Marking files for delete from within MPlayer

July 2011

I grab my home videos from tape using dvgrab, and have it automatically split scenes. This generates many .dv files, some of which I decide to not even process. I wanted to be able to press a key from mplayer in order to mark them for deletion. This is how I did it:

  1. In /home/jurjen/.mplayer/input.conf, put:

    DEL run /home/jurjen/.mplayer/envlist

  2. then, in /home/jurjen/.mplayer/envlist put this little script:

    # On multiuser machines, output and grep on $USER too
    MYPID=$(ps axo '%p %c'|grep [m]player$|awk '{print $1}')
    if [ "$(echo ${MYPID}|wc -w)" -ne 1 ] ; then
    echo "#no safe output: too many PIDs: \"${MYPID}\" ($(echo ${MYPID}|wc -c))"
    exit 1
    for FILE in $(lsof -p ${MYPID} -Ftn |grep -A1 ^tREG|grep ^n|sed 's/^n//g') ; do
    if test -w "${FILE}" ; then
        echo "${FILE}" >> ${OUTFILE}

That does the trick: the file /tmp/delete-candidates gets filled with the filenames of the files playing while I pressed Delete Of course it would've been nicer if I wouldn't have had to fetch those filenames from /proc. Oh wel...