May 2024
| Periodiek 2024, number 1, pages 18–22: Vector graphics primitives: From Fonts to Gradient Meshes; by C. Tursun, S. Frey, and J. Kosinka.
November 2023
| European Researchers' Night 2023 in Groningen; satellite events.
December 2019
| Linux Magazine December 2019 (Issue 229), Photorealistic images with vector graphics; by P.J. Barendrecht.
November 2019
| Nightingale, The Journal of the Data Visualization Society, Medium November 2019,; by L. Amabili.
September 2019
| Linux-Magazin 09/2019, Skalierbare Grafiken mit Open Source; by P.J. Barendrecht.
August 2019
| Nightingale, The Journal of the Data Visualization Society, Medium August 2019,; by L. Amabili.
December 2018
| Periodiek 2018, number 2, pages 6–9: Vector graphics primitives: From Fonts to Gradient Meshes; by P.J. Barendrecht and J. Kosinka.
August 2013
| Research Media published an item about the COMOTI project in its August 2013 International Innovation report. See here.
December 2011
| NWO Exacte Berichten has an item Gestroomlijnde auto dankzij visualisatie van lijnen about the PhD thesis of Maarten Everts.
November 2011
| The Virtual Press Room for the American Physical Society (APS) Division of Fluid Dynamics showcases our depth-dependent halo technique for fluid flow visualization.
September 2011
| UK volume 41, number 6, international pages 2–3: The UK, the University of Groningen's independent weekly newspaper reported about our collaboration with the university's Visualization Center on creating interactive visualizations on their large touch-sensitive display wall; the article is by Rene Fransen and is entitled »One touch is all it takes«
April 2011
| Reuters has created a video segment about our collaboration with University of Groningen's Visualization Center on creating a very large touch-sensitive display (not »the largest« as they claim in the video, but probably »the largest curved one«)
April 2010
| VisMaster Article about our visualization work in neuroscience (EEG coherence networks) on the Visual Analytics EU-project 'Vismaster' website
April 2010
| I/O Magazine volume 7, number 1, page 12: In an interview with Maarten H. Everts, the Magazine van het ICT-onderzoek Platform Nederland reports on our group's best poster award at SIREN 2009 for »Illustrative Rendering of Dense Line Data using Depth-Dependent Halos«; the article is called »De kunst van het weglaten« by Karina Meerman
February 2010
| »Universal eye problem leads to better vision«. News item University of Groningen; and Online article »Universeel oogprobleem helpt mensen beter te zien« by the Dutch news agency about the project of our PhD graduate Dr. Ronald van den Berg
November 2009
| Periodiek 2009, number 5, pages 6–9: »Uit het onderzoek: Spaghetti ontward« by master student Pjotr Svetachov, article about the project »Depth-Dependent Halos: Illustrative Rendering of Dense Line Data« onto which he built in his own research
September 2009
| An image from our work on interactive computer graphics and non-photorealistic rendering is featured as the cover image of the Brochure Informatica 2010–2011 of the University of Groningen
May 2009
| Periodiek 2009, number 2, pages 38–39: »Touch Display« by master student Luc Vlaming, article about the project »Presenting using Two-Handed Interaction in Open Space«
March 2009
| Periodiek 2009, number 1, pages 12–15: »Overwinteren in Canada« by master student Thomas ten Cate, article about his master's thesis and internship in Canada which he did as a collaboration between the University of Calgary's Interaction Lab and the University of Groningen's Scientific Visualization and Computer Graphics group
April 2008
| Brainstorm 2008, number 1, pages 6–7: »Computer Graphics, but how to interact with it?« by Tobias Isenberg, article on his work on interactive computer graphics
May 2007
| UK, volume 36, number 31: »Het nut van Second Life« by Christien Boomsma
March 2006
| UK, volume 35, number 27: »Reizen door twintig dimensies« by René Fransen
February 2004
| UK, volume 33, number 23: »Verbanden leggen in 3D« by René Fransen