Distributed Systems


Andrés Tello & Huy Truong presented the paper: "Large-Scale Multipurpose Benchmark Datasets For Assessing Data-Driven Deep Learning Approaches For Water Distribution Networks" at the WDSA/CCWI 2024 Conference.

more>> July 2024

Mostafa Hadadian publishes research on Self-Adaptive Service Selection for Machine Learning Continuous Delivery at the International Conference on Web Services in Shenzhen, China.

more>> "July 2024"

Mostafa Hadadian wins Best Pitch Award at VentureLab North.

more>> "May 2024"

EITM (2nd Call for Proposal 2024) awarded to Dilek Dustegor.

More>> April 2024

Mostafa Hadadian nominated for Best Demo Award at ICT.OPEN 2024.

more>> "April 2024"

Mahmoud Alasmar joins the group.

More>> January 2024

The research paper of Saad Saleh has been accepted at the top-tier IEEE INFOCOM conference. Preliminary findings were published at the prestigious ACM HotNets workshop.

More>> December 2023

Samer Ahmed joins the group.

More>> November 2023

NWO Merian Fund Green Water Processes awarded to Dilek Dustegor and Alexander Lazovik.

More>> November 2023

Dilek Dustegor joins the group.

More>> August 2023

Saad Saleh's "Quetta" startup shines in European Innovation Academy, securing a Top-5 spot in the "Patent Innovation Award" category for their memristor-based network switches.

More>> August 2023

A new PhD position in the area of "AI-based algorithms for Distributed Systems" has been opened within the group. More information here.

More>> May 2023

Kawsar Haghshenas joins the group.

More>> April 2023

Our member Saad Saleh has been awarded 4TU.NIRICT funding for participation in the European Innovation Academy 2023.

More>> March 2023

Our affiliate member Brian Setz defended his thesis and graduated magna cum laude!

More>> December 2022

Saad Saleh presented a novel memory architecture TCAmMCogniGron at the IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing, 2022.

More>> December 2022

Laura Fiorini has been nominated for the Van Swinderen prize!

More>> December 2022

A new Assistant Professor with education profile position has become available within the group. Apply here!

More>> November 2022

Georg Soppa and Lucas Fucke visit the group as part of the FIRST project.

More>> October 2022

A new Rosalind Franklin Fellow, Tenure Track Assistant/Associate Professor position has become available within the group. Apply here!

More>> October 2022

Huy Cuong Truong joins the group.

More>> August 2022

Two new PhD positions, with the topics Digital Twin and reasoning system for water networks and Deep learning models for water network monitoring, have been opened within the group. Apply now!

More>> December 2021

Frank Blaauw and Researchable BV team up with EV Biotech to build unique database.

More>> November 2021

NWO Smart Industry grant awarded to Viktoriya Degeler and Alexander Lazovik.

More>> October 2021

Defense of the thesis of our group member Laura Fiorini.

More>> September 2021

Pratyush Agnihotri joins the group.

More>> June 2021

Alexander Lazovik appointed as Full Professor!

More>> May 2021

Bochra Boughzala joins the group.

more>> February 2021

Visiting researcher Xun Li returns home.

more>> February 2021

Andrés Tello joins the group.

more>> February 2021

Defense of the thesis of our group member Azkario Rizky Pratama.

More>> December 2020

Saad Saleh joins the group.

More>> October 2020

Mostafa Hadadian joins the group.

More>> September 2020

The group is looking for researchers in the field of network-centric data-analytics.

More>> July 2020

The group hosts the Distributed Systems Online Bachelor Symposium 2020.

More>> July 2020

Majid Lotfian Delouee joins the group.

More >> July 2020

Xun Li joins the group as a visiting researcher.

More>> January 2020

Defense of the thesis of our group member Ang Sha.

More>> March 2020

Boris Koldehofe joins the group.

More>> February 2020

Norbert Eder visits the group as part of the FIRST project.

More>> December 2019

Robin Krause visits the group as part of the FIRST project.

More>> June 2019

Viktoriya Degeler joins the group.

More>> June 2019

Stephan Boese visits the group as part of the FIRST project.

More>> May 2019

Alrik Mottl visits the group as part of the FIRST project.

More>> May 2019

New PhD postion available in our group.

More>> November 2018

Doortje Scherff visits the group as part of the FIRST project.

More>> October 2018

Michael Müller visits the group as part of the FIRST project.

More>> September 2018

Master student Thomas Hoeksema to speak at Develop:Brighton.

More>> July 2018

Best Student Paper Nomination for Mathieu, Brian, Azkario, Ilche and Marco at SMARTGREENS 2018.

More>> February 2018

Michel Medema joins the DS group.

More>> February 2018

Defense of the thesis of our group member Frank Blaauw.

More>> February 2018

Best Paper Award for Talko at eTELEMED 2017.

More>> June 2017

MatchIT: New project on matching demand and supply of energy funded by NWO/ERA-Net (H2020)!

More>> February 2017

Defense of the thesis of our group member Heerko Groefsema.

More>> December 2016

Talko Dijkhuis joins the DS group.

More>> September 2016

Laura Fiorini joins the DS group.

More>> July 2016

New project on integration of gas and electricity funded by NWO!

More>> March 2016

Defense of the thesis of our group member Faris Nizamic.

More>> February 2016

Sustainable Buildings, a RUG spin-off company that reduces energy consumption.

More>> November 2015

Defense of the thesis of our group member Tuan Anh Nguyen.

More>> November 2015

Sustainable statement by Faris and Tuan Anh for the Catching Innovation newsletter!

More>> October 2015

Interviews for the University of Groningen and UK: Saving energy and money with smart systems!

More>> October 2015

Defense of the thesis of our group member Ilche Georgievski.

More>> October 2015

Azkario Pratema and Brian Setz join the DS group.

More>> September 2015

The Sustainable Buildings team wins the Sustainable Campus International Competition!

More>> August 2015

Sustainable Buildings is one of the winners of the Startup Fast Track programme!

More>> July 2015

Brian won one of the four SURF's Innovatieregeling Duurzaamheid & ICT grants!

More>> June 2015

Sustainable Buildings wins the Pioneers Festival Community Award!

More>> May 2015

New project 'Design Electricity Market and Renewable Energy' funded by NWO!

More>> March 2015

Alexander Lazovik appointed as Associate Professor!

More>> February 2015

New project BIGS (Beijing Groningen Smart energy cities) financed by NWO!

More>> November 2014

New project NextGenSmartDC (Next Generation Smart Data Centers) financed by NWO!

More>> April 2014

Defense of the thesis of our group member Ando Emerencia.

More>> April 2014

Defense of the thesis of our group member Andrea Pagani.

More>> March 2014

Groningen Council representative visited the DS group for the demo of the GMA project.

More>> March 2014

The second meeting of the JSTP Dialoge was held at JBI.

More>> January 2014

Best Student Paper Award for Viktoriya at ICTAI 2013.

More>> November 2013

Defense of the thesis of our group member Ehsan Ullah Warriach.

More>> November 2013

Oberseminar 2013 in Groningen organized by our group.

More>> May 2013

Defense of the thesis of our group member Eirini Kaldeli.

More>> May 2013

Andrea has been awarded the prestigious 2013 IBM PhD Fellowship!

More>> February 2013

Marco got a China Nederlands JSTP Dialoge Seminars award!!

More>> February 2013

Tuan Anh and Faris won the first place in the Green Mind Award 2012 contest!

More>> November 2012

Defense of the thesis of our group member Pavel Bulanov.

More>> November 2012

DS work on intelligent buildings in the online video magazine of the University of Groningen.

More>> November 2012

DS work on intelligent buildings in Science LinX news.

More>> October 2012

DS group entry for Green Mind Award is one of the best three entries!

More>> October 2012

Interview about e-Health in Students' newspaper UK

More>> June 2012

Joint Grant on Smart Buildings with Indonesian Gadjah Mada University

More>> May 2012

The Smart Grid in the French energy news

More>> February 2012

Ando receives MIXHS 11 Challenges and Visions award!

More>> December 2011

Saleem Anwar and Faris Nizamic join DS group

More>> September 2011

Project EnSO (Energy Smart Offices) financed by NWO

More>> December 2010

SM4ALL testing in Leeuwarden on Frisian TV news

More>> November 2010

DS group at Web Services challenge

More>> November 2010

Article in ClubGreen (in Dutch) about energy-friendly buildings

More >> November 2010

Two papers accepted at ICSOC-2010

More>> July 2010

DS has become member of S-Cube

More>> July 2010

GreenerBuilding office of the future

More>> June 2010

1 PhD position in Computer Science - University of Groningen, NL

More>> July 2009

2 PhD research positions in Distributed Computing - University of Groningen, NL

More>> July 2009

Amazon Cloud Services grant for Alexander Lazovik

More>> June 2009

Habilitation in Applied informatics from the Technical University of Vienna

More>> May 2009

Web Service Challenge 2008 victory

More>> July 2008