Getting a virtual LWP under KVM


  1. Create a KVM disk

  2. Create a virtual USB stick to boot from

    1. Go to the ROM-o-Matic site

      Surf to (you may want to use a newer version, if any)

      Select USB Keychain disk image (.usb) as the output format.

    2. Embed the boot script

      Click the Customize button.

      Surf to and copy the entire script you find there.

      Paste it into the Embedded Script box on the ROM-o-matic page.

    3. Fetch the boot image

      Click the Get Image button to fetch the boot image. Mine was called gpxe-1.0.0-gpxe.usb

  3. Start the VM

      kvm -net nic -net user -m 2000 -smp 2 -name pxe_boot_test -drive file=./vdisk.img,if=ide,index=0 -drive file=./gpxe-1.0.0-gpxe.usb,if=ide,index=1,boot=on

    That should give you a VM and start the LWP installer inside it.

  4. Use the installed VM

    The virtual machine so installed can be used with:

    kvm -net nic -net user -m 2000 -smp 2 -name pxe_boot_test -drive file=./vdisk.img,if=ide,index=0,boot=on