- David Williams (2010) Volumetric Representation of Virtual Environments. In Game Engine Gems. (Eric Lengyel, Eds.) Jones and Bartlett Publishers. (BibTeX)
- Codreanu, V. and Hobincu, R. (2010) Performance Gain from Data and Control Dependency Elimination in Embedded Processors. In Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), 2010 9th International Symposium on., pages 47-50, . IEEE. (BibTeX)
- Bumbăcea, P., Codreanu, V., Hobincu, R., Petrică, L. and Ştefan, GM (2010) Technology Driven Architecture for Integral Parallel Embedded Computing. In Semiconductor Conference (CAS), 2010 International., pages 35-42, . IEEE. (BibTeX)
- Heorhiy Byelas (2010) Visualization of metrics and areas of interest on software architecture diagrams. PhD thesis. promotor: A.C. Telea. (BibTeX)
- Jarke van Wijk, Tobias Isenberg, Jos B. T. M. Roerdink, Alexandru C. Telea and Michel Westenberg (2010) Evaluation. In Mastering The Information Age: Solving Problems with Visual Analytics. Goslar, Germany. (Daniel Keim, J\"orn Kohlhammer, Geoffrey Ellis and Florian Mansmann, Eds.) Eurographics Association, pages 131-143. (URL) (BibTeX)
- Luc Vlaming, Christopher Collins, Mark Hancock, Miguel Nacenta, Tobias Isenberg and Sheelagh Carpendale (2010) Integrating 2D Mouse Emulation with 3D Manipulation for Visualizations on a Multi-Touch Table. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2010 (ITS 2010, November 7--10, 2010, Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany). New York. (Antonio Kr\"uger, Johannes Sch\"oning, Michael Haller and Daniel Wigdor, Eds.) ACM, pages 221-230. Attach:pdf.gif Δ (URL) (BibTeX)
- Tobias Isenberg and Neil Dodgson (2010) Event Report: Computational Aesthetics 2010.. . (BibTeX)
- Michael Wilkinson, Erik Urbach, Andrei Jalba and Jos Roerdink (2010) Diatom identification with mathematical morphology. In Mathematical Morphology. (Laurent Najman and Hugues Talbot, Eds.) ISTE Ltd, John Wiley \& Sons, pages 357-365. (BibTeX)
- Michael Wilkinson, Erik Urbach, Andrei Jalba and Jos Roerdink (2010) Identification de diatom\'ees par morphologie math\'ematique. In Morphologie Math\'ematique 2: estimation, choix et mise en oeuvre. (Hugues Talbot and Laurent Najman, Eds.) Hermes Science, pages 183-192. (BibTeX)
- Michel A. Westenberg, Jos B.T.M. Roerdink and Oscar P. Kuipers and Sacha A.F.T. van Hijum (2010) SpotXplore: a Cytoscape plugin for visual exploration of hotspot expression in gene regulatory networks.. . (BibTeX)
- (2010) Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Software Visualization (SOFTVIS 2010). (Alexandru Telea, Carsten Goerg, Steven Reiss and Craig Anslow, Eds.) ACM Press. (BibTeX)
- Dennie Reniers, Lucian Voinea, Ozan Ersoy and Alexandru Telea (2010) A Visual Analytics Toolset for Program Structure, Metrics, and Evolution Comprehension. In Proceedings of the 3rd Intl. Workshop on Academic Software Development Tools and Techniques (WASDeTT-3).. to appear. Attach:pdf.gif Δ (BibTeX)
- Bilkis J. Ferdosi, Hugo Buddelmeijer, Scott Trager, Michael H.F. Wilkinson and Jos B.T.M. Roerdink (2010) Finding and Visualizing Relevant Subspaces for ClusteringHigh-Dimensional Astronomical Data using Connected Morphological Operators. In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (IEEE VAST), October 2010., pages 35-42. Attach:pdf.gif Δ (BibTeX)
- Ozan Ersoy and Alexandru Telea (2010) Bundle-Centric Visualization of Compound Digraphs. In Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI CONFERENCE 2010, November 1--3, 2010, Veldhoven, The Netherlands).. (BibTeX)
- Lingyun Yu, Pjotr Svetachov, Petra Isenberg, Maarten H. Everts and Tobias Isenberg (2010) FI3D: Direct-Touch Interaction for the Exploration of 3D Scientific Visualization Spaces.. . Attach:pdf.gif Δ (URL) (BibTeX)
- Maarten H. Everts, Henk Bekker, Roerdink, Jos B. T. M. and Tobias Isenberg (2010) Illustrative Rendering of Dense Line Data. In Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI CONFERENCE 2010, November 1--3, 2010, Veldhoven, The Netherlands).. Paper number 13. (URL) (BibTeX)
- Menno Nijboer, Moritz Gerl and Tobias Isenberg (2010) Interaction Concepts for Fluid Freehand Sketching. In Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI CONFERENCE 2010, November 1--3, 2010, Veldhoven, The Netherlands).. Paper number 12. Attach:pdf.gif Δ (URL) (BibTeX)
