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- Cosmin Grigorescu, Nicolai Petkov and Michel A. Westenberg (2004) Contour and boundary detection improved by surround suppression of texture edges.. . Attach:pdf.gif Δ Δ (BibTeX)
- Michel A. Westenberg and Thomas Ertl (2004) Wavelet-based representation of uniform multi-component data. In Vision, Modeling, and Visualization 2005. Erlangen, Germany, November 16--18. (G. Greiner, J. Hornegger and H. Niemann and M. Stamminger, Eds.) Pages 351-358. Attach:pdf.gif Δ Δ (BibTeX)
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- Nicolai Petkov and Michel A. Westenberg (2004) Band-limited noise suppresses contour perception not only of letters but of any objects.. . (BibTeX)
- Nicolai Petkov and Michel A. Westenberg (2004) Non-classical receptive field inhibition and its relation to orientation-contrast pop-out and line and contour saliency: a computational approach.. . (BibTeX)
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