On using Badblocks with ReiserFS

July 2007

Table of Contents

Finding the bad area using badblocks
Notifying the ReiserFS of the bad area

We have error messages on server iwi202 that look like shown in . The problem repeats twice in quick succession (8 seconds between occurrences) about every twelve minutes, but doesn't stick to fixed post-the-hour times, so we don't believe a cron job causes it. The machine does react more slowly than usual. I will move important processes off the machine, but some minor items may stay on it, and I want to see if I can get rid of the problem by making the ReiserFS stop using the single block that is causing errors.

The sector that causes errors -104206368- is located in /dev/sda9, which is mounted as /var. I could run badblocks on the entire disk if I put the machine in single-user mode and unmounted /var, but I'd rather be as unobtrusive as possible, as I'll see notifications of bad sectors turning up in the logs anyway. According to the badblocks manual, I can say: badblocks -c<blocks-at-a-time> <device> <end-block> <start-block> -i <former-badblocks-report> Badblock counts in blocks of 1024 bytes, whereas we know the location of the bad sector in 512-byte sectors. So we compute the location of the sector in blocks: echo -e "104206368\n2\n/\np"|dc , which yields

. Then we issue the command to check the partition: badblocks -c64 /dev/sda9 52103222 52103152 |tee ~/bad_blocks.dev.sda9 A few blocks after our culprit appear to be bad as well: