- Computing a Second Opinion: Automated Reasoning and Statistical Inference applied to Medical Data ( ), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 2014.
- From the Grid to the Smart Grid, Topologically ( ), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 2014.
- Dynamic Rule-Based Reasoning in Smart Environments ( ), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 2014.
- Bringing adaptiveness & resilience to e-health ( ), Chapter in (N. Suri, G. Cabri, eds.), Auerbach Publication, CRC Press (Taylor + Francis Group), 2014.
- The Impact of Topology on Energy Consumption for Collection Tree Protocols: An Experimental Assessment through Evolutionary Computation ( ), In Applied Soft Computing, volume 16, 2014.
- Smart Education Modes and E-Learning Market: The Needs of the Next Generation ( ), In Smart Learning Environments Journal, The State of the Art in Smart Learning Issue, Springer, 2014.
- Leefplezier: Personalized Well-being ( ), In IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin, volume 15, 2014.
- Power Grid Complex Network Evolutions for the Smart Grid ( ), In Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, volume 396, 2014.
- Generating Realistic Dynamic Prices and Services for the Smart Grid ( ), In IEEE Systems Journal, volume 9, 2014.
- E-Mental Health Self-Management for Psychotic Disorders: State of the Art and Future Perspectives ( ), In Psychiatric Services, volume 65, 2014.
- Automated Runtime Repair of Business Processes ( ), In Inf. Syst., volume 39, 2014.
- Dynamic Constraint Satisfaction with Space Reduction in Smart Environments ( ), In International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, volume 23, 2014.
- Self-healing protocols for infrastructural networks ( ), In International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security, 2014.
- The Tradeoffs between Data Delivery Ratio and Energy Costs in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Multi-Objective Evolutionary Framework for Protocol Analysis ( ), In Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conferenc, 2014.
- E-learning Quality Assurance Practices and Benchmarks in Higher Education ( ), In World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, 2014.
- HowNutsAreTheDutch: Personalized feedback on a national scale ( ), In AAAI Fall Symposium on Expanding the Boundaries of Health Informatics Using AI, 2014.
- Leefplezier: Personalized well-being ( ), In Doctoral Consortium of the IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, 2014.
- Gamification in a Consulting Company ( ), In 7th GI Workshop on Autonomous Systems, 2014.
- GreenMind - An Architecture and Realization for Energy Smart Buildings ( ), In International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, 2014.
- Network Disruption and Recovery: Co-Evolution of Defender and Attacker in a Dynamic Game ( ), In CompleNet 2014 5th Workshop on Complex Networks, 2014.
- Predicting New Collaborations in Academic Citation Networks of IEEE and ACM Conferences ( ), In International Conference on Social Computing, 2014.
- Utility-Based HTN Planning ( ), In European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2014.
- Spatial optimality in power distribution networks ( ), In IEEE Complexity in Engineering Workshop, 2014.
- The Smart Grid's Data Generating Potentials ( ), In Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, 2014.
- Towards a Robustness Evaluation Framework for BPEL Engines ( ), In International Conference on Service Oriented Computing & Applications, 2014.
- Breaching IM Session Privacy Using Causality ( ), In Global Communications Conference, 2014.
The breach of privacy in encrypted instant messenger (IM) service is a serious threat to user anonymity. Performance of previous de-anonymization strategies was limited to 65%. We perform network de-anonymization by taking advantage of the cause-effect relationship between sent and received packet streams and demonstrate this approach on a data set of Yahoo! IM service traffic traces. An investigation of various measures of causality shows that IM networks can be breached with a hit rate of 99%. A KCI Causality based approach alone can provide a true positive rate of about 97%. Individual performances of Granger, Zhang and IGCI causality are limited owing to the very low SNR of packet traces and variable network delays.
urldoi - Itemset-based Mining of Constraints for Enacting Smart Environments ( ), In Symposium on Activity and Context Modeling and Recognition, 2014.