Install Foreman


Preliminary ramblings: the Foreman repository doesn't serve to Wheezy. As you can see above, I rebuilt the packages for Wheezy, but they mostly contain just Ruby scripts, no binaries that may link to wrong libraries. And then still some packages fetch from the git repository, install Ruby gems, run Rake on the Foreman dirs. And the resulting packages (as well as those from the repo) still violate Lintian errors. Trivial violations, but also embedded javascript and execute permissions on images.

Basically, there are .deb packages of Foreman, but they aren't up to Debian packaging standards. But the point here is to get a working system, not a secure or stable one.

So when I ran into the problem that libnet-ping-ruby and libnet-ping-ruby1.8 weren't available, I just included the Squeeze repositories anyway.

  1. Add the repository to the puppet master


    deb foreman-stable main
    deb squeeze stable

    (Have to add the repository keys of course.)

  2. Install packages Foreman should pre-depend upon


    Without this package, the sudo bundle install --path ./vendor/ that the Foreman postinstall does in its homedir, fails to build mkmf.

  3. Install the Foreman package

  4. Install some more Foreman packages

    The installation fails on the postinst of foreman. Running the postinst with -x shows that the bundle update is failing. I had to do sudo apt-get remove ruby-activerecord-3.2, then it succeeded by hand: