Installing SpaceWalk (using a remote database)

July 2008

RedHat SpaceWalk is the Open Source version of RedHat's satellite software. Two machines are involved in its istallation:

Following the SpaceWalk HowToInstall, I did the following:

Procedure 81.  Installing SpaceWalk

  1. Add the EPEL repositories to the SpaceWalk server

    rpm -Uvh

    warning: /var/tmp/rpm-xfer.Zy9sSY: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 217521f6
    Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
    1:epel-release           ########################################### [100%]

  2. Add the spacewalk repository to yum's repository list

    Edit /etc/yum.repos.d/spacewalk.repo to contain:


  3. Install the spacewalk package

    yum install spacewalk

    Error: rhns-app conflicts with specspo
    Error: rhns-xp conflicts with specspo
    Error: Missing Dependency: oracle-instantclient-basic = is needed by package oracle-lib-compat
    Error: Missing Dependency: oracle-instantclient-basic is needed by package perl-DBD-Oracle
    Error: Missing Dependency: oracle-instantclient-basic >= 10.2.0 is needed by package rhn-oracle-jdbc

  4. Remove specspo and install Oracle client

    rpm -e specspo

    Fetch oracle-instantclient-basic- from the Oracle website and install it:

    rpm -iv oracle-instantclient-basic- oracle-instantclient-jdbc- oracle-instantclient-sqlplus- oracle-instantclient-devel-

    Preparing packages for installation...

  5. Try to install the SpaceWalk application once more

    yum install spacewalk

    Transaction Summary
    Install    227 Package(s)
    Update       0 Package(s)
    Remove       0 Package(s)

    Total download size: 149 M
    Is this ok [y/N]: y
    warning: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 430a1c35
    Importing GPG key 0x430A1C35 "Spacewalk <>" from
    Is this ok [y/N]: y
    noarch 0:

  6. Configuring SpaceWalk: 1st try

    export PATH="${PATH}:/usr/lib/oracle/"
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/oracle/
    semanage fcontext -a -t textrel_shlib_t '/usr/lib/oracle/10.2.0/client/lib/*'
    restorecon -R /usr/lib/oracle/10.2.0/client/lib

    [root@host ~]# spacewalk-setup --disconnected
    * Loading answer file: /usr/share/spacewalk/setup/defaults.conf.
    * Setting up environment and users.
    ** GPG: Initializing GPG and importing RHN key.
    * Setting up database.
    ** Database: Setting up database connection.
    DB User? username
    DB Password?
    DB SID? sid
    DB hostname?
    DB port [1521]? 1522
    DB protocol [TCP]?
    ** Database: Testing database connection.
    ** Database: Populating database.
    sh: dbhome: command not found
    *** Progress: #
    * Performing initial configuration.
    * Activating Satellite.
    ** Loading Satellite Certificate.
    ** Verifying certificate locally.
    There was a problem activating the satellite: Certificate expired.
    [root@host ~]# date
    Thu Feb 19 12:24:04 CET 2015

  7. Configuring SpaceWalk: 2nd try

    ntpdate ip-of-ntp-server

    28 Jul 11:48:44 ntpdate[15293]: step time server offset -207106607.716361 sec
    [root@host ~]# date
    Mon Jul 28 11:48:48 CEST 2008

    yum -q install usermode-gtk pyOpenSSL
    cp /usr/share/spacewalk/setup/defaults.conf spacewalk-install-answers-2.conf
    vi !$
    spacewalk-setup --disconnected --answer-file=spacewalk-install-answers-2.conf

    [root@host ~]# spacewalk-setup --disconnected --answer-file=spacewalk-install-answers-2.conf
    * Loading answer file: spacewalk-install-answers-2.conf.
    * Setting up environment and users.
    ** GPG: Initializing GPG and importing RHN key.
    * Setting up database.
    ** Database: Setting up database connection.
    ** Database: Testing database connection.
    ** Database: Populating database.
    sh: dbhome: command not found
    *** Progress: ##################################################################################
    * Performing initial configuration.
    * Activating Satellite.
    ** Loading Satellite Certificate.
    ** Verifying certificate locally.
    ** Activating Satellite.
    * Enabling Monitoring.
    * Creating SSL certificates.
    Email Address []?
    ** SSL: Generating CA certificate.
    ** SSL: Deploying CA certificate.
    ** SSL: Generating server certificate.
    ** SSL: Storing SSL certificates.
    Use of uninitialized value in chown at /usr/bin/ line 57.
    Use of uninitialized value in chown at /usr/bin/ line 57.
    * Deploying configuration files.
    * Update configuration in database.
    * Restarting services.
    Installation complete.
    Visit https://host to create the satellite administrator account.
    [root@host ~]#

  8. Configure SpaceWalk via web-interface

    setenforce 0 To temporarily turn off selinux and log in to your to do the rest of the configuration.

  9. We got an Internal Server Error message on the Web interfacer and subsequently an e-mail stating that /etc/rhn/cluster.ini cannot be written. So we do

    chgrp apache /etc/rhn/cluster.ini
    chmod go+rw !$
    chmod go+rw /etc/rhn/cluster.ini

    Now we get An error occurred and your satellite configuration changes could not be stored. Please contact support for more information and we find in /var/log/secure: tomcat : sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo.

    So using visudo, in /etc/sudoers we comment out the string

    Defaults requiretty


    Success. (At least for the General config).

  10. Now we first create a certificate (see CertCreation:

    1. Create a keypair:

      gpg --gen-key

      gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.5; Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
      This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
      under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details.

      Please select what kind of key you want:
         (1) DSA and Elgamal (default)
         (2) DSA (sign only)
         (5) RSA (sign only)
      Your selection? 1
      DSA keypair will have 1024 bits.
      ELG-E keys may be between 1024 and 4096 bits long.
      What keysize do you want? (2048)
      Requested keysize is 2048 bits
      Please specify how long the key should be valid.
               0 = key does not expire
            <n>  = key expires in n days
            <n> = key expires in n weeks
            <n>m = key expires in n months
            <n>y = key expires in n years
      Key is valid for? (0) 1y
      Key expires at Thu 10 Sep 2009 02:50:01 PM CEST
      Is this correct? (y/N) y

      You need a user ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user ID
      from the Real Name, Comment and Email Address in this form:
          "Heinrich Heine (Der Dichter) <>"

      Real name: Jurjen Bokma
      Email address:
      Comment: SpaceWalk-admin
      You selected this USER-ID:
          "Jurjen Bokma (SpaceWalk-admin) <>"

      Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? O
      You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.

      You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!
      I will do it anyway.  You can change your passphrase at any time,
      using this program with the option "--edit-key".

      We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform
      some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the
      disks) during the prime generation; this gives the random number
      generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.

      Not enough random bytes available.  Please do some other work to give
      the OS a chance to collect more entropy! (Need 284 more bytes)
      We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform
      some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the
      disks) during the prime generation; this gives the random number
      generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.
      gpg: key 4AD979DD marked as ultimately trusted
      public and secret key created and signed.

      gpg: checking the trustdb
      gpg: 3 marginal(s) needed, 1 complete(s) needed, PGP trust model
      gpg: depth: 0  valid:   1  signed:   0  trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 1u
      gpg: next trustdb check due at 2009-09-10
      pub   1024D/4AD979DD 2008-09-10 [expires: 2009-09-10]
            Key fingerprint = 5A5D FF6E 928C ACA7 AAEB  93E6 94AF C990 4AD9 79DD
      uid                  Jurjen Bokma (SpaceWalk-admin) <>
      sub   2048g/62457ED7 2008-09-10 [expires: 2009-09-10]

      [root@host ~]#            


    2. Export the keys:

      gpg --list-keys

      pub   1024D/E8562897 2007-01-06 [expires: 2017-01-03]
      uid                  CentOS-5 Key (CentOS 5 Official Signing Key) <>
      sub   1024g/1E9EA3B6 2007-01-06 [expires: 2017-01-03]

      pub   1024D/4AD979DD 2008-09-10 [expires: 2009-09-10]
      uid                  Jurjen Bokma (SpaceWalk-admin) <>
      sub   2048g/62457ED7 2008-09-10 [expires: 2009-09-10]


      gpg --list-secret-keys

      sec   1024D/4AD979DD 2008-09-10 [expires: 2009-09-10]
      uid                  Jurjen Bokma (SpaceWalk-admin) <>
      ssb   2048g/62457ED7 2008-09-10


      gpg --export 4AD979DD > mycertkey.gpg gpg --export-secret-keys -a 4AD979DD > mysecretkey.gpg

    3. Add the keys to the /etc/webapp-keyring.gpg keyring (see PGP and GnuPG GPG General Hints, Notes, Howtos for how to do things like these:

      gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /etc/webapp-keyring.gpg --import mycertkey.gpg

      gpg: key 4AD979DD: public key "Jurjen Bokma (SpaceWalk-admin) <>" imported
      gpg: Total number processed: 1
      gpg:               imported: 1
      gpg: 3 marginal(s) needed, 1 complete(s) needed, PGP trust model
      gpg: depth: 0  valid:   1  signed:   0  trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 1u
      gpg: next trustdb check due at 2009-09-10


      gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /etc/webapp-keyring.gpg --import mysecretkey.gpg

      gpg: key 4AD979DD: already in secret keyring
      gpg: Total number processed: 1
      gpg:       secret keys read: 1
      gpg:  secret keys unchanged: 1


    4. Fetch the certificate creation script and the template certificate:

      mv template-eval.cert\?format\=raw template-eval.cert


    5. Copy the template and edit the copy to our liking:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <rhn-cert version="0.1">
        <rhn-cert-field name="product">RHN-SATELLITE-001</rhn-cert-field>
        <rhn-cert-field name="owner">Rijksuniversiteit Groningen</rhn-cert-field>
        <rhn-cert-field name="issued">10-sep-2008</rhn-cert-field>
        <rhn-cert-field name="expires">10-sep-2009</rhn-cert-field>
        <rhn-cert-field name="slots">2500</rhn-cert-field>
        <rhn-cert-field name="provisioning-slots">2500</rhn-cert-field>
        <rhn-cert-field name="monitoring-slots">2500</rhn-cert-field>
        <rhn-cert-field name="virtualization_host">2500</rhn-cert-field>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="1000" family="rh-ccm-cms-as21"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="1000" family="rh-ccm-core-as21"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="1000" family="rh-collaboration-suite"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="1000" family="rh-ent-portal-server"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="2000" family="rhel-client"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="2000" family="rhel-client-fastrack"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="2000" family="rhel-client-supplementary"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="1000" family="rhel-client-workstation"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="1000" family="rhel-client-workstation-fastrack"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="1000" family="rhel-cluster"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="1000" family="rhel-devsuite"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="1000" family="rhel-gfs"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="1000" family="rhel-rhaps"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="500" family="rhel-rhcmsys"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="500" family="rhel-rhdirserv"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="1000" family="rhel-s390x-fastrack"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="1000" family="rhel-s390x-server"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="1000" family="rhel-s390x-server-supplementary"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="2000" family="rhel-server"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="1000" family="rhel-server-cluster"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="1000" family="rhel-server-cluster-storage"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="2000" family="rhel-server-fastrack"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="2000" family="rhel-server-supplementary"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="2000" family="rhel-server-vt"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="500" family="rhn-proxy"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="4500" family="rhn-tools"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="500" family="solaris"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="500" family="solaris-rhcmsys"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="channel-families" quantity="500" family="solaris-rhdirserv"/>
        <rhn-cert-field name="satellite-version">spacewalk1</rhn-cert-field>
        <rhn-cert-field name="generation">2</rhn-cert-field>


      It needs to read spacewalk here, or rhn-satellite-activate will complain: ERROR: RHN Entitlement Certificate cannot be imported - the versions of current and new certificate do not match, [spacewalk] vs. [5.1] Please rerun with --ignore-version-mismatch if you want to override this test.

    6. Run the gen-oss-sat-cert.p script:

      ./ --dsn username/passwd@dbname --signer 4AD979DD --resign template-eval.cert

      Channel family 'rh-ccm-cms-as21' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'rh-ccm-core-as21' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'rh-collaboration-suite' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'rh-ent-portal-server' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'rhel-client' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'rhel-client-fastrack' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'rhel-client-supplementary' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'rhel-client-workstation' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'rhel-client-workstation-fastrack' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'rhel-cluster' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'rhel-devsuite' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'rhel-gfs' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'rhel-rhaps' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'rhel-rhcmsys' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'rhel-rhdirserv' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'rhel-s390x-fastrack' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'rhel-s390x-server' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'rhel-s390x-server-supplementary' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'rhel-server' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'rhel-server-cluster' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'rhel-server-cluster-storage' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'rhel-server-fastrack' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'rhel-server-supplementary' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'rhel-server-vt' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'rhn-proxy' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'rhn-tools' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'solaris' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'solaris-rhcmsys' not found in database, continuing...
      Channel family 'solaris-rhdirserv' not found in database, continuing...
      Signatures signed by Jurjen Bokma (SpaceWalk-admin) <> (94AFC9904AD979DD).
      Certificate saved as template-eval.cert


    7. Activate the Spacewalk with the certificate:

      rhn-satellite-activate --disconnected --rhn-cert=template-eval.cert

      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rh-ccm-cms-as21
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rh-ccm-core-as21
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rh-collaboration-suite
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rh-ent-portal-server
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rhel-client
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rhel-client-fastrack
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rhel-client-supplementary
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rhel-client-workstation
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rhel-client-workstation-fastrack
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rhel-cluster
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rhel-devsuite
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rhel-gfs
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rhel-rhaps
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rhel-rhcmsys
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rhel-rhdirserv
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rhel-s390x-fastrack
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rhel-s390x-server
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rhel-s390x-server-supplementary
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rhel-server
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rhel-server-cluster
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rhel-server-cluster-storage
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rhel-server-fastrack
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rhel-server-supplementary
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rhel-server-vt
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rhn-proxy
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family rhn-tools
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family solaris
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family solaris-rhcmsys
      16:11:07    WARNING:  ignoring unavailable channel family solaris-rhdirserv



      Downloading the obtained template-eval.cert file to a computer with a browser, and uploading it to the CertificateConfig page of the SpaceWalk server generates an Unhandled error

  11. Now let's create a channel and populate it.

    1. Go to the Software Channels Overview page on the Spacewalk server and add a channel.

    2. Install the yum-utils package:

      yum install yum-utils

    3. Create /srv/satellite:

      mkdir /srv/satellite
      chown apache:apache /srv/satellite


    4. Make the CentOS packages available on from the fileserver to the SpaceWalk server:

      mount /mnt/fileserver

    5. Now let's try to upload some:

      rhnpush --channel=centos-5.2-i386 --server=http://localhost/APP --dir=/mnt/osis/pub/os/linux/distr/centoslinux/5.2/os/i386/CentOS/

      Red Hat Network username: Username
      Red Hat Network password: not echoed


      That took a bloody long time, but it worked.

  12. Follow the steps to kickstarting Fedora/CentOS and kickstart a machine:

    1. Fetch the make-ks-tree script:

      mkdir make-ks-tree
      cd !$
      tar -xzf make-ks-tree.tar.gz


      mount -o loop,ro /mnt/osis/pub/os/linux/distr/centoslinux/5.2/isos/i386/CentOS-5.2-i386-bin-DVD.iso /mnt/loop
      export BASE=/srv/satellite/rhn/kickstart
      mkdir -p /srv/satellite/rhn/kickstart
      ./ --channel centos-5.2-i386 --source /mnt/loop --dsn rugpcdb/hh38sd25@blade --install-type rhel_5  --variant centos --update u2
      ./ --channel centos-5.2-i386 --source /mnt/loop --dsn rugpcdb/hh38sd25@blade --install-type rhel_5  --variant centos --update u2 --commit


      Adding: NOTES/RELEASE-NOTES-pt_BR.html... done.
      Adding: NOTES/RELEASE-NOTES-U1-pt_BR.html... done.
      Adding: NOTES/RELEASE-NOTES-U1-ko.html... done.
      ... done



      All of a sudden the SpaceWalk website doesn't update any more, and /var/log/rhn/rhn_taskomatic_daemon.log blurts:

      Launching a JVM...
      INFO   | jvm 5    | 2008/09/16 15:59:18 | Wrapper (Version 3.2.1)
      ERROR  | wrapper  | 2008/09/16 15:59:47 | Startup failed: Timed out waiting for a signal from the JVM.
      ADVICE | wrapper  | 2008/09/16 15:59:47 |
      ADVICE | wrapper  | 2008/09/16 15:59:47 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ADVICE | wrapper  | 2008/09/16 15:59:47 | Advice:
      ADVICE | wrapper  | 2008/09/16 15:59:47 | The Wrapper consists of a native component as well as a set of classes
      ADVICE | wrapper  | 2008/09/16 15:59:47 | which run within the JVM that it launches.  The Java component of the
      ADVICE | wrapper  | 2008/09/16 15:59:47 | Wrapper must be initialized promptly after the JVM is launched or the
      ADVICE | wrapper  | 2008/09/16 15:59:47 | Wrapper will timeout, as just happened.  Most likely the main class
      ADVICE | wrapper  | 2008/09/16 15:59:47 | specified in the Wrapper configuration file is not correctly initializing
      ADVICE | wrapper  | 2008/09/16 15:59:47 | the Wrapper classes:
      ADVICE | wrapper  | 2008/09/16 15:59:47 |     com.redhat.rhn.taskomatic.TaskomaticDaemon
      ADVICE | wrapper  | 2008/09/16 15:59:47 | While it is possible to do so manually, the Wrapper ships with helper
      ADVICE | wrapper  | 2008/09/16 15:59:47 | classes to make this initialization processes automatic.
      ADVICE | wrapper  | 2008/09/16 15:59:47 | Please review the integration section of the Wrapper's documentation
      ADVICE | wrapper  | 2008/09/16 15:59:47 | for the various methods which can be employed to launch an application
      ADVICE | wrapper  | 2008/09/16 15:59:47 | within the Wrapper:
      ADVICE | wrapper  | 2008/09/16 15:59:47 |
      ADVICE | wrapper  | 2008/09/16 15:59:47 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ADVICE | wrapper  | 2008/09/16 15:59:47 |
      ERROR  | wrapper  | 2008/09/16 15:59:48 | JVM did not exit on request, terminated


      So in /etc/rhn/default/rhn_taskomatic_daemon.conf we set the line:

      Turns out this wasn't the cause of the failure. The IPTables rule iptables -A INPUT -s \! -j DROP was too restrictive. Apparently upon restart the service needs to contact servers outside of my domain.

  13. Added an activation key (using the GUI). Added a kickstart config as well (using the GUI too). Now we've got a running CentOS (virtual) machine, but no systems visible in the GUI yet.

  14. To register the system, according to the SpaceWalk Wiki, the package rhel-instnum must be installed on the server. So we locate it on RPM Search, fetch and install it:

    rpm -i rhel-instnum-1.0.7-1.ML5.noarch.rpm

  15. Now we register the system, by doing (on the client):

    wget -r -nd
    mkdir - /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES
    rpm -Uvh *.rpm


    This breaks on unresolved dependencies. Importantly, rhnreg_ks is not installed. So we continue...

    rpm -Uvh rhnsd-4.6.1-1.i386.rpm
    rpm -Uvh rhn-check-0.4.17-8.noarch.rpm
    rpm -Uvh rhnsd-4.6.1-1.i386.rpm
    rpm -Uvh rhn-setup-0.4.17-8.noarch.rpm
    rhnreg_ks --force --serverUrl= --activationkey=1-c923ac0089e38aea0fd0370e42cebb15


    Victory! We 've got a system in the SpaceWalk GUI.