Innovative Interactive Systems
Bachelor, 3rd year
The aim of the class is to provide the students with a basic knowledge of the design principles for human-computer interaction and the design life cycle for interactive systems. In the second part of the lecture, novel platforms for interaction will be addressed such as, for example, direct touch, large table and wall displays, collaborative interfaces, sketch-based interfaces, mobile devices, and 3D tracking. At the end of the class, students will be familiar with user-centered system design and the interface design life cycle, methods for prototyping visual applications, methods for evaluating user interfaces, and interface design challenges for novel interfaces. The class is accompanied by a tutorial in which presence is mandatory. In this tutorial you will deepen your understanding of the presented material through exercises, implementations, presentations, and discussions. The class relates to statistics, computer graphics, and other subjects in which interfaces need to be provided.
More information:
- see the class Web site
Offered by:
Taught when:
- 2012–2013, Block 2
Previous times taught:
- 2011–2012, Block 2
- 2010–2011, Block 2
- 2009–2010, Block 2
- 2008–2009, Block 2
Administrative information: