link to publications before 2004
in case of problems with downloading files, contact m.biehl _at_
if all fails, re-prints are available upon request

Michael Biehl:   publications since 2004

with links to public access or preprint versions (pdf and/or ps)
in case of problems with downloading files, contact m.biehl _at_

Publications in 2024

2024 - Journal publications

S.S. Lövdal, G. Carli, B. Orso, M. Biehl, D. Arnaldi, P. Mattioli, A. Janzen, E. Sittig, S. Morbelli,
J. Booij, W.H. Oertel, K.L. Leenders, S.K. Meles
Investigating the aspect of asymmetry in brain-first versus body-first Parkinsons's disease
npj parkinson's disease 10: Art. No. 74 (2024)

Htet Htet Htun, Michael Biehl, Nicolai Petkov
Forecasting relative returns for S/P 500 stocks using machine learning
Financial Innovation 10: Art. No. 118 (2024)

Sofie Lövdal and Michael Biehl
Iterated Relevance Matrix Analysis (IRMA) for the identification of class-discriminative subspaces
Neurocomputing 577: Art. No. 127367 (2024)

R. van Veen, N. R. Bari Tamboli, S Lövdal, S.K. Meles, R.J. Renken, G.-J. de Vries, D. Arnaldi,
S. Morbelli, P. Clavero, J.A. Obeso, M.C. Rodriguez Oroz, K.L. Leenders, T. Villmann, M. Biehl
Supspace corrected relevance learning with application in neuroimaging
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 149: Art. No. 102786 (2024)

H. Miller, D. Harman, G. Padur Aithal, P. Manousou, J.F. Cobbold, R. Parker, D. Sheridan, P.N. Newsome,
F. Karpe, M. Neville, W. Arlt, A.J. Sitch, M. Korbonits, M Biehl, W. Alazawi, J.W. Tomlinson
Translating the potential of the urine steroid metabolome to stage
NAFLD (TrUSt-NAFLD): study protocol for a multicentre, prospective validation study,

BMJ Open 14(1): Art. No. e074918 (2024)

A. Prete,K. Lang, D. Pavlov, et al.
Urine steroid metabolomics as a diagnostic tool in primary aldosteronism
J. Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Art. No. 106445, 2024.

2024 - Conference contributions

Otavio Citton, Frederieke Richert, Michael Biehl
On-line Learning Dynamics in Layered Neural Networks with Arbitrary Activation Functions
In: M. Verleysen (ed.), Proc. ESANN 2024, 32nd European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks,
Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning,, 6 pages 2024

Roland J Veen, Christodoulos Hadjichristodoulou, Michael Biehl
Interpreting Hybrid AI through Autodecoded Latent Space Entities
In: M. Verleysen (ed.), Proc. ESANN 2024, 32nd European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks,
Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, 6 pages,, 2024

Michael Biehl, David Pavlov, Alice J. Sitch, Alessandro Prete, Wiebke Arlt
Interpretable Machine Learning in Endocrinology: A Diagrnostic Tool in Primary Aldosteronism
In: WSOM+ 2024, Intl. Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps,
Learning Vector Quantization and Beyond,
Springer Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, LNNS Vol. 1087, pp 96-105, 2024

L. Barillaro, M. Milano, M.E. Caligiuri, J.R. Dalenberg, G. Agapito, M. Biehl, M. Cannataro
A Graph-Theory Based fMRI Analysis In: Proc. Computational Science - ICCS 2024,
Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS volume 14837< pp. 72-85, 2024

2024 - edited volumes

R. Smedinga, M. Biehl (editors)
SC@RUG 2022-2023, Proc. of the 20th Student Colloquium Computer Science
University of Groningen, 115 pages, 2024 (open access)


Publications in 2023

2023 - Journal publications

Htet Htet Htun, M. Biehl, N. Petkov
Survey of feature selection and extraction techniques for stock market prediction
Financial Innovation 9: article number 26 (open access, 2023)
doi: 10.1186/s40854-022-00441-7

2023 - Conference contributions

S. Lövdal, M. Biehl
Improved Interpretation of Feature Relevances: Iterated Relevance Matrix Analysis (IRMA)
In: M. Verleysen, Proc. ESANN 2023, European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, 2023 (available online)

F. Richert, M. Straat, E. Oostwal, M. Biehl
Layered Neural Networks with GELU Activation, a Statistical Mechanics Analysis
In: M. Verleysen, Proc. ESANN 2023, European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, 2023 (available online)

2023 - Book chapters

E.L. van den Brandhof, A.M.M. van der Stouwe, J.R. Dalenberg, I. Tuitert, M.A.J. Tijssen, M. Biehl
Machine learning basic concepts for the movements disorders specialist
In: A. Sanchez Ferro, M.H.G. Monje (eds.), International Review of Movement Disorders - Digital Technologies in Movement Disorders, Vol. 5, pages 21-47, Elsevier, 2023

2023 - Monographs and edited volumes

M. Biehl
The Shallow and the Deep: A biased introduction to neural networks and old school machine learning
open access and print on demand, 290 pages, University of Groningen Press (2023)

R. Smedinga, M. Biehl (editors)
SC@RUG 2022-2023, Proc. of the 20th Student Colloquium Computer Science
University of Groningen, 109 pages, 2023 (open access)

2023 - Technical Reports, abstracts, other publications

E. Melson, T.P. Rocha, R.J. Veen, L. Abdi et al.
Unsupervised steroid metabolome cluster analysis to dissect androgen excess and metabolic dysfunction
in 488 women with polycystic ovary syndrome-results from the prospective DAISy-PCOS study

Endocrine Abstracts OC4.1, 2023

A. Prete, L. Abdi, O. Suntornlohanakul, K. Lang et al.
Urine steroid metabolomics as a diagnostic tool in endocrine hypertension
Endocrine Abstracts OC5.1, 2023

R.J. Veen, E. Melson, T.P. Rocha, L. Abdi et al.
Unsupervised clustering of steroid metabolome profiles in women with PCOS
15th Mittweida Workshop on Computational Intelligence: MIWOCI 2023.


Publications in 2022

2022 - Journal publications

S. Rezaei, J.P. McKean, M. Biehl, W. de Roo, A. Lafontaine
A machine learning based approach to gravitational lens identification with the International LOFAR Telescope
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517 (1): 1156-1170 (open access, 2022)
doi: 10.1093/mnras/stac2078

S. Ghosh, E. Baranowski, M. Biehl, W. Arlt, P. Tino, K. Bunte
Interpretable Models Capable of Handling Systematic Missingness in Imbalanced Classes and Heterogeneous Datasets
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.02056 (2022) }

R. van Veen, S.K. Meles, R.J. Renken, F.E. Reesink, W.H. Oertel, A. Janzenl, G.-J. de Vries, K.L. Leenders, M. Biehl
FDG-PET combined with learning vector quantization allows classification of neurodegenerative diseases and reveals the trajectory of idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 225: 107042 (2022)
doi: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2022.107042

S. Rezaei, J. McKean, M. Biehl, A. Javadpour
DECORAS: detection and characterization of radio-astonomical sources using deep learning
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510(4): 5891-5907 (2022)
doi: 10.1093/mnras/stab3519

2022 - Conference contributions

T. Villmann, D. Staps, D., J. Ravichandran, S. Saralajew, M. Biehl, M. Kaden
A Learning Vector Quantization architecture for transfer learning based classification
in case of multiple sources by means of null-space evaluation

In: T. Bouadi, E. Fromont, E. Hüllermeier (eds.). Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XX. IDA 2022
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13205. Springer, Cham (2022)
doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-01333-1_28

2022 - Monographs, edited volumes

M. Biehl
The Shallow and the Deep: A biased introduction to neural networks and old school machine learning
Lecture Notes (freely available pre-publication version), University of Groningen, 288 pages (2022)
Final version (2023, open access and print on demand)

R. Smedinga, M. Biehl (editors)
SC@RUG 2021-2022 Proc. of the 19th Student Colloquium Computer Science
University of Groningen, 127 pages, 2022 (open access)

2022 - Technical Reports, abstracts, other publications

E.L. v.d. Brandhof, S. v.d. Veen, G. Russo, I. Tuitert, J. Dalenberg, M. v.d. Stouwe, J. Elting, M. Biehl, M. de Koning-Tijssen
Towards a Machine Learning Based Classification System for Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders:
Generating a Neurophysiological Feature Set.
Mov Disord. 2022; 37 (suppl 1).

A. Prete, L. Abdi, M. Canducci, A.E. Taylor, L.C. Gilligan, A. Albors-Zumel, E. van den Brandhof, Y. Zhang, K.N. Manolopoulos, P. Tino, M. Biehl, W. Dunn, W. Arlt
Combining steroid and global metabolome profiling by mass spectrometry with machine learning to investigate metabolic risk in benign adrenal tumours with mild autonomous cortisol secretion
Endocrine Abstracts 83: AO2 (2022)
doi: 10.1530/endoabs.83.AO2

A. Taylor, I. Bancos, L. Gilligan, R. van Veen, V. Chortis, F. Shaheen, C. Jenkinson, D.M. O'Neil, B. Hughes, J.M. Hawley, B. Keevil, C.H.L. Shackelton, J. Deeks, A.J. Sitch, M. Biehl, W. Arlt
Urinary steroid metabolomics for adrenocortical cancer diagnosis. Comparison of gas chromatography mass spectrometry to liquid chromatography mass spectrometry
Endocrine Abstracts 81: P386 (2022)
doi: 10.1530/endoabs.81.P386

Publications in 2021

2021 - Journal publications

R. van Veen, M. Biehl, G.-J. de Vries
sklvq: Scikit Learning Vector Quantization
Journal of Machine Learning Research 22(231): 1-6, 2021.

G. Owomugisha, F. Melchert, E. Mwebaze, J.A. Quinn, M. Biehl
Matrix Relevance Learning From Spectral Data for Diagnosing Cassava Diseases
IEEE Access, Volume 9, pp. 83355-83363, 2021

M. Straat, F. Abadi, Z. Kan, C. Göpfert, B. Hammer, M. Biehl
Supervised learning in the presence of concept drift: a modelling framework
Neural Computing and Applications (2021, open access)
preprint: arXiv 2005.10531

Elisa Oostwal, Michiel Straat, Michael Biehl
Hidden Unit Specialization: ReLU vs. sigmoidal activation
Physica A 564:125517, 2021 (open access, available online: Nov. 2020)

2021 - Conference Contributions

M. Münch, M. Straat, M. Biehl, F.-M. Schleif
Complex-Valued Embedding of Generic Proximity Data
In: S+SSPR 2021, LNCS Vol. 12644: 14-23 (2021)

2021 - Technical Reports, abstracts, other publications

V. Chortis, A.J. Sitch, I. Bancos, A. Prete, A.E. Taylor, M. Biehl, J.J. Deeks, W. Arlt
Comment on A Modern Assessment of Cancer Risk in Adrenal Incidentalomas
Annals of Surgery: online publication ahead of print (2021)

Publications in 2020

2020 - Journal publications

R. van Veen, V. Gurvits, R.V. Kogan, S.K. Meles, G.-J. de Vries, R.J. Renken,
M.C. Rodriguez-Oroz, R. Rodriguez-Rojas, D. Arnaldi, S. Raffa, B.M. de Jong,
K.L. Leenders, M. Biehl
An application of Generalized Matrix Learning Vector Quantization in Neuroimaging
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 197: 105708, 2020 (open access)
doi: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2020.105708

I. Bancos, A. Taylor, V. Chortis, A. Sitch, et al.
Urine steroid metabolomics for the differential diagnosis of adrenal incidentalomas
in the EURINE-ACT study: a prospective test validation study
The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, 2020 (open access)
doi: 10.1016/S2213-8587(20)30218-7

A. Panda, A. Yadav, H. Yeerna, A. Singh, M. Biehl, M. Lux, A. Schulz,
T. Klecha, S. Doniach, H. Khiabanian, S. Ganesan, P. Tamayo, G. Bhanot
Tissue- and development-stage-specific mRNA and heterogeneous CNV signatures
of human ribosomal proteins in normal and cancer sample

Nucleic Acids Research 48(13): 7079-7098, 2020 (open access)
doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaa485

A. Moolla, J. de Boer, D. Pavlov, A. Amin et al.
Accurate non-invasive diagnosis and staging of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease using the urinary steroid metabolome
Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 51: 1188-1197, 2020 (open access)
doi: 10.1111/apt.15710

L. Pfannschmidt, J. Jakob, F. Hindler, M. Biehl, P. Tino, B. Hammer
Feature Relevance Determination for Ordinal Regression in the Context of Feature Redundancies and Privileged Information
Neurocomputing 416: 266-279, 2020 (open access)
doi: 10.1016/j.neucom.2019.12.133

2020 - Conference publications

G. Owomugisha, P.K.B. Mugagga, F. Melchert, E. Mwebaze, J.A. Quinn, M. Biehl
A low-cost 3-D printed smartphone add-on spectrometer for diagnosis of crop diseases in field detection of plant diseases using spectral data
In: COMPASS '20 - Proc. 3rd ACM SIGCAS Conf. on Computing and Sustainable Societies, June 2020, 331-332, 2020 (open access)

G. Owomugisha, E. Nuwamanya, J.A. Quinn, M. Biehl, E. Mwebaze
Early detection of plant diseases using spectral data
In: APPIS 2020 - Proc. 3rd Intl. Conf. on Applications of Intelligent Systems, Art. No. 26, 6 pages, 2020
doi: 10.1145/3378184.3378222

M. Münch, C. Raab, M. Biehl, F.-M. Schleif
Structure Preserving Encoding of Non-Euclidean Similarity Data
In: ICPRAM - Proc. 9th Intl. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Applications and Methods, 2020 (open access)
doi: 10.5220/0008955100430051

Publications in 2019

2019 - Journal publications

V. Chortis, I. Bancos, T. Nijman, L.C. Gilligan, A.E. Taylor et al.
Urine steroid metabolomics as a novel tool for detection of recurrent adrenocortical carcinoma
J. Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 105(3): e307-e318, 2019 (open access)
doi: 10.1210/clinem/dgz141

F. Melchert, G. Bani, U. Seiffert, M. Biehl
Adaptive basis functions for prototype-based classification of functional data
Neural Computing and Applications, 32: 18213-18223 (2020) (online open access: 2019)

A Nolte, L. Wang, M. Bilicki, B. Holwerda, B., M. Biehl
Galaxy classification: A machine learning analysis of GAMA catalogue data
Neurocomputing 342: 172-190, 2019 (open access)
doi: 10.1016/j.neucom.2018.12.076

M. Straat, M. Kaden, M. Gay, T. Villmann A. Lampe, U. Seiffert, M. Biehl, F. Melchert
Learning vector quantization and relevances in complex coefficient space
Neural Computing and Applications: 18085-18099, 2020 (online open access 2019)

2019 - Conference publications

M. Biehl, N. Caticha, M. Opper, T. Villmann
Statistical physics of learning and inference
In: M. Verleysen, Proc. ESANN 27, European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, 501-506, 2019 (open access)

M. Straat, M. Biehl
On-line learning dynamics of ReLU neural networks using statistical physics techniques
In: M. Verleysen, Proc. ESANN 27, European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, 517-522, 2019 (open access)

L. Pfannschmidt, J. Jakob, M. Biehl, P. Tino, B. Hammer
Feature Relevance bounds for ordinal regression
In: M. Verleysen, Proc. ESANN 27, European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, 343-348, 2019 (open access)

M. Biehl, F. Abadi, C. Göpfert, B. Hammer
Prototype-based classifiers in the presence of concept drift: A modelling framework (arXiv:1903.07273)
in: Proc. WSOM+ 13th Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps and Learning Vector Quantization, Springer, 2019

A.C. Costa, B. Barufaldi, L.R. Borges, M. Biehl, A.D.A. Maidment, M.A.C. Vieira
Analysis of feature relevance using an image quality index applied to digital mammography
In: SPIE 10948, Proc. Medical Imaging 2019: Physics of Medical Imaging, 109485R (March 2019);
doi: 10.1117/12.2512975

Publications in 2018

2018 - Journal publications

D.L. Idema, Y. Wang, M. Biehl, P.L. Horvatovich, E. Hak
Effect estimate comparison between the prescription sequence symmetry analysis (PSSA) and parallel group study designs: A systematic review
PLoS ONE 13(12): e0208389 (2018, open access)

M. Straat, F. Abadi, C. Göpfert, B. Hammer, M. Biehl
Statistical Mechanics of On-Line Learning Under Concept Drift
Entropy 20(10): Art. 775 (2018)
open access, doi: 10.3390/e20100775

T. Villmann, M. Kaden, W. Herrmann, M. Biehl
Learning Vector Quantization classifiers for ROC-optimization
Computational Statistics 33(3): 1173-1194 (2018)
available online (2016), doi: 10.1007/s00180-016-0678-y

2018 - Conference publications

R. van Veen, L. Talavera Martinez, R.V. Kogan, S.K. Meles, D. Mudali, J.B.T.M. Roerdink, F. Massa, M. Grazzini, J.A. Obeso, M.C. Rodriguez-Oroz, K.L. Leenders, R.J. Renken, J.J.G. de Vries, M. Biehl
Machine Learning Based Analysis of FDG-PET Image Data for the Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases
Preprint version of an article in: APPIS 2018, Application of Intelligent Systems. N. Petkov, N. Strisciuglio, C. Travieso-Gonzalez (eds.), IOS Press, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol 310: 280-289, 2018

G. Owomugisha, F. Melchert, E. Mwebaze, J.A. Quinn, M. Biehl
Machine Learning for diagnosis of disease in plants using spectral data
In: ICAI'18, Proc. of the Intl. Conf. Artificial Intelligence 2018, CSREA Press, pp. 9-15, 2018 (open access)

A. Nolte, L. Wang, M. Biehl
Prototype-based analysis of GAMA galaxy catalogue data
In: ESANN 2018,, M. Verleysen (editor), Proc. of the 26th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks 2018 (Bruges, Belgium),, 339-344, 2018 (open access)

M. Biehl, K. Bunte, G. Longo, P. Tino
Machine Learning and Data Analysis in Astroinformatics
In: ESANN 2018, M. Verleysen (editor), Proc. of the 26th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks 2018 (Bruges, Belgium),, 307-314, 2018 (open access)

2018 - Edited volumes, special issues

F. Aiolli, M. Biehl, L. Onoto
Advances in artificial neural networks, machine learning and computational intelligence
(link to the journal page through science direct),
Editorial of a special issue, Neurocomputing 298: 1-3, 2018

R. Smedinga, M. Biehl (editors)
SC@RUG 2017-2018, Proc. of the 15th Student Colloquium Computer Science
University of Groningen, 116 pages, 2018 (open access)

2018 - Technical Reports, abstracts, other publications

T. Villmann, J.R.D. Ravichandran, S. Saralajew, M. Biehl
Dropout in Learning Vector Quantization Networks for Regularized Learning and Classification Confidence Estimation
Machine Learning Reports MLR-01-2018, pg. 15-21, 2018

M. Biehl
The statistical physics of learning in a nutshell (abstract)
Machine Learning Reports MLR-01-2018, p. 23, 2018

K. Taxis, J. de Boer, H.G. van der Meer, M. Biehl
Reducing the drug burden index - A post hoc analysis of a randomised controlled trial using machine learning (abstract)
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 27: 504, 2018
doi: 10.1002/pds.4629

A. Moolla, A. Taylor, L. Gilligan, J. De Boer, D. Pavlov, B. Hughes, Z. Hassan-Smith, M. Armstrong, P. Newsome, T. Shah, L. van Gaal, A. Verrijken, S. Francque, J. Grove, N. Guha, G. Aithal, E. Barnes, W. Arlt, M. Biehl, J. Tomlinson
Staging of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease through LC-MS/MS analysis of the urinary steroid metabolome
Endocrine Abstracts 59: OC3.3 (2018)

I. Bancos, A. Taylor, V. Chortis, A. Sitch, K. Lang, A. Prete, M. Terzolo, M. Fassnacht, M. Quinkler, D. Kastelan, D. Vassiliadi, F. Beuschlein, U. Ambroziak, M. Biehl, J. Deeks, W. Arlt
Urine steroid metabolomics as a diagnostic tool for detection of adrenocortical malignancy - a prospective test validation study
Endocrine Abstracts 56: OC72 (2018)
doi: 10.1530/endoabs.56.OC7.2

Publications in 2017

2017 - Journal publications

W. Arlt, K. Lang, A. Sitch, A.S. Dietz, Y. Rhayem, I. Bancos, A. Feuchtlinger, V. Chortis, L.C. Gilligan, P. Ludwig, A. Riester, E. Asbach, B. Hughes, D.M. O'Neill, M. Bidlingmaier, J. Tomlinson, Z. Hassan-Smith, A. Rees, C. Adolf, S. Hahner, M. Quinkler, T. Dekkers, J. Deinum, M. Biehl, B. Keevil, C. Shackleton, J.J. Deeks, A.K. Walch, F. Beuschlein, M. Reincke
Steroid metabolome analysis reveals prevalent glucocorticoid excess in primary aldosteronism
J. of Clinical Investigation, JCI Insight 2(8): 14 pages (2017, online open access)

2017 - Conference contributions and book chapters

M. Straat, M. Kaden, M. Gay, T. Villmann, A. Lampe, U. Seiffert, M. Biehl, F. Melchert.
Prototypes and Matrix Relevance Learning in Complex Fourier Space.
In: WSOM+ 2017, Proc. of the 12th Intl.Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps, Learning Vector Quantization, Clustering and Visualization, Nancy/France, IEEE Xplore, 6 pages, 2017.
doi: 10.1109/WSOM.2017.8020019

M. LeKander, M. Biehl, H. de Vries.
Empirical Evaluation of Gradient Methods for Matrix Learning Vector Quantization.
In: WSOM+ 2017, Proc. of the 12th Intl.Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps, Learning Vector Quantization, Clustering and Visualization, Nancy/France, IEEE Xplore, 8 pages, 2017

G. Bani, U. Seiffert, M. Biehl, F. Melchert
Adaptive Basis Functions for Prototype-based Classification of Functional Data.
In: WSOM+ 2017,Proc. of the 12th Intl. Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps, Learning Vector Quantization, Clustering and Visualization, Nancy/France, IEEE Xplore, 8 pages, 2017

T. Villmann, M. Biehl, A. Villmann, S. Saralajew.
Fusion of Deep Learning Architectures, Multilayer Feedforward Networks and Learning Vector Quantizers for Deep Classification Learning.
In: WSOM+ 2017, Proc. of the 12th Intl. Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps, Learning Vector Quantization, Clustering and Visualization, Nancy/France, IEEE Xplore, 8 pages, 2017

M. Biehl
Biomedical Applications of Prototype Based Classifiers and Relevance Learning
In: Intl. Conference on Algorithms for Computational Biology AlCoB 2017.
D. Figueiredo, C. Martin-Vide, D. Pratas, M.A. Vega-Rodriguez (eds.)
Sringer LNCS 10252, pp. 3-23, 2017
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-58163-7

M. Mohammadi, M. Biehl, A. Villmann, T. Villmann
Sequence Learning in Unsupervised and Supervised Vector Quantization Using Hankel Matrices
In: ICAISC 2017, Proc. Intl. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing,
L. Rutkowski et al. (eds.), Springer LNCS 10245, pp 131-142, 2017
Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-59063-9

A. Neocleous, C. Neocleous, C.N. Schizas, M. Biehl, N. Petkov
Marker Selection for the Detection of Trisomy 21 Using Generalized Matrix Learning Vector Quantization
(IEEE Explore)     (RUG provided preprint version)
In: IJCNN 2017, Proc. of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (Anchorage, Alaska), IEEE, pp. 3704-3708, 2017

G. Bhanot, M. Biehl, T. Vilmmann, D. Zühlke
Biomedical data analysis in translational research: Integration of expert knowledge and interpretable models
In: ESANN 2017, Proc. of the 25th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (Bruges, Belgium), M. Verleysen (editor), 177-186, 2017

S. Ghosh, E.S. Baranowski, R. van Veen, G.-J. de Vries, M. Biehl, W. Arlt, P. Tino, K. Bunte
Comparison of strategies to learn from imbalanced classes for computer aided diagnosis of inborn steroidogenic disorders
In: ESANN 2017, Proc. of the 25th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (Bruges, Belgium), M. Verleysen (editor),, pp. 199-204, 2017

M. Biehl, B. Hammer, T. Villmann
Prototype based models for the supervised learning of classificaton schemes
In: IAU 12, Proc. of the International Astronomical Union 12 (S325): 129-138, 2017
Doi: 10.1017/S1743921316012928

2017 - Edited volumes, special issues

R. Smedinga, M. Biehl, F. Krameer (editors)
14th SC@RUG 2016-2017, Proc. of the 14th Student Colloquium Computer Science
University of Groningen, 88 pages, 2017.

2017 - Technical reports, abstracts, other publications

M. Biehl, F. Abadi, C. Göpfert, B. Hammer
Abstract: Lifelong (machine) learning of drifting concepts in prototype-based classifiers
In: F-M. Schleif, T. Villmann (eds.), MLR-01-2017, MiWoCI Workshop, Mittweida/Germany (2017)

S. Ghosh, E.S. Baranowski, R. van Veen, G.-J. de Vries, M. Biehl, W. Arlt, P. Tino, K. Bunte
Computer aided diagnosis under the influence of heterogeneous data and imbalanced classes (extended abstract)
Presented at ICT.OPEN 2017, Amersfoort

Publications in 2016

2016 - Journal Publications

D. Mudali, M. Biehl, S.K. Meles, R.J. Renken, D. Garcia-Garcia, P. Clavero, J. Arbizu, J.A. Obeso, M.C. Rodriguez-Oroz, K. Leenders, J.B.T.M. Roerdink
Differentiating Early and Late Stage Parkinson's Disease Patients from Healthy Controls
JBEMi, Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Imaging 3(6): 33-43 (2016)

M. Biehl, B. Hammer, T. Villmann
Prototype-based models in machine learning
Advanced Review in WIRES Cognitive Science, 7(2):92-111, 2016
doi: 10.1002/wcs.1378

F.-M. Schleif, B. Hammer, J.G. Monroy, J.G. Jimenez, J.-L. Blanco-Claraco, M. Biehl, N. Petkov
Odor recognition in robotics applications by discriminating time-series modeling
preprint version of Pattern Analysis and Applications 19(1): 207-220 (2016), available on-line (2015)

2016 - Conference contributions and book chapters

M. Biehl, D. Mudali, K.L. Leenders, J.B.T.M. Roerdink
Classification of FDG-PET Brain Data by Generalized Matrix Relevance LVQ
In: BrainComp 2015, Proc. International Workshop on Brain Inspired Computing, BrainComp 2015, K. Amunts, L. Grandinetti, T. Lippert, N. Petkov (eds.), Springer LNCS 10087, 131-141 (2016)
doi 10.1007/978-3-319-50862-7_10

F. Melchert, U. Seiffert, M. Biehl
Functional approximation for the classification of smooth time series
In: NC^2 2016, Proc. Workshop on New Challenges in Neural Computation 2016,
B. Hammer, T. Martinetz, T. Villmann (eds.),
Machine Learning Reports Vol. 04/2016, 24-31 (2016)

F. Melchert, A. Matros, M. Biehl, U. Seiffert
The sugar dataset - A multimodal hyperspectral dataset for classi􏰁cation and research
In: F.-M. Schleif, T. Villmann (eds), Proc. MIWOCI 2016
Machine Learning Reports 03/2016, 15-18.

G. Murkherjee, G. Bhanot, K. Raines, S. Sastry, S. Doniach, M. Biehl
Predicting recurrence in clear cell Renal Cell Carcinoma
In:CEC 2016, Proc. Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE (2016)
doi: 10.1109/CEC2016.7743855

G.-J. de Vries, P. Lemmens, D. Brokken, S. Pauws, M. Biehl
Towards Emotion Classification Using Appraisal Modeling
In: Psychology and Mental Health - Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications.
IGI Global, Chapter 23, pp. 552-572, 2016
Reprinted version of : Int. J. of Synthetic Emotions 6(1): 40-59 (2016)

E. Mwebaze and M. Biehl
Prototype-based classification for image analysis and its application to crop disease diagnosis
In: WSOM 2016, Advances in Self-Organizing Maps and Learning Vector Quantization
Proc. of the 11th International Workshop WSOM, Houston, Texas,
E. Merenyi, M.J. Mendenhall, P. O'Driscoll (eds.),
Springer Series on Adv. in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 428: pp. 329-339, 2016
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-28518-4_29

F. Melchert, U. Seiffert and M. Biehl
Functional Representation of Prototypes in LVQ and Relevance Learning
In: WSOM 2016, Advances in Self-Organizing Maps and Learning Vector Quantization
Proc. of the 11th International Workshop WSOM, Houston, Texas
E. Merenyi, M.J. Mendenhall, P. O'Driscoll (eds.),
Springer Series on Adv. in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 428: pp. 317-327, 2016
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-28518-4_28

D. Mudali, M. Biehl, K.L. Leenders and J.B.T.M. Roerdink
LVQ and SVM Classification of FDG-PET Brain Data
In: WSOM 2016
Advances in Self-Organizing Maps and Learning Vector Quantization
Proc. of the 11th International Workshop WSOM, Houston, Texas
E. Merenyi, M.J. Mendenhall, P. O'Driscoll (eds.) Springer Series on Adv. in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 428: pp. 205-215, 2016
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-28518-4_18

M. Gay, M. Kaden, M. Biehl, T. Villmann and A. Lampe
Complex Variants of GLVQ Based on Wirtinger's Calculus
In: WSOM 2016 Advances in Self-Organizing Maps and Learning Vector Quantization
Proc. of the 11th International Workshop WSOM, Houston, Texas.
E. Merenyi, M.J. Mendenhall, P. O'Driscoll (eds.)
Springer Series on Adv. in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 428: pp. 293-303, 2016
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-28518-4_26

F. Melchert, M. Biehl and U. Seiffert
Funktionale Approximation von Spektraldaten zur Steigerung der Klassifikationsleistung in GMLVQ
In: M. Schenk (ed.), Arbeitssysteme der Zukunft, 17. Forschungskolloquium am Fraunhofer IFF 2015, Magedburg
pp. 49-54, 2016

2016 - Edited volumes, special issues

R. Smedinga, M. Biehl, F. Kramer (editors)
13 th SC@RUG 2015-2016, Proc. of the Student Colloquium Computer Science
University of Groningen, 60 pages, 2016

2016 - Technical reports, abstracts, other publications

F. Melchert, U. Seiffert, M. Biehl.
Functional Representation of Prototypes in LVQ and Relevance Learning
Proc. BNAIC 2016, Amsterdam, pp. 165-166, 2016

A. Moolla, A. Amin, B. Hughes, W. Arlt, Z. Hassan-Smith, M. Armstrong, P. Newsome, T. Shah, L. Van Gaal, A. Verrijken, S. Francque, M. Biehl, J. Tomlinson.
The urinary steroid metabolome as a non-invasive tool to stage non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Endocrine Abstracts 44: OC1.4 (2016)
doi: 10.1530/endoabs.44.OC1.4

E. Baranowski, K. Bunte, C. Shackleton, A. Taylor, B. Hughes, M. Biehl, P. Tino, T. Guran, W. Arlt
Steroid metabolomics for diagnosis of inborn steroidogenic disorders – bridging the gap between clinician and scientist through computational approaches
Endocrine Abstracts 44: P40 (2016)
doi: 10.1530/endoabs.44.P40

V. Chortis, I. Bancos, A.J. Sitch, A.E. Taylor, D. O'Neil, K. Lang, M. Quinkler, M. Terzolo, M. Mannelli, D. Vassiliadi, U. Ambroziak, M. Conall Dennedy, M. Sherlock, J. Bertherat, F. Beuschlein, M. Fassnacht, J.J. Deeks, M. Biehl, W. Arlt.
Urine steroid metabolomics is a highly sensitive tool for post-operative recurrence detection in adrenocortical carcinoma
Endocrine Abstracts 41: OC1.4 (2016)
doi: 10.1530/endoabs.41.OC1.4

A. Moolla, A. Amin, B. Hughes, W. Arlt, Z. Hassan-Smith, M. Armstrong, P. Newsome, T. Shah, L. Van Gaal, A. Verrijken, S. Francque, M. Biehl, J. Tomlinson.
The changing steroid metabolome across the spectrum of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Endocrine Abstracts 41: GP173 (2016)
doi: 10.1530/endoabs.41.GP173

Publications in 2015

2015 - Journal Articles

O. de Wiljes, R.A. van Elburg, M. Biehl, F.A. Keijzer
Modeling spontaneous activity across an excitable epithelium: Support for a coordination scenario of early neural evolution
Front. Comput. Neuroscience 9, 2015

Y. Leo, N. Adlard, M. Biehl, M. Juarez, T. Smallie, M. Snow, C.D. Buckley, K. Raza, A. Filer, D. Scheel-Toellner
Expression of chemokines CXCL4 and CXCL7 by synovial macrophages defines early stage of rheumatoid arthritis
Ann. of the Rheumatic Disease 75: 763-771, 2016 (online 2015)

I. Giotis, N. Molders, S. Land, M. Biehl, M.F. Jonkman, N. Petkov
MED-NODE: A computer-assisted melanoma diagnosis system using non-dermoscopic images
Expert Systems with Applications 42(19): 6578-6585, 2015

J.J.G. de Vries, P.M.C. Lemmens, D. Brokken, S.C. Pauws, and M. Biehl
Towards Emotion Classification Using Appraisal Modeling
Int. J. of Synthetic Emotions 6(1): 40-59, 2015

J.J.G. de Vries, S.C. Pauws, and M. Biehl
Insightful Stress Detection from Physiology Modalities using Learning Vector Quantization
Neurocomputing 151 (2): 873-882 (2015)

M. Lange, M. Biehl, T. Villmann
Non-Euclidean Principal Component Analysis by Hebbian Learning
Neurocomputing 147: 107-119, 2015

2015 - Conference contributions and book chapters

A. Schulz, B. Mokbel, M. Biehl, B. Hammer
Inferring Feature Relevances From Metric Learning
In: IEEE SSCI 2015, Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, pp. 1599-1606, 2015
doi: 10.1109/SSCI.2015.225

F. Melchert, U. Seiffert, M. Biehl
Polynomial Approximation of Spectral Data in LVQ and Relevance Learning
In: NC^2,New Challenges in Neural Computation, Workshop at the GCPR, Aachen
Machine Learning Reports 03-2015: 25-32, 2015

G.-J. de Vries, S. Pauws M. Biehl
Facial Expression Recognition using Learning Vector Quantization
In: G. Azzopardi and N. Petkov (eds.): CAIP 2015, Part II.
16th Intl. Conf. on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns
Springer LNCS 9257, pp. 760-771, 2015

T. Villmann, M. Kaden, D. Nebel and M. Biehl
Learning Vector Quantization with Adaptive Cost-based Outlier-Rejection
In: G. Azzopardi and N. Petkov (eds.): CAIP 2015, Part II.
16th Intl. Conf. on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns
Springer LNCS 9257, pp. 772-782, 2015

M. Biehl, B. Hammer, F.-M. Schleif, P. Schneider, T. Villmann
Stationarity of Matrix Relevance LVQ
In:International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2015),

E. Mwebaze, G. Bearda, M. Biehl, D. Zühlke
Combining dissimilarity measures for prototype-based classification
In: ESANN 23, Proc. of the 23rd European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, M. Verleysen (editor)
d-side publishing, 31-36, 2015

2015 - Edited volumes, special issues

M. Biehl, A. Ghio, F.-M. Schleif
Developments in computational intelligence and machine learning
Editorial, Special Issue, ESANN 2014 - Selected Papers,
Neurocomputing 169:185-186, 2015

R. Smedinga, M. Biehl, F. Kramer (editors)
12th SC@RUG 2014-2015, Proc. of the Student Colloquium Computer Science
University of Groningen, 74 pages, 2015.

2015 - Technical reports, abstracts, other publications

A. Taylor et al.
Further advances in diagnosis of adrenal cancer: a high-throughput urinary steroid profiling method using LC-MS.
Endocrine Abstracts 38: OC2.3 (2015)
doi: 10.1530/endoabs.38.OC2.3

K. Lang et al.
Urine steroid metabolomics as a diagnostic tool in primary aldosteronism.
Endocrine Abstracts 38: OC1.6 (2015)

V. Chortis et al.
Urine steroid metabolomics as a novel diagnostic tool for early detection of recurrence in adrenocorticla carcinoma.
Endocrine Abstracts 38: OC3.4 (2015)

Publications in 2014

2014 - Journal Articles

C.F. Davies et al. (link to list of authors and bibliographical information),
The somatic genomic landscape of chromophobe renal cell carcinoma
Cancer Cell 26(3): 319-330, 2014

E. Bilal, T. Sakellropoulos, Challenge Participants(*), I.N. Melas, D.E. Messinis, V. Belcastro, K. Rhrissorrakrai, P. Meyer,
R. Norel, A. Iskandar, E. Blaese, J.J. Rice, M.C. Peitsch, J. Hoeng, G. Stolovitzky, L.G. Alexopoulos, C. Poussin
(*) including M. Biehl
A crowd sourcing approach for the construction of species specific cell signaling networks
Bioinformatics 31(4): 484-491, 2015 (online 2014, open access)

A. Dayarian, R. Romero, Z. Wang, M. Biehl, E. Bilal, S. Hormoz, P. Meyer, R. Norel, K. Rhrissorrakrai, G. Bhanot, F. Luo, A.L. Tarca
Predicting protein phosphorylation from gene expression: top methods from the IMPROVER species translation challenge
Bioinformatics 31(4): 462-470 (2015, online in 2014) open access
doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu490

S. Hormoz, G. Bhanot, M. Biehl, E. Bilal, P. Meyer, R. Norel, K. Rhrissorrakrai, A. Dayarian
Inter-species inference of gene set enrichment in lung-epithelial cells from proteomic and large transcriptomics data sets
Bioinformatics 31(4): 492-500 (2015, online in 2014) open access
doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu569

M. Biehl, P. Sadowski, G. Bhanot, E. Bilal, A. Dayarian, P. Meyer, R. Norel, K. Rhrissorrakrai, M.D. Zeller, S. Hormoz
Inter-species prediction of protein phosphorylation in the sbv IMPROVER species translation challenge
Bioinformatics 31(4): 453-461 (2015, online in 2014) open access
doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu407

2014 - Conference contributions and book chapters

H.T. Kruitbosch, I. Giotis, M. Biehl
Segmented shape-symbolic time series representation
In: ESANN 22, M. Verleysen (editor), Proc. of the 22nd European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks ESANN 2014, d-side publishing, pp. 259-264, 2014

B. Frenay, D. Hofmann, A. Schulz, M. Biehl, B. Hammer
Valid Interpretation of Feature Relevance for Linear Data Mappings. accepted contribution to the IEEE
IEEE CIDM 2014, Symp. on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining, pp 149-156, 2014
doi: 10.1109/CIDM.2014.7008661

M. Biehl, B. Hammer, T. Villmann
Distance measures for prototype based classification
Preprint version of an invited contribution to: BrainComp 2013,
Proc. of the International Workshop on Brain-Inspired Computing, Cetraro/Italy, July 2013
L. Grandinetti, T. Lippert, N. Petkov (eds.), Springer Lecture Notes Vol. 8603, pp. 100-116 (2014)

2014 - Edited volumes, special issues

R. Smedinga, M. Biehl, F. Kramer (editors)
11th SC@RUG 2013-2014, Proc. of the Student Colloquium Computer Science
University of Groningen, 72 pages, 2014.

2014 - Technical reports, abstracts, other publications

M. Biehl, M. Kaden, T. Villmann
Statistical Quality Measures and ROC-Optimization by Learning Vector Quantization
In: H.A. Kestler, M. Schmid, L. Lausser, J.M. Krauss (eds.), Statistical Computing 2014, Universität Ulm, pp. 2-6 (2014)

M. Biehl
Prototype-based classifiers and their application in the life sciences (abstract)
In: WSOM 2014, T. Villmann, F.-M. Schleif, M. Kaden, and M. Lange (editors)
Advances in Self-Organizing Maps and Learning Vector Quantization: Proc. of the 10th International Workshop, WSOM 2014
Springer, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Vol. 295, p. 121, 2014.

M. Biehl, M. Kaden, P. Stürmer, T. Villmann.
ROC-optimization and statistical quality measures in Learning Vector Quantization.
In: F.-M. Schleif and T. Villmann (editors)
MIWOCI 2014, Mittweida Workshop on Computational Intelligece,
volume MLR-2014-01 of Machine Learning Reports, pages 23-34. Univ. of Bielefeld (2014)

A. Schulz, D. Hofmann, M. Biehl, B. Hammer
Interpretation of linear mappings employing L1-regularization (abstract).
In: F.-M. Schleif and T. Villmann (editors)
MIWOCI 2014, MittweidaWorkshop on Computational Intelligence,
volume MLR-2014-01 of Machine Learning Rep. , page 1. Univ. of Bielefeld (2014)

Publications in 2013

2013 - Journal Articles

I. Giotis, K. Bunte, N. Petkov, M. Biehl
Adaptive Matrices and Filters for Color Texture Classification
J. of Math. Imaging and Vision 47: 79-92, 2013
(Springer, open access since May 2012)

E. Alegre, M. Biehl, N. Petkov, L. Sanchez
Assessment of acrosome state in boar spermatozoa heads using n-contours descriptor and RLVQ
preprint version of: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 111: 525-536, 2013 (final version available online)

M. Biehl, K. Bunte, P. Schneider
Analysis of Flow Cytometry Data by Matrix Relevance Learning Vector Quantization
PLOS One 8: e59401 (2013), (open access)

N. Aghaeepour, G. Finak, The FlowCAP Consortium, The DREAM Consortium (*), H. Hoos, T.R. Mosmann, R. Brinkman, R. Gottardo, and R.H. Scheuermann.
(* including M. Biehl, K. Bunte, P. Schneider)
Critical assessment of automated flow cytometry data analysis techniques
Nature Methods 10: 228-238 (2013), article and supplementary material available online

2013 - Conference contributions and book chapters

M. Strickert, B. Hammer, T. Villmann, M. Biehl
Regularization and improved interpretation of linear data mappings and adaptive distance measures
Preprint version of a contribution to:IEEE CIDM 2013, Symp. on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining
Proc. IEEE SSCI 2013. Article available online, 2013

M. Lange, M. Biehl, T. Villmann
Non-Euclidean Independent Component Analysis and Oja's Learning
In: ESANN 21, Proc. Europ. Symp. Artificial Neural Networks, M. Verleysen (ed.), d-side publishing, pp. 125-130, 2013

M. Biehl, M. Kästner, M. Lange, T. Villmann
Non-Euclidean Principal Component Analysis and Oja's Learning Rule - Theoretical Aspects
In: WSOM 2012, Advances in Self-Organizing Maps, Proc. 9th Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps WSOM 2012, Santiago/Chile,
Springer, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Vol. 198, pp. 23-33, 2013
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-35230-0_3

Publications in 2012

2012 - Journal Articles

M. Biehl
Admire LVQ - Adaptive Distance Measures in Relevance Learning Vector Quantization
Künstliche Intelligenz, KI 26: 391-395, 2012
(Springer, open access)

M.B. Huber, K. Bunte, M.B. Nagarajan, M. Biehl, L.A. Ray, A. Wismüller
Texture Feature Ranking with Relevance Learning to Classify Interstitial Lung Disease Patterns
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 56: 91-97 (2012)
(Elsevier, available online)

M. Kästner, B. Hammer, M. Biehl, T. Villmann
Functional Relevance Learning in Generalized Learning Vector Quantization
preprint version of: Neurocomputing 90: 85-95, 2012
(available online), doi: 10.1016/j.neucom.2011.11.029

K. Bunte, S. Haase, M. Biehl, T. Villmann
Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (SNE) for Dimension Reduction and Visualization using arbitrary Divergences
preliminary version of: Neurocomputing 90: 23-45, 2012
(available online), doi: 10.1016/j.neucom.2012.02.034

K. Bunte, P. Schneider, B. Hammer, F.-M. Schleif, T. Villmann, M. Biehl
Limited rank matrix learning - discriminative dimension reduction and visualization
preprint-version of: Neural Networks 26: 159-173 (2012)
(available online), doi: 10.1016/j.neunet.2011.10.001

K. Bunte, M. Biehl, B. Hammer
A general framework for dimensioniality reducing data visualization mapping
preprint version of: Neural Computation 24: 771-804 (2012)
(available online), doi: 10.1162/NECO_a_00250

2012 - Conference contributions and book chapters

M. Kästner, D. Nebel, M. Riedel, M. Biehl, T. Villmann
Differentiable Kernels in Generalized Matrix Learning Vector Quantization
Proc. 11th Intl. Conf. on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), Boca Raton, FL, USA, 2012, Volume 1, pp. 132-137, 2012
IEEE, available online

M. Biehl, K. Bunte, F.-M. Schleif, P. Schneider, T. Villmann
Large Margin Discriminative Linear Visualization by Matrix Relevance Learning
Proc. Intl. Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN 2012, Brisbane/Australia, pp. 1873-1880 (2012)
IEEE, available online

G. Peters, K. Bunte, M. Strickert, M. Biehl, T. Villmann
Visualization of processes in self-learning systems
Proc. Tenth Annual Conf. Privacy, Security, and Trust, Paris 2012, pp. 244-249 (2012)
IEEE, available online

B. Mokbel, W. Lueks, A. Gisbrecht, M. Biehl, B. Hammer
Visualizing the quality of dimensionality reduction
preprint version, Proc. 20th Europ. Symp. Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN), M. Verleysen (ed.), d-side publishing, 179-184 (2012)

K. Bunte, F.-M. Schleif, M. Biehl
Adaptive learning for complex-valued data
preprint version, Proc. 20th Europ. Symp. Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN), M. Veleysen (ed.), d-side publishing, 381-386 (2012)

M. Biehl, P. Schneider, D. Smith, H. Stiekema, A. Taylor, B. Hughes, C. Shackleton, P. Stewart, W. Arlt
Matrix relevance LVQ in steroid metabolomics based classification of adrenal tumors
preprint version, Proc. 20th Europ. Symp. Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN), M. Verleysen (ed.), d-side publishing, 423-428 (2012)

2012 - Edited volumes, special issues

R. Smedinga, M. Biehl, F. Kramer (editors)
9th SC@RUG 2011-2012, Proc. of the Student Colloquium Computer Science
University of Groningen, 57 pages, 2012.

Publications in 2011

2011 - Journal Articles

W. Arlt, M. Biehl, A.E. Taylor, S. Hahner, R. Libe, B.A. Hughes, P. Schneider, D.J. Smith, H. Stiekema, N. Krone,
E. Porfiri, G. Opocher, J. Bertherat, F. Mantero, B. Allolio, M. Terzolo, P. Nightingale, C.H.L. Shackleton, X. Bertagna, M. Fassnacht, P.M. Stewart
Urine steroid metabolomics as a biomarker tool for detecting malignancy in adrenal tumors
J. of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, JCEM 96: 3775-3784, 2011
available online

K. Bunte, M. Biehl, M.F. Jonkman, N. Petkov
Learning Effective Color Features for Content Based Image Retrieval in Dermatology
Pattern Recognition 44 (2011) 1892-1902.
available online at Science Direct.

K. Bunte, B. Hammer, T. Villmann, M. Biehl, A. Wismüller
Neighbor Embedding XOM for Dimension Reduction and Visualization
Neurocomputing, 74 (2011) 1340-1350.

E. Mwebaze, P. Schneider, F.-M. Schleif, J.R. Aduwo, J.A. Quinn, S. Haase, T. Villmann, M. Biehl
Divergence based classification in Learning Vector Quantization
preprint version of: Neurocomputing, 74 (2011) 1429-1435.

2011 - Conference proceedings and book chapters

K. Bunte, I. Giotis, N. Petkov, M. Biehl
Adaptive Matrices for Color Texture Classification
preliminary version of a paper which appeared in: P. Real, D. Diaz-Pernil, H. Molina-Abril, A. Berciano, W.G. Kropatsch (eds.),
CAIP 2011, Proc. Part II, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns - 14th International Conference, Seville, Spain,
Springer LNCS Vol.6855
, 489-497, 2011

B. Hammer, M. Biehl, K. Bunte, B. Mokbel
A general framework for dimensionality reduction for large data sets
In: WSOM 2011, Advances in Self-Organizing Maps, 8th Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps,
J. Laaksonen, T. Honkela (eds.), Springer LNCS Vol. 6731, 277-287, 2011

J. Quinn, J. Mooij, T. Heskes, M. Biehl
Learning of Causal Relations
In: ESANN 2011, Proc. 19th Europ. Symp. on Artificial Neural Networks, tutorial paper for a special session,
M. Verleysen (ed.), d-side publishing, 287-296, 2011

P. Schneider, T. Geweniger, F.-M. Schleif, M. Biehl, T. Villmann
Multivariate class labeling in Robust Soft LVQ
In: ESANN 2011,Proc. 19th Europ. Symp. on Artificial Neural Networks,
M. Verleysen (ed.), d-side publishing, 17-22, 2011

E. Mwebaze, J. Quinn, M. Biehl
Causal Relevance learning for robust classification under interventions
In: ESANN 2011, Proc. 19th Europ. Symp. on Artificial Neural Networks,
M. Verleysen (ed.), d-side publishing, 315-320, 2011

M. Kästner, B. Hammer, M. Biehl, T. Villmann
Generalized Functional Relevance Learning Vector Quantization
In: ESANN 2011, Proc. 19th Europ. Symp. on Artificial Neural Networks,
M. Verleysen (ed.), d-side publishing, 93-98, 2011

K. Bunte, M. Biehl, B. Hammer
Supervised dimension reduction mappings
In: ESANN 2011, Proc. 19th Europ. Symp. on Artificial Neural Networks,
M. Verleysen (ed.), d-side publishing, 281-286, 2011

K. Bunte, M. Biehl, B. Hammer
Dimensionality reduction maps
preprint version of an article in: SSCI CDIM 2011, Proc. IEEE Symp. on Computational
Intelligence and Data Mining, Paris, Pages 349-356, 2011
doi: 10.1109/CIDM.2011.5949443

M.B. Huber, K. Bunte, M.B. Nagajaran, M. Biehl, L.A. Ray, A. Wismüller
Texture Feature Selection with Relevance Learning to Classify Interstitial Lung Disease Patterns
in: Medical Imaging 2011: Computer Aided Diagnostics, R.M. Summers, B. van Ginneken (eds.),
SPIE Conference Proceedings Vol. 7963 (43), 8 pages, 2001
doi: 10.1117/12.877894

2011 - Edited volumes, special issues

R. Smedinga, M. Biehl, F. Kramer (editors)
8th SC@RUG 2010-2011, Proc. of the Student Colloquium Computer Science
University of Groningen, 123 pages, 2011.

2011 - Other Publications, Abstracts, Technical Reports, etc.

G. Papari, K. Bunte, M. Biehl
Waypoint averaging and step size control in learning by gradient descent
Technical Report, In: MIWOCI 2011, Mittweida Workshop on Computational Intelligence
Machine Learning Reports, MLR-2011-06: 16-26, 2011
available online,

W. Lueks, B. Mokbel, M. Biehl, B. Hammer
How to evaluate Dimensionality Reduction?
In: NC^2 2011, Proc. Workshop New Challenges in Neural Computation,
B. Hammer and T. Villmann (eds.), pp. 29-37, 2011, available online,

M. Kästner, T. Villmann, M. Biehl
About Sparsity in Functional Relevance Learning in Generalized Learning Vector Quantization
Technical Report, Machine Learning Reports, MLR-2011-03, pdf available online, 2011

Publications in 2010

2010 - Journal Articles

A. Witoelar, A. Ghosh, J.J.G. de Vries, B. Hammer, M. Biehl
Window-based example selection in Learning Vector Quantization
preprint version of: Neural Computation 22: 2924-2961 (2010)

A. Offringa, G. de Bruyn, M. Biehl, S. Zaroubi, G. Bernardi, V. Pandey
Post-correlation radio frequency interference classification methods
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 405: 155-167 (2010)

P. Schneider, K. Bunte, H. Stiekema, B. Hammer, T. Villmann, M. Biehl
Regularization in Matrix Relevance Learning
preprint version of: IEEE Trans. Neural Networks 21: 831-840 (2010)
online: IEEE Xplore

K. Bunte, B. Hammer, A. Wismüller, M. Biehl
Adaptive Local Dissimilarity measures for Discriminative Dimension Reduction of Labeled Data
preprint version of: Neurocomputing 73: 1074-1092 (2010).

P. Schneider, M. Biehl, B. Hammer
Hyperparameter Learning in Probabilistic Prototype-Based Models
preprint version of: Neurocomputing 73: 1117-1124 (2010)

2010 - Conference proceedings and book chapters

A. Offringa, A.G. de Bruyn, S. Zaroubi, M. Biehl
The LOFAR RFI detection pipeline and its first results

RFI mitigation workshop RFI2010, Groningen, March 2010, to be published in Proceedings of Science (2010)

F.-M. Schleif, T. Villmann, B. Hammer, P. Schneider, M. Biehl
Generalized derivative based kernelized Learning Vector Quantization

In: Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2010, C. Fyfe, P. Tino, D. Charles, C. Garcia-Osorio, H. Yin (eds.), Springer LNCS 6283, 21-28 (2010)

E. Mwebaze, P. Schneider, F.-M. Schleif, S. Haase, T. Villmann, M. Biehl
Divergence Based Learning Vector Quantization

preprint version of: 18th Europ. Symp. on Artificial Neural Networks, ESANN 2010, M. Verleysen (ed.), d-side publishing, 247-252 (2010)

K. Bunte, B. Hammer, T. Villmann, M. Biehl, A. Wismüller
Exploratory Observation Machine (XOM) with Kullback-Leibler Divergence for Dimensionality Reduction and Visualziation
preprint version of: 18th Europ. Symp. on Artificial Neural Networks, ESANN 2010, M. Verleysen (ed.), d-side publishing, 87-92 (2010).

T. Villmann, S. Haase, F.-M. Schleif, B. Hammer, M. Biehl
The Mathematics of Divergence Based Online Learning in Vector Quantization
in: Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition (ANNPR 2010), F. Schwenker, N. El Gayar (eds.), Springer LNAI Vol. 5998, 108-119 (2010).

2010 - Edited volumes, special issues

R. Smedinga, M. Biehl, F. Kramer (editors)
7th SC@RUG 2009-2010, Proc. of the Student Colloquium Computer Science
University of Groningen, 46 pages, 2010.

2010 - Other Publications, Abstracts, Technical Reports, etc.

B. Hammer, K. Bunte, M. Biehl
Some steps towards a general principle for dimensionality reduction mappings
In: Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 10302, B. Hammer, P. Hitzler, W. Maass, M. Toussaint (eds.), available online, 2010

O. de Wijles, R.A.J. van Elburg, M. Biehl, F. Keijzer
Early Nervous Systems: Theoretical background and a preliminary model of neuronal processes
Extended abstract, to appear in Proc. Artificial Life XII, Odense/Denmark, August 2010.

A. Taylor, M. Biehl, B. Hughes, H. Stiekema, P. Schneider, D. Smith, P. Nightingale, C. Shackleton, P. Stewart, W. Arlt
Development of urinary steroid profiling as a high-throughput screening tool for the detection of malignancy in patients with adrenal tumours
Abstract, British Endocrine Society, Endocrine Abstracts 21, OC3.3 (2010)

Publications in 2009

2009 - Journal Articles

P. Schneider, M. Biehl, B. Hammer,
Adaptive Relevance Matrices in Learning Vector Quantization
preprint version of Neural Computation 21: 3532-3561 (2009)
journal article availble on-line at MIT Press (2009)

P. Schneider, M. Biehl, B. Hammer
Distance learning in discriminative vector quantization
preprint version of: Neural Computation 21, 2942-2969 (2009)
journal article available on-line at MIT Press (2009)

A. Witoelar, M. Biehl
Phase transitions in vector quantization and neural gas
preprint version of: Neurocomputing 72, 1390-1397 (2009)

2009 - Conference proceedings and book chapters

M. Biehl, B. Hammer, P. Schneider, T. Villmann
Metric Learning for Prototype-based classification
preprint version of a contribution to: Innovations in Neural Information Paradigms and Applications
M. Bianchini, M. Maggini, F. Scarselli, L.C. Jain (eds.),
Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol 247 (2009), 183-199
available on-line (Springer Link)

T. Villmann, B. Hammer, M. Biehl
Some Theoretical Aspects of the Neural Gas Vector Quantizer
in: Similiarity based clustering
M. Biehl, B. Hammer, M. Verleysen, T. Villmann (eds.) Springer Lecture Notes Artificial Intelligence Vol. 5400, 23-34 (2009)

M. Biehl, N. Caticha, P. Riegler
Statistical Mechanics of On-line learning
preprint version of an article in: Similiarity based clustering
M. Biehl, B. Hammer, M. Verleysen, T. Villmann (eds.) Springer Lecture Notes Artificial Intelligence Vol. 5400, 1-22 (2009)

K. Bunte, B. Hammer, M. Biehl
Nonlinear Dimension Reduction and Visualization of Labeled Data
preprint version of a contribution to: Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, CAIP 2009 (Münster/Germany)
X. Jiang, N. Petkov (eds.),
Springer LNCS 5702 (2009), 1162-1170
available on-line at (Springer Link)

M. Strickert, J. Keilwagen, F.-M. Schleif, T. Villmann, M. Biehl
Matrix metric adaptation for improved linear discriminant analysis of biomedical data
in: IWANN 2009 (Part I), J. Cabestany et al. (eds.), Springer LNCS 5517, 933-940 (2009)
available on-line (Springer Link)

P. Schneider, M. Biehl, B. Hammer
Hyperparameter Learning in Robust Soft LVQ
preprint version of an article published in: 17th Europ. Symp. on Artificial Neural Networks, ESANN 2009, M. Verleysen (ed.), d-side publishing, 517-522 (2009)

A. Witoelar, M. Biehl, B. Hammer
Equilibrium properties of offline LVQ
preprint version of an article published in: 17th Europ. Symp. on Artificial Neural Networks, ESANN 2009, M. Verleysen (ed.), d-side publishing, 535-540 (2009)

K. Bunte, M. Biehl, N. Petkov, M.F. Jonkman
Adaptive Metrics for Content Based Image Retrieval in Dermatology
preprint version of an article published in: 17th Europ. Symp. on Artificial Neural Networks, ESANN 2009, M. Verleysen (ed.), d-side publishing, 129-134 (2009)

K. Bunte, B. Hammer, P. Schneider, M. Biehl
Nonlinear Discriminative Data Visualization
preprint version of an article published in: 17th Europ. Symp. on Artificial Neural Networks, ESANN 2009, M. Verleysen (ed.), d-side publishing, 65-70 (2009)

2009 - Edited volumes and issues

M. Biehl, B. Hammer, M. Verleysen, T. Villmann (eds.)
Similiarity based clustering
Springer Lecture Notes Artificial Intelligence Vol. 5400/2009

F.-M. Schleif, M. Biehl, A. Vellido,
Andvances in machine learning and computational intelligence
Special issue: Neurocomputing 72, Editorial: pages 1377-1378 (2009)

M. Biehl, B. Hammer, S. Hochreiter, S.C. Kremer, T. Villmann
Similarity-based learning on structures
Summary and abstract collection, Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 09081, 2009.

2009 - Abstracts, Technical Reports

W. Arlt, S. Hahner, R. Libe, B.A. Hughes, M. Biehl, H. Stiekema, P. Schneider, et al.,
Urinary steroid profiling as a biomarker tool for the detection of adrenal malignancy - Results of the EURINE ACC study
Abstract, British Endocrine Society, Endocrine Abstracts 19, OC14 (2009)

T. Geweniger, P. Schneider, F.-M. Schleif, M. Biehl, T. Villmann
Extending RSLVQ to handle data points with uncertain class assignments
Machine Learning Reports 02/2009, Univ. Leipzig (2009)

M. Biehl, B. Hammer, F.-M. Schleif, P. Schneider, T. Villmann
Stationarity of Matrix Relevance Learning Vector Quantization
Machine Learning Reports 01/2009, Univ. Leipzig (2009)

Publications in 2008

2008 - Journal Articles

N. Petkov, E. Alegre, M. Biehl, and L. Sanchez
Automatic classification of the acrosome status of boar spermatozoa using digital image processing and LVQ

Computers in Biology and Medicine 38: 461-468 (2008)

A. Witoelar, M. Biehl, A. Ghosh, B. Hammer,
Learning Dynamics of Neural Gas and Vector Quantization
preprint version of Neurocomputing 71: 1210-1219 (2008)

S. Weber, M. Biehl, M. Kotrla, W. Kinzel
Simulation of self-assembled nanopatterns in strained 2D alloys on the fcc(111) surface
J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 20: 265004 (2008)
preprint version: (PDF)

2008 - Conference contributions

M. Strickert, P. Schneider, J. Keilwagen, T. Villmann, M. Biehl, B. Hammer
Discriminatory data mapping by matrix-based supervised learning metrics
in: Proc. Third International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition, ANNPR 2008, Paris/France, L. Provost, S. Marinai, F. Schwenker (eds.), Springer LNCS 5064: 78-89 (2008)
available on-line (Springer Link)

M. Strickert, K. Witzel, J. Keilwagen, H.P. Mock, P. Schneider, M. Biehl, T. Villmann
Adaptive Matrix Metrics for attribute dependence analysis in differential high-throughput data
Proc. 5th Int. Workshop on Computational Systems Biology, WCSB 2008, Leipzig/Germany, M. Ahdesmäki et al. (eds.), Tampere Intl. Center for Signal Processing, TICSP Vol. 41: 181-184 (2008)

P. Schneider, F.-M. Schleif, T. Villmann, M. Biehl
Generalized Matrix Learning Vector Quantizer for the Analysis of Spectral Data
preprint version of an article published in: 16th Europ. Symp. on Artificial Neural Networks, ESANN 2008, M. Verleysen (ed.), d-side publishing (2008) 451-456.

A. Witoelar, A. Ghosh, M. Biehl
Phase Transitions in Vector Quantization
preprint version of an article published in: 16th Europ. Symp. on Artificial Neural Networks, ESANN 2008, M. Verleysen (ed.), d-side publishing (2008) 221-226.

2008 - Abstracts, Technical Reports, Editorials

P. Schneider, K. Bunte, H. Stiekema, B. Hammer, T. Villmann, M. Biehl
Regularization in Matrix Relevance Learning
Machine Learning Reports, Report 02/2008, Univ. Leipzig

K. Bunte, P. Schneider, B. Hammer, F.-M. Schleif, T. Villmann, M. Biehl
Discriminative Visualization by Limited Rank Matrix Learning
Machine Learning Reports, Report 03/2008, Univ. Leipzig

P. Schneider, M. Biehl, B. Hammer
Matrix adaptation in discriminative vector quantization
IfI Technical Report Series, IFI-08-08, TU Clausthal (2008)

A. Witoelar, M. Biehl
Equilibrium physics approach in vector quantization
Part I: General formalism and high temperature limit
Part II: Annealed approximation (preliminary version)

F. Rossi, C. Angulo Bahon, M. Biehl
Progress in modeling, theory, and application of computational intelligence
(link to the journal page through science direct),
Editorial of a special issue, Neurocomputing 71: 1117-1119, 2008

Publications in 2007

2007 - Journal Articles

M. Biehl, A. Ghosh, and B. Hammer
Dynamics and generalization ability of LVQ algorithms
preliminary version of a paper in J. Machine Learning Research 8 (Feb):323-360, 2007
published version available from the JMLR web page

M. Walther, M. Biehl, W. Kinzel
Formation and consequences of misfit dislocations in heteroepitaxial growth
Physica Status Solidi (C) 4:3210-3220, 2007
preprint version: (PDF)

2007 - Conference Contributions

M. Biehl, R. Breitling, Y. Li,
Analysis of Tiling Microarray Data by Learning Vector Quantization and Relevance Learning
in: Proc. 8th Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, Birmingham/UK, Dec. 2007, ((IDEAL 2007)), Y. Yin et. al (eds), Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 4881, 880-889 (2007)
availiable on-line (Springer Link)

A. Witoelar, M. Biehl, and B. Hammer
Learning Vector Quantization: generalization ability and dynamics of competing prototypes
Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps 2007 in Bielefeld (WSOM 2007), proceedings published on CD (Univ. Bielefeld, 2007)

P. Schneider, M. Biehl, F.-M. Schleif, B. Hammer
Advanced metric adaptation in Generalized LVQ for classification of mass sepctrometry data
Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps 2007 in Bielefeld (WSOM 2007), proceedings published on CD (Univ. Bielefeld, 2007)

M. Kotrla, S. Weber, F. Much, M. Biehl, W. Kinzel
Self-organised nano-patterns in strained 2D metallic alloys: droplets vs. stripes
Acta Metallurgica Slovaca 13:70-75, 2007

P. Schneider, M. Biehl, and B. Hammer
Relevance Matrices in Learning Vector Quantization
In: ESANN 2007, Proc. 15th Europ. Symp. on Artificial Neural Networks, M. Verleysen (ed.), d-side publishing, 37-42, 2007

A. Witoelar, M. Biehl, A. Ghosh, and B. Hammer
On the Dynamics of Vector Quantization and Neural Gas
In: ESANN 2007,Proc. 15th Europ. Symp. on Artificial Neural Networks, M. Verleysen (ed.), d-side publishing, pp. 127-132, 2007

N. Petkov, E. Alegre, M. Biehl, and L. Sanchez
LVQ acrosome integrity assessment of boar sperm cells
preprint version of a conference contribution in: Proc. CompImage 2006, Coimbra/Portugal, eds. J.M.R.S. Taveres and R.M.N. Jorge, Taylor and Francis, 6 pages, 2007

2007 - Edited volumes, special issues

M. Biehl, E. Merenyi, F. Rossi,
Advances in computational intelligence and learning
Editorial of a special issue, Neurocomputing 70: 1117-1119, 2007 doi: 10.1016/j.neucom.2006.12.001

M. Biehl, B. Hammer, M.Verleysen, T. Villmann
Similarity-based clustering and its application to medicine and biology
Summary and abstract collection, Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 07131, 2008.

Publications in 2006

2006 - Journal Articles

A. Ghosh, M. Biehl, and B. Hammer
Performance analysis of LVQ algorithms: a statistical physics approach
preprint version of an article in: Neural Networks 19: 817, 2006
doi: 10.1016/j.neunet.2006.05.010

M. Biehl, A. Ghosh, and B. Hammer
Learning Vector Quantization: the dynamics of Winner-Takes-All algorithms
preprint version of an article in: Neurocomputing 69 (7-9): 660-670, 2006
doi: 10.1016/j.neucom.2005.12.007

2006 - Conference Contributions

M. Biehl, P. Pasma, M. Pijl, L. Sanchez, and N. Petkov
Classification of Boar Sperm Head Images using Learning Vector Quantization
In: ESANN 2006, Proc. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks
in Bruges/Belgium, April 2006
M. Verleysen (ed.), d-side publishing, pp. 545-550, 2006

2006 - Technical Reports

M. Biehl, B. Hammer, and P. Schneider
Matrix Learning in Learning Vector Quantization
Ifl Technical Report Series, Ifl-06-14, TU Clausthal, 2006.

Publications in 2005

2005 - Journal Articles

T. Volkmann, F. Much, M. Biehl, M. Kotrla
Interplay of strain relaxation and chemically induced diffusion barriers: nanostructure formation in 2D alloys
(arXiv) preprint version of Surface Science 586: 157-173, 2005

2005 - Conference Contributions

A. Ghosh, M. Biehl, and B. Hammer
Dynamical Analysis of LVQ type learning rules
preprint version of a paper in:
Proc. of the 5th Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps WSOM'05, Univ. de Paris (I), 2005.

C. Bunzmann, M. Biehl, and R. Urbanczik
Efficient training of multilayer perceptrons using principal component analysis
preprint version of Phys. Rev. E 72: 026117 (2005)

M. Biehl, A. Ghosh, and B. Hammer
The dynamics of Learning Vector Quantization

In: ESANN 2005, Proc. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks
in Bruges/Belgium, April 2005
M. Verleysen (ed.), d-side publishing, pp. 13-18, 2005

M. Biehl
Lattice gas models and Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of epitaxial growth
(arXiv) preprint version of an invited contribution to an MFO Mini-Workshop (Oberwolfach, 2004),
in: Multiscale Modeling in Epitaxial Growth,
ed. A. Voigt, Int. Series of Numerical Mathematics 149 (Birkhaeuser, 2005), 3-18

M. Biehl, F. Much, and C. Vey
Off-lattice Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of strained heteroepitaxial growth
(arXiv) preprint version of an invited contribution to an MFO Mini-Workshop (Oberwolfach, 2004),
appeared in: Multiscale Modeling in Epitaxial Growth,
ed. A. Voigt, Int. Series of Numerical Mathematics 149 (Birkhaeuser, 2005), 41-57

M. Biehl and F. Much
Off-lattice Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of Stranski-Krastanov-like growth
(arXiv) preprint version of an invited contribution to the NATO-ARW on
Quantum Dots: Fundamentals, Applications, and Frontiers, June 2003,
eds. B. Joyce, P. Kelires, A. Naumovets, and D.D. Vvedensky,
NATO Sciences Series II: Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry Vol. 190, Springer (2005)

Publications in 2004

A. Ghosh, M. Biehl, A. Freking, G. Reents
A theoretical framework for analyzing the dynamics of learning vector quantization
Technical Report 2004-9-02, Mathematics and Computing Science, University Groningen, 2004.

T. Volkmann, M. Ahr, and M. Biehl
Kinetic model of II-VI(001) semiconductor surfaces: growth rates in Atomic Layer Epitaxy
(arXiv) preprint version of Phys. Rev. B 69:: 165303, 2004
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.69.165303

For publications before 2004, click here.