Grants and Prizes

Research grants

2023DSSC XS fund jointly received with with Dr. Andreas Milias Argeitis - Achieving robustness to distribution shifts in instance segmentation of time-lapse microscopy: A brain-inspired inhibition approach
2022CogniGron joint funding with Prof. Michael Biehl for two complementary PhD projects with the overarching title: Robust Learning of Sparse Representations: Brain-inspired Inhibition and Statistical Physics Analysis
2022Faculty internal fund for a full-time PhD project. Open PhD position on the topic: The role of brain-inspired push-pull inhibition phenomenon in deep learning.
2021University Internal fund for a PhD sandwich position in collaboration with the Stellenbosch University and Astron. Topic: Computer-aided tools for the analysis of large scale radio-astronomy data. PhD candidate: Steven Machetho
2020Individual - Gratama Foundation, University of Groningen - Topic: Blockchain-based framework for managing the chain of digital custody. Research assistant: Derrick Timmerman
2020Internal fund from the Data Science & Systems Complexity (DSSC), Unviersity of Groningen. It is in collaboration with Prof. Ben Giepmans (UMCG). Topic: Segmentation of large-scale electron microscopy (EM) 2D images. PhD candidate: Anusha Aswath
2018Consortium-based - EU Internal Security Fund: WP leader of 4NSEEK - PhD candidate: Guru Bennabhaktula
2014NWO-STW - Partners with Wageningen University. Topic: Smart breeding with advanced machine learning. PhD candidate: Ahmad Alsahaf


2024Winner of ENLIGHT Impact Award
2023Ben Feringa Impact Award

2015Best Paper Award at the VIPImage 2015 Conference, Tenerife, Spain.

Strisciuglio, Nicola; Vento, Mario; Azzopardi, George; Petkov, Nicolai

Unsupervised delineation of the vessel tree in retinal fundus images Inproceedings

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