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Efficient and Robust Path Openings using the Scale-Invariant Rank Operator

This page is related to the following publication:

van de Gronde, Jasper J., Offringa, AndrĂ© R. and Roerdink, Jos B. T. M. (2016) Efficient and Robust Path Openings using the Scale-Invariant Rank Operator.. . Attach:pdf.gif Δ Δ (URL) (BibTeX)

The code can be tried out interactively in the browser, simply by pressing the button below (this will overlay the demo, which can be dismissed by clicking "Close" in the top-right corner):

Try me!

Note that the code is written in Javascript and makes extensive use of HTML5 features. It is thus advisable to use a recent browser (I test primarily with Firefox and Chrome). Also, some patience might be required. The default example image is a (down)scaled (by approximately half) and cropped version of the image used in Fig.9 in the paper (the original was provided by Robert van Liere).

The source code can be downloaded here (covered by the MIT license). This also includes a command-line interface based on Node.js, as well as an implementation of the greyscale algorithm for sequences in C++.

Note: It looks like the above source code is missing some json files, these can be found as part of the source code for tensorial orientation scores.