Getting soundly to work on Ubuntu (KDE version)

March 2009

I installed a brand new Ubuntu Intrepid desktop, but couldn't get teleconferencing via Spreed working: Firefox wouldn't pick up sound from the microphone. But now it works... [18]

  1. Get the hardware and plug it in. [19]

  2. Make sure you've got sound support at all: see whether the sound card is listed in the system settings (K->System Settings->Sound) (I'm using the KDE). Select the device you are using as the default device for all activities.

  3. Get POC: try to find any application that will work with your headset. Ekiga (apt-get install ekiga) is one that will offer a menu to pick sound devices from, both for input and output, regardless of default KDE settings. Its configuration druid can be restarted from the menu too :)

  4. When you've got sound in Ekiga, find which devices it has open. Find the pid with ps axu|grep [e]kiga and list the open sound devices with lsof -p <pid>. Save these for later reference.

  5. Firefox by doesn't heed the default set in the KDE sound configuration. However, saying alsasoundconf set-default-card 1 fixed my case. If firefox is still using the wrong device, you might want to have a look here.

  6. If the above doesn't help, you might want to cat /proc/asound/cards to find out which values to set in a ~/.asoundrc file:

    pcm.!default {
    type hw
    card 0
    ctl.!default {
    type hw
    card 0

[18] This section made somewhat in haste, so less thorough...

[19] I changed my analog headset for a USB one, but don't believe this was essential. No time to check it now, though...