Debian/Ubuntu Linux with AD Kerberos Server

See the previous section to get your nameserving in order.

Kerberos is a trusted-third-party symmetric key authentication method that Active Directory uses extensively. For Linux, two flavours are widely available: MIT and Heimdal.

Procedure 18.  Configuring Linux for AD Kerberos

  1. Preconfiguring heimdal (with DebConf)

    I picked Heimdal Kerberos for this HOWTO because I've worked with it for years. MIT can be handled alike, albeit not identically.

    Create a file - say - debconf-kerberos-settings:

    # Default Kerberos version 5 realm (this is the single most important setting):
    krb5-config krb5-config/default_realm string WSPACE.MYDOMAIN.NL
    # Kerberos servers for your realm: 1
    krb5-config krb5-config/kerberos_servers string
    # Local realm name: 2
    heimdal-kdc heimdal/realm string WSPACE.MYDOMAIN.NL
    # Administrative server for your Kerberos realm: 3
    krb5-config krb5-config/admin_server string
    # Does DNS contain pointers to your realm's Kerberos Servers? 4
    krb5-config krb5-config/dns_for_default boolean true
    # Add locations of default Kerberos servers to /etc/krb5.conf? 5
    krb5-config krb5-config/add_servers boolean false


    The kerberos_servers can be left blank in our case, as they're served through DNS. The setting cannot be left out, as it won't be preseeded then, and debconf will ask questions.


    The realm to be used is not served by DNS in our case, so it must be specified.


    The admin_server is not served through DNS, but it isn't used either, so it may be left blank.


    DNS in our case deals only some Kerberos information, not all. See below in the troubleshooting section.


    This leads to the Kerberos servers specified in this file not being listed in /etc/krb5.conf. If DNS doesn't serve enough, try toggling to true.

  2. Preseed Heimdal

    Preseed the Heimdal packages with the file just created, then install them:

    apprentice@clnt-3-53:~$ cat debconf-kerberos-settings |sudo debconf-set-selections
    apprentice@clnt-3-53:~$ sudo apt-get install -y heimdal-clients
    <snip >

  3. Try whether we can fetch a Kerberos ticket

    The configuration file /etc/krb5.conf has been generated from the DebConf settings at package install time, so even without touching it, we can now fetch a ticket:

    (the wrong password, and it doesn't work)

    (the right password, and it works:)

Within an AD domain, as within any Kerberos realm, not only users, but also machines and services may and do require authentication against the Kerberos database. In Kerberos parlance: users, machines and services all have Kerberos principals.

Right now, you may get away with only half an understanding of Kerberos jargon. Once troubleshooting starts, you should at least be familiar with realms, principals, credentials, keytabs, tickets and TGTs (Ticket Granting Tickets. The Kerberos User Guide from MIT is a good place to start. Or else this MS TechNet article.

There may be DNS records that serve Kerberos information. To see if the name of the realm itself is served for our company:

apprentice@clnt-3-53:~$ dig +noqr +nocmd +nocomments +nostats -t TXT

... or for

apprentice@clnt-3-53:~$ dig +noqr +nocmd +nocomments +nostats -t TXT

But AD Kerberos does serve some Kerberos services:

apprentice@clnt-3-53:~$ dig +noqr +nocmd +nocomments +nostats -t SRV {_kerberos,_kerberos-master,_kerberos-adm,_kpasswd}.{_tcp,_udp}
< output snipped: _kerberos and _kpasswd are served, the rest is not >

(If you don't understand the output, try to remove some of the no* options.)

See which Kerberos services the AD servers provide:

apprentice@clnt-3-53:~$ nmap -P0 -p88,749,750,751 \ \ \ \ \

Starting Nmap 5.21 ( ) at 2012-05-01 11:47 CEST
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.00045s latency).
rDNS record for
88/tcp  open     kerberos-sec
749/tcp filtered kerberos-adm
750/tcp filtered kerberos
751/tcp filtered kerberos_master
<snip other hosts, as output is identical except hostname/IP>

... it looks like they all provide Kerberos, but none provides kerberos Admin services, and it looks like they're all slaves.