The RPM Package

In this section, we peel the daemon out of its package, and see that we can actually make it start on an Ubuntu system.

  1. Getting the Packages

    If you have an account on the RES web server, you can download res-am-6.5-0.89780.tgz. Unpack it:

  2. Analyzing Package Content

    I want this agent to run on Ubuntu Precise, and possibly on Ubuntu Lucid, both on amd64 (x86_64) architectures. So I'm going to inspect the x86_64 packages (see also ):

  3. Faking

    As you can see in the previous step, only is not accounted for. But my colleague Eite Tiesinga tells me that on Red Hat systems, is part of the package openssl 0.9.8e.

    Although there are tools, like patchelf or the ELF toolchain, to rewrite ELF binaries to some extent, I see no way to make it use another soname for libssl. So I'll just fake

    apprentice@testbox:/tmp/res/RedHat/Release5/x86_64$ sudo ln -s  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/


    The people at RES are quite cooperative. They were kind enough to send me a binary compiled on Debian, so the libssl hack is not necessary any more.

  4. Starting the Agent

    apprentice@testbox:/tmp/res/RedHat/Release5/x86_64$ ./usr/local/bin/resamad
    No Agent Configuration file found

    There, it started!