- Bart Postma and Tobias Isenberg (2010) An Evaluation of Deferred Shading Under Changing Conditions. In Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI CONFERENCE 2010, November 1--3, 2010, Veldhoven, The Netherlands).. Paper number 30. (URL) (BibTeX)
- Alessandro Crippa, Cris P. Lanting and Pim van Dijk and Jos B. T. M. Roerdink (2010) A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study on Auditory System and Tinnitus.. . (URL) (BibTeX)
- Alessandro Crippa, Natasha M. Maurits and Jos B. T. M. Roerdink (2010) Graph Averaging as a Means to Compare Multichannel EEG Coherence Networks. In Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine. Leipzig, Germany. (Dirk Bartz, Charl Botha, Joachim Hornegger, Raghu Machiraju, Alexander Wiebel and Bernhard Preim, Eds.) Eurographics Association, pages 33-40. Attach:pdf.gif Δ Δ (BibTeX)
- Aexandru Telea, Lucian Voinea and Hans Sassenburg (2010) Visual Tools for Software Architecture Understanding: A Stakeholder Perspective.. . (BibTeX)
- Dennie Reniers, Lucian Voinea and Alexandru Telea (2010) SolidSX: A Visual Analysis Tool for Software Maintenance. In Poster Presentations of EuroVis 2010 (June 7--9, Bordeaux, France). (Peter M. Hall, Eds.). Extended abstract and poster. (URL) (BibTeX)
- Alle Meije Wink and Jos B. T. M. Roerdink (2010) Polyphase Decompositions and Shift-Invariant Discrete Wavelet Transforms in the Frequency Domain.. . (BibTeX)
- Tobias Isenberg (2010) Computational Aesthetics for Geographic Maps. In Poster Presentations of Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging 2010 (CAe 2010, June 14--15, 2010, London, UK). (Peter M. Hall, Eds.). Extended abstract and poster. (BibTeX)
- Alexandru Telea and Ozan Ersoy (2010) Image-Based Edge Bundles: Simplified Visualization of LargeGraphs.. . \textbf{Second Best Paper Award at EuroVis 2010}. (URL) (BibTeX)
- Pjotr Svetachov, Maarten H. Everts and Tobias Isenberg (2010) DTI in Context: Illustrating Brain Fiber Tracts In Situ.. . Attach:pdf.gif Δ (URL) (BibTeX)
- Alexandru Telea, Lucian Voinea and Ozan Ersoy (2010) Visual Analytics in Software Maintenance: Challenges and Opportunities. In Proceedings of the 1\textsuperscript{st} European Symposium on Visual Analytics (EuroVAST). (D. Keim and J. Kohlhammer, Eds.) Eurographics. To appear. (URL) (BibTeX)
- Domingo Mart\'in, Germ\'an Arroyo, M. Victoria Luz\'on and Tobias Isenberg (2010) Example-Based Stippling using a Scale-Dependent Grayscale Process. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR 2010, June 7--10, 2010, Annecy, France). New York. (John Collomosse and Morgan McGuire, Eds.) ACM Press, pages 51-61. Attach:pdf.gif Δ (URL) (BibTeX)
- Menno Nijboer, Moritz Gerl and Tobias Isenberg (2010) Exploring Frame Gestures for Fluid Freehand Sketching. In Proceedings of the Sketch Based Interfaces and Modeling Symposium (SBIM 2010, June 7--10, 2010, Annecy, France). Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland. (Do, Ellen Yi-Luen and Marc Alexa, Eds.) Eurographics Association, pages 57-62. Attach:pdf.gif Δ (URL) (BibTeX)
- (2010) Proceedings of the IEEE VisWeek Workshop on Collaborative Visualization on Interactive Surfaces (CoVIS 2009, October 11, 2009, Atlantic City, NJ, USA). (Petra Isenberg, Michael Sedlmair, Dominikus Baur, Tobias Isenberg and Andreas Butz, Eds.), Munich, University of Munich, Germany, Department of Computer Science, Media Informatics Group. Proceedings published in April 2010 as a University of Munich technical report \# LMU-MI-2010-2; ISSN 1862-5207. (URL) (BibTeX)
- Mark Hancock, Thomas ten Cate, Sheelagh Carpendale and Tobias Isenberg (2010) Supporting Sandtray Therapy on an Interactive Tabletop. In Proceedings of the 28\textsuperscript{th} ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2010, April 10--15, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, USA). New York. (Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Scott Hudson, Keith Edwards, Tom Rodden and Elizabeth Mynatt, Eds.) ACM Press, pages 2133-2142. Attach:pdf.gif Δ (URL) (BibTeX)
- Ronald van den Berg, Roerdink, Jos B. T. M. and Frans W. Cornelissen (2010) A Neurophysiologically Plausible Population Code Model for Feature Integration Explains Visual Crowding.. . (BibTeX)
- Jasper van de Gronde (2010) A High Quality Solver for Diffusion Curves. Master's thesis. Attach:pdf.gif Δ (URL) (BibTeX)