- Andre Sobiecki (2016) Skeletonization Methods for Image and Volume Inpainting. PhD thesis. (URL) (BibTeX)
- J. Koehoorn, A. Sobiecki, P. Rauber, A. Jalba and A. Telea (2016) Efficient and Effective Automated Digital Hair Removal from Dermoscopy Images.. . (BibTeX)
- A. Sobiecki, A. Jalba and A. Telea (2016) Robust Gap Removal from Binary Volumes. In Proc. Eurographics (short papers).. Eurographics. (BibTeX)
- Jalba, A.C., Sobiecki, A. and Telea, A.C. (2016) An Unified Multiscale Framework for Planar, Surface, and Curve Skeletonization.. . (BibTeX)
- A. Sobiecki, A. Jalba and A. Telea (2015) Automatic Gap Restoration in 2D and 3D Digital Images.. . (BibTeX)
- A. Sobiecki, J. Koehoorn, D. Boda, C. Solovan, A. Diaconeasa, A. Jalba and A. Telea (2015) A New Efficient Method for Digital Hair Removal by Dense Threshold Analysis.. . poster and extended abstract. (BibTeX)
- J. Koehoorn, A. Sobiecki, D. Boda, A. Diaconeasa, S. Doshi, S. Paisey, A. Jalba and A. Telea (2015) Automated Digital Hair Removal by Threshold Decomposition and Morphological Analysis. In International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology (ISMM).. (BibTeX)
- A. Sobiecki, A. Jalba, D. Boda, A. Diaconeasa and A. Telea (2014) Gap-Sensitive Segmentation and Restoration of Digital Images. In Proc. Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics (TPCG).. Eurographics, pages 1-8. (BibTeX)
- A. Sobiecki, A. Jalba and A. Telea (2014) Comparison of curve and surface skeletonization methods for voxel shapes.. . (BibTeX)
- A. Sobiecki, H. Yasan, A. Jalba and A. Telea (2013) Qualitative Comparison of Contraction-based Curve Skeletonization Methods. In Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Image and Signal Processing.. Attach:pdf.gif Δ (BibTeX)
- A. Sobiecki, A. Jalba and A. Telea (2013) Qualitative and Quantitative Comparison of Curve and Surface Skeletons -- A State of the Art Review.. . Attach:pdf.gif Δ (BibTeX)
- Andr\'e Sobiecki, Alexandru C. Telea, Gilson Giraldi, Luiz A.P. Neves and Carlos E. Thomaz (2013) Low-Cost Automatic Inpainting for Artifact Suppression in Facial Images. In 8th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, VISAPP 13.. (URL) (BibTeX)
- Andr\'e Sobiecki, Gilson A. Giraldi, Luiz A.P. Neves and Carlos E. Thomaz (2012) An Automatic Framework for Segmentation and Digital Inpainting of 2D Frontal Face Image.. . Attach:pdf.gif Δ Δ (BibTeX)
- Andr\'e Sobiecki, Gilson Giraldi, Luiz A.P. Neves, Gilka J.F. Gattas and Carlos E. Thomaz (2012) Arcabouco Computacional para Segmentacao e Restauracao Digital de Artefatos em Imagens Frontais de Face. In Avancos em Visao Computacional, (Chapter Book). Attach:pdf.gif Δ Δ (BibTeX)
- Andr\'e Sobiecki, Celso D. Gallao, Daniel C. Cosme and Paulo S.S. Rodrigues (2012) Comparacao de Imagens Tomograficas Cone-Beam e Multi-Slice Atraves da Entropia de Tsallis e da Divergencia de Kullback-Leibler. In Avancos em Visao Computacional, (Chapter Book). Attach:pdf.gif Δ Δ (BibTeX)