- Ji, Chengtao, Gronde, Jasper J. van de, Maurits, Natasha M. and Roerdink, Jos B. T. M (2019) Visual Exploration of Dynamic Multichannel EEG Coherence Networks.. . (URL) (BibTeX)
- Chengtao Ji and Jasper J. van de Gronde and Natasha M. Maurits and Jos B. T. M. Roerdink (2017) Visualizing and Exploring Dynamic Multichannel EEG Coherence Networks. In {VCBM} 17: Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine, Bremen, Germany, September 7-8, 2017.. Eurographics Association, pages 63-72. Honorable Mention Award. (URL) (BibTeX)
- Soancatl Aguilar, Venustiano, van de Gronde, Jasper J., Lamoth, Claudine J. C., Maurits, Natasha M. and Roerdink, Jos B. T. M. (2018) Assessing Postural Control Performance during Exergaming based on Speed and Curvature of Body Movements.. . Attach:pdf.gif Δ (BibTeX)
- Soancatl Aguilar, Venustiano, J. van de Gronde, Jasper, J. C. Lamoth, Claudine, van Diest, Mike, M. Maurits, Natasha and B. T. M. Roerdink, Jos (2017) Visual Data Exploration for Balance Quantification in Real-Time During Exergaming.. . (URL) (BibTeX)
- Soancatl Aguilar, Venustiano, van de Gronde, Jasper J., Maurits, Natasha M., Lamoth, Claudine C. J. C. and Roerdink, Jos B. T. M. (2016) Curvature and Speed for Balance Quantification During Exergaming. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Motion in Games. New York, NY, USA. ACM, pages 201-202. (URL) (BibTeX)
- Soancatl Aguilar, Venustiano, van de Gronde, J. J. and Lamoth, C. J. C., Maurits, N. M. and Roerdink, Jos B. T. M. (2016) Visual Data Exploration for Balance Quantification During Exergaming. In EuroVis 2016 - Posters. Groningen. The Eurographics Association, pages 25-27. (URL) (BibTeX)
- Ji, Chengtao, van de Gronde, Jasper J. and Maurits, Natasha M. and Roerdink, Jos B. T. M. (2016) Tracking and Visualizing Dynamic Structures in Multichannel EEG Coherence Networks. In EuroVis 2016 - Posters.. The Eurographics Association, pages 28-30. (URL) (BibTeX)
- Ji, Chengtao, van de Gronde, Jasper J. and Maurits, Natasha M. and Roerdink, Jos B. T. M. (2016) Exploration of Complex Dynamic Structures in Multichannel EEG Coherence Networks via Information Visualization Techniques. In CCS 2016 - Posters.. (BibTeX)
- van de Gronde, Jasper J., Offringa, AndrĂ© R. and Roerdink, Jos B. T. M. (2016) Efficient and Robust Path Openings using the Scale-Invariant Rank Operator.. . Attach:pdf.gif Δ (URL) (BibTeX)
- Schubert, Herman, van de Gronde, Jasper J. and Roerdink, Jos B. T. M. (2016) Efficient Computation of Greyscale Path Openings.. . Attach:pdf.gif Δ (URL) (BibTeX)
- van de Gronde, Jasper J. and Roerdink, Jos B. T. M. (2016) Generalized Morphology using Sponges.. . Attach:pdf.gif Δ (URL) (BibTeX)
- van de Gronde, Jasper J. (2015) Beyond Scalar Morphology. PhD thesis. (URL) (BibTeX)
- van de Gronde, Jasper J. (2015) Tensorial Orientation Scores. In Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns.. Springer International Publishing, pages 783-794. Attach:pdf.gif Δ (URL) (BibTeX)
- van de Gronde, Jasper J. and Roerdink, Jos B. T. M. (2015) Sponges for Generalized Morphology. In Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Signal and Image Processing. (Benediktsson, J\'on Atli, Chanussot, Jocelyn, Najman, Laurent and Talbot, Hugues, Eds.) Springer International Publishing, pages 351-362. Attach:pdf.gif Δ (BibTeX)
- van de Gronde, Jasper J., Schubert, Herman R. and Roerdink, Jos B. T. M. (2015) Fast Computation of Greyscale Path Openings. In Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Signal and Image Processing. (Benediktsson, J\'on Atli, Chanussot, Jocelyn, Najman, Laurent and Talbot, Hugues, Eds.) Springer International Publishing, pages 621-632. Attach:pdf.gif Δ (URL) (BibTeX)
- van de Gronde, Jasper J., Lysenko, Mikola and Roerdink, Jos B. T. M. (2015) Path-Based Mathematical Morphology on Tensor Fields. In Visualization and Processing of Higher Order Descriptors for Multi-Valued Data. (Hotz, Ingrid and Schultz, Thomas, Eds.) Springer International Publishing, pages 109-127. (URL) (BibTeX)
- van de Gronde, Jasper J. and Roerdink, Jos B. T. M. (2014) Group-Invariant Colour Morphology Based on Frames.. . Attach:pdf.gif Δ (URL) (BibTeX)
- van de Gronde, Jasper J., Wilkinson, Michael H. F. and Roerdink, Jos B. T. M. (2013) Rotation-invariant morphological filtering of tensor fields using frames. In Poster session of the National ICT.OPEN (Eindhoven). nov. Attach:pdf.gif Δ (BibTeX)
- van de Gronde, Jasper J. and Roerdink, Jos B. T. M. (2013) Group-Invariant Frames for Colour Morphology. In ASCI.OPEN (Eindhoven). nov. (BibTeX)
- van de Gronde, Jasper J. (2013) Web Graphics for Science. In HTML5 Developer Conference. oct. (URL) (BibTeX)
- van de Gronde, Jasper J. and Roerdink, Jos B. T. M. (2014) Frames, the Loewner order and eigendecomposition for morphological operators on tensor fields.. . Attach:pdf.gif Δ (URL) (BibTeX)
- van de Gronde, Jasper J. and Roerdink, Jos B. T. M. (2013) Frames for Tensor Field Morphology. In Geometric Science of Information. (Frank Nielsen and Fr\'ed\'eric Barbaresco, Eds.) Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pages 527-534. Attach:pdf.gif Δ (URL) (BibTeX)
- van de Gronde, Jasper J. and Roerdink, Jos B. T. M. (2013) Group-Invariant Frames for Colour Morphology. In Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Signal and Image Processing. (Luengo Hendriks, Cris L., Borgefors, Gunilla and Strand, Robin, Eds.) Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pages 267-278. Attach:pdf.gif Δ (URL) (BibTeX)
- van de Gronde, Jasper J., Wilkinson, Michael H.F. and Roerdink, Jos B.T.M. (2012) Making computers see tensors using mathematical morphology. In Poster session of the National ICT.OPEN (Rotterdam). oct. Attach:pdf.gif Δ (BibTeX)
- A. R. Offringa and J. J. van~de~Gronde and J. B. T. M. Roerdink (2012) A morphological algorithm for improving radio-frequency interference detection.. . (BibTeX)
- Jasper van de Gronde (2010) A High Quality Solver for Diffusion Curves. Master's thesis. Attach:pdf.gif Δ (URL) (BibTeX)