
Open Day Presentation: Why I love to be a Computer Scientist

On Saturday April 8 I held a presentation at the Open day for prospective students who are interested in the study program in Computer Science. Remarkably the Johan Bernoulli Institute at the University of Groningen (RUG) attracted over 100 participants filling the lecture hall with pupils and their parents. After the introduction I presented my personal reasons to study Computer Science, introduced what that field has to offer, provided a glimpse into several projects performed at our institution followed by a very recent biomedical hands on example lecture tailored to the audience.

Best Poster Presentation Certificate

The Best Poster Presentation Certificate of the Health track at the ICTOPEN was awarded to my PhD student Sreejita Ghosh. The Interface for Dutch ICT-Research has taken place on 21 and 22 March 2017 at the Flint in Amersfoort. Furthermore, the poster got nominated for the ICT.Open poster award for 2017 (top 10 out of approximately 130 posters presented).

14 PhD positions available in Computer Science and Astronomy - apply now! (until Dec 15th 2016)

SUNDIAL (Survey Network for Deep Imaging Analysis & Learning) is an ambitious interdisciplinary network of nine research groups in the Netherlands, Germany, Finland, France, the United Kingdom, Spain, Belgium and Italy. The aim of the network is to develop novel algorithms to study the very large databases coming from current-day telescopes to better understand galaxy formation and evolution, and to prepare for the huge missions of the next decade.

New PhD student Sreejita Ghosh

Biomedical engineering Msc Sreejita Ghosh just started her PhD position under my supervision. She will be working on the development of techniques for biomedical problems, like computer aided diagnosis systems, data analysis and personalized medicine. Welcome!

Started my new position at RUG

I started my position as Assistant professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Groningen. The Rosalind Franklin Fellowship (RFF) tenure-track program aims to attract the best female researchers from all over the world which aspire to become a full professor in a top European research university. Since October 2014 the RFF initiative is 40% cofunded by the European Union under project ID 600211.