OpenSSH using Kerberos Credentials

September 2012

We 've got a (Debian Squeeze, Heimdal) Kerberos server, used when logging in, and homedirs on an NFS(4) server, wich is using Kerberos already. We want to use Kerberos credentials to authenticate when ssh'ing (OpenSSH, Ubuntu Lucid) from one host to another within our network.

Using SSH keys doesn't cut it here. Since the homedirs on FNS4 are mounted with the root-squash option, the SSH daemon cannot read the authorized_keys file, and will be unable to determine whether access should be granted. And even if one does succeed to ssh using keys, the session will still be lacking the necessary Kerberos keys to read files in $HOME.

Using Kerberos credentials to log in through SSH solves all this.

Procedure 13.  On the SSH Server

  1. Configuring SSH

    The following settings are useful in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

    GSSAPIAuthentication yes
    # To avoid a syslog spammer in Lucid
    GSSAPICleanupCredentials no
    GSSAPIKeyExchange yes
    # Only for renamed hosts
    GSSAPIStrictAcceptorCheck no

    Then the service needs to be restarted, of course:

    sudo service ssh restart

  2. Using host keys

    The SSH server needs Kerberos keys in /etc/krb5.keytab of the form: host/$(hostname -f)@REALM:

    # add key to database
    kadmin -p apprentice/admin add -r host/
    # store key in separate keytab
    sudo kadmin -p apprentice/admin ext_keytab -k /etc/ host/
    # merge keytabs
    sudo ktutil copy /etc/ /etc/krb5.keytab && rm /etc/

Procedure 14.  On the SSH Client

  • SSH using Kerberos credentials

    ssh -K -o GSSAPIAuthentication=yes -o GSSAPIDelegateCredentials=yes -o GSSAPIKeyExchange=yes -o GSSAPITrustDNS=no -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o PubkeyAuthentication=no

    Or, rather simpler:

    ssh -K