Technical Reports
- Maarten H. Everts, Henk Bekker, Jos B. T. M. Roerdink and Tobias Isenberg (2015) Interactive Illustrative Line Styles and Line Style Transfer Functions for Flow Visualization. Technical report 1503.05787, Extended version of a short paper at Pacific Graphics 2011, Attach:pdf.gif Δ Δ (URL) (BibTeX)
- Nadia Boukhelifa, Anastasia Bezerianos, Tobias Isenberg and Jean-Daniel Fekete (2012) Evaluating Sketchy Lines for the Qualitative Visualization of Uncertainty. Technical report RR-7910, INRIA. Attach:pdf.gif Δ (BibTeX)
- Uta Hinrichs, Holly Schmidt, Tobias Isenberg and Mark S. Hancock and Sheelagh Carpendale (2008) BubbleType: Enabling Text Entry within a Walk-Up Tabletop Installation. Technical report 2008-893-06, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary. Attach:pdf.gif Δ (BibTeX)
- Jens Grubert, Mark Hanckock, Sheelagh Carpendale and Edward Tse and Tobias Isenberg (2007) Interacting with Stroke-Based Rendering on a Wall Display. Technical report 2007-882-34, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary. Attach:pdf.gif Δ (BibTeX)
- Jens Grubert, Sheelagh Carpendale and Tobias Isenberg (2007) Interactive Stroke-Based NPR using Hand Postures on Large Displays. Technical report 2007-883-35, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary. Attach:pdf.gif Δ (URL) (BibTeX)