
Fatih Turkmen

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Associate Professor
(Adjunct Hoogleraar)

University of Groningen

Fatih Turkmen is an Associate Professor at the University of Groningen working on security and privacy. He received his PhD degree from University of Trento (Italy), in 2012. His research interests include security/privacy of machine learning, privacy-enhancing technologies (PET) and empirical/formal security analysis of software and systems. In recent years, he developed an interest in the privacy of genomic data trying to answer questions like: “How do we ensure the protection of our genomic data which is unique, long-lived and effects also the people related to us?".

Recent News

PhD Applicants
- Please read the advice here first. For open positions in my group, keep an eye on my Web site.
- Are you looking for a PhD with your own funding? Our university provides top-ups in some cases. Send me an e-mail containing your PhD proposal, resume and the motivation why you want to work with me. I often don't respond to unsolicited emails. For open positions in my group, please keep an eye on my Web site.

Student Projects (RUG/Exchange Students)
Are you interested in security/privacy research during your MSc or BSc thesis work, Short Programming Projects or Research Internships? Send me an email!