Adaptive Metrics for Content Based Image Retrieval in Dermatology

author = {Kerstin Bunte and Michael Biehl and Nicolai Petkov and Marcel~F. Jonkman},
title = {{Adaptive Metrics for Content Based Image Retrieval in Dermatology}},
booktitle = {Proc. of the  17th "European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN)},
month = {"Apr."},
pages = {129--134},
editor = {M. Verleysen},
publisher = {D-facto Publications},
address = {Bruges, Belgium},
year = {2009},
url = {},
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abstract = {We apply distance based classifiers in the context of a content based image retrieval task in dermatology.  In the present project, only RGB color information is used. We employ two different methods in order to obtain a discriminative distance measure for classification and retrieval: Generalized Matrix LVQ and Large Margin Nearest Neighbor approach. Both methods provide a linear transformation of the original features to lower dimensions.  We demonstrate that both methods lead to very similar discriminative transformations and improve the classification and retrieval performances significantly},