Dr. ir. Michael Ten Caat
- group member from 2004–2008
Research while at SVCG
- Scientific Visualization / Information Visualization
- Neuroimaging (EEG, MEG, fMRI, DTI), especially its scientific and clinical applications
- Usability, interactivity
Michael's recent publications
(For more publications go to Michael's publications page.)
- Michael ten Caat, Natasha M. Maurits and Jos B.T.M. Roerdink (2009) Data-Driven Visualization and Group Analysis of Multichannel EEG Coherence with Functional Units. In Proc. NeuroMath Workshop, Leuven, March 12-13.. Abstract and poster. (BibTeX)
- Monicque M. Lorist, Eniko Bezdan, Michael ten Caat , Mark M. Span, Jos B. T. M. Roerdink and Natasha M. Maurits (2009) The influence of mental fatigue and motivation on task switching; an EEG coherence study.. . Attach:pdf.gif Δ Δ (BibTeX)
- Michael ten Caat, Natasha M. Maurits and Jos B. T. M. Roerdink (2008) Data-Driven Visualization and Group Analysis of Multichannel EEG Coherence with Functional Units.. . Attach:pdf.gif Δ Δ (BibTeX)
- Michael ten Caat, Monicque M. Lorist, Eniko Bezdan , Jos B. T. M. Roerdink and Natasha M. Maurits (2008) High-Density EEG Coherence Analysis Using Functional Units Applied to Mental Fatigue.. . http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jneumeth.2008.03.022. Attach:pdf.gif Δ Δ (BibTeX)
- M. ten Caat (2008) Multichannel EEG Visualization. PhD thesis. (BibTeX)
- ten Caat, M., Maurits, N. M. and Roerdink, J. B. T. M. (2007) Watershed-Based Visualization of High-Density EEG Coherence. In Proc. 8th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology, Rio de Janeiro. (Banon, Gerald Jean Francis, Barrera, Junior and de Mendoca Braga-Neto, Ulisses, Eds.) Pages 289-300. Attach:pdf.gif Δ Δ (BibTeX)
- Michael ten Caat, Natasha M. Maurits and Jos B. T. M. Roerdink (2007) Design and Evaluation of Tiled Parallel Coordinate Visualization of Multichannel EEG Data.. . Attach:pdf.gif Δ Δ (BibTeX)
- ten Caat, M., Maurits, N. M. and Roerdink, J. B. T. M. (2007) Functional Unit Maps for Data-Driven Visualization of High-Density EEG Coherence. In Proc. Eurographics/IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization (EuroVis)., pages 259-266. Attach:pdf.gif Δ Δ (BibTeX)