Distributed Systems

Distributed Systems

The research and educational activities of the distributed systems group at the University of Groningen cover all aspects of distributed and network-centric information systems with particular emphasis on

  • Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing
  • Pervasive Computing and Smart Environments
  • Network Centric Real-time Analytics
  • Energy Distribution Infrastructures
  • Adaptive Communication Middleware

Latest News

  • (January 2024) Mahmoud Alasmar joins the group.
  • (December 2023) The research paper of Saad Saleh has been accepted at the top-tier IEEE INFOCOM conference. Preliminary findings were published at the prestigious ACM HotNets workshop.
  • (November 2023) Samer Ahmed joins the group.
  • (August 2023) Dilek Dustegor joins the group.
  • (August 2023) Saad Saleh's "Quetta" startup shines in European Innovation Academy, securing a Top-5 spot in the "Patent Innovation Award" category for memristor-based network switches.
  • (May 2023) A new PhD position in the area of "AI-based algorithms for Distributed Systems" has been opened within the group. More information here.
  • (April 2023) Kawsar Haghshenas joins the group.
  • (March 2023) Our member Saad Saleh has been awarded 4TU.NIRICT funding for participation in the European Innovation Academy 2023.
  • (December 2022) Our affiliate member Brian Setz defended his thesis and graduated magna cum laude!
  • (December 2022) Saad Saleh presented a novel memory architecture TCAmMCogniGron at the IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing, 2022.
  • (December 2022) Laura Fiorini has been nominated for the Van Swinderen prize!
  • (November 2022) A new Assistant Professor with education profile position has become available within the group. Apply here!
  • (October 2022) Georg Soppa and Lucas Fucke visit the group as part of the FIRST project.
  • (October 2022) A new Rosalind Franklin Fellow, Tenure Track Assistant/Associate Professor position has become available within the group. Apply here!
  • (August 2022) Huy Cuong Truong joins the group.