Alexandru Telea (2009) Visualizing Metrics on Areas of Interest in Software Architecture Diagrams. In Proc. PacificVis.. IEEE, pages 33-40. (BibTeX)
- Heorhiy Byelas and Alexandru Telea (2009) Visualizing Multivariate Attributes on Software Architectures. In Proc. CSMR (Doctoral Symposium).. IEEE, pages 335-338. (BibTeX)
- Alexandru Telea, Heorhiy Byelas and Lucian Voinea (2009) A Framework for Reverse Engineering Large C++ Code Bases.. . (URL) (BibTeX)
- Heorhiy Byelas and Alexandru Telea (2009) Texture-Based Metrics Visualization on Software Architecture Diagrams. In {Proc. Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI'09)}.. (BibTeX)
- Heorhiy Byelas and Alexandru Telea (2008) Evaluating Visual Realism in Drawing Areas of Interest on UML Diagrams. In Proc. of the 14th Annual Conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI'08, June 11--13, Het Heijderbos, Heijen, The Netherlands)., pages 265-272. (URL) (BibTeX)
- Heorhiy Byelas and Alexandru Telea (2008) Texture-Based Visualization of Metrics on Software Architectures. In Proc. ACM SOFTVIS'08.. Poster. (URL) (BibTeX)
- Heorhyi Byelas and Alexandru Telea (2008) The Metric Lens: Visualizing Metrics and Structure on Software Diagrams. In Proc. WCRE (tool demo paper).. IEEE Press. (URL) (BibTeX)
- Heorhiy Byelas and Alexandru Telea (2008) Towards Visual Realism in Drawing Areas of Interest on Software Architecture Diagrams.. . (BibTeX)
- A. Telea, H. Byelas and L. Voinea (2008) Architecting an Open System for Querying Large C and C++ Code Bases.. . (URL) (BibTeX)
- H. Byelas and A. Telea (2008) Visual Software Analytics for Assessing the Maintainability of Object-Oriented Software Systems.. . (URL) (BibTeX)
- Heorhiy Byelas and Alexandru Telea (2007) Visualization of Quality Attributes on Software Architectures. In SIREN: Scientific ICT Research Event Netherlands, 30 October 2007, TU Delft.. Poster. (BibTeX)