Marco Aiello
- Enough Hot Air: The Role of Immersion Cooling ( ), In Energy Informatics, 2023.
Air cooling is the traditional solution to chill servers in data centers. However, the continuous increase in global data center energy consumption combined with the increase of the racks’ power dissipation calls for the use of more efficient alternatives. Immersion cooling is one such alternative. In this paper, we quantitatively examine and compare air cooling and immersion cooling solutions. The examined characteristics include power usage efficiency (PUE), computing and power density, cost, and maintenance overheads. A direct comparison shows a reduction of about 50% in energy consumption and a reduction of about two-thirds of the occupied space, by using immersion cooling. In addition, the higher heat capacity of used liquids in immersion cooling compared to air allows for much higher rack power densities. Moreover, immersion cooling requires less capital and operational expenditures. However, challenging maintenance procedures together with the increased number of IT failures are the main downsides. By selecting immersion cooling, cloud providers must trade-off the decrease in energy and cost and the increase in power density with its higher maintenance and reliability concerns. Finally, we argue that retrofitting an air-cooled data center with immersion cooling will result in high costs and is generally not recommended.
url - Carbon Emission-Aware Job Scheduling for Kubernetes Deployments ( ), In The Journal of Supercomputing, 2023.
Decreasing carbon emissions of data centers while guaranteeing Quality of Service (QoS) is one of the major challenges for efficient resource management of large-scale cloud infrastructures and societal sustainability. Previous works in the area of carbon reduction mostly focus on decreasing overall energy consumption, replacing energy sources with renewable ones, and migrating workloads to locations where lower emissions are expected. These measures do not consider the energy mix of the power used for the data center. In other words, all KWh of energy are considered the same from the point of view of emissions, which is rarely the case in practice. In this paper, we overcome this deficit by proposing a novel practical CO2-aware workload scheduling algorithm implemented in the Kubernetes orchestrator to shift non-critical jobs in time. The proposed algorithm predicts future CO2 emissions by using historical data of energy generation, selects time-shiftable jobs, and creates job schedules utilizing greedy sub-optimal CO2 decisions. The proposed algorithm is implemented using Kubernetes’ scheduler extender solution due to its ease of deployment with little overheads. The algorithm is evaluated with real-world workload traces and compared to the default Kubernetes scheduling implementation on several actual scenarios.
url - Optimal Joint Operation of Coupled Transportation and Power Distribution Urban Networks ( ), In Energy Informatics, 2022.
The number of Electric Vehicles (EVs) and consequently their penetration level into urban society is increasing which has imperatively reinforced the need for a joint stochastic operational planning of Transportation Network (TN) and Power Distribution Network (PDN). This paper solves a stochastic multi-agent simulation-based model with the objective of minimizing the total cost of interdependent TN and PDN systems. Capturing the temporally dynamic inter-dependencies between the coupled networks, an equilibrium solution results in optimized system cost. In addition, the impact of large-scale EV integration into the PDN is assessed through the mutual coupling of both networks by solving the optimization problems, i.e., optimal EV routing using traffic assignment problem and optimal power flow using branch flow model. Previous works in the area of joint operation of TN and PDN networks fall short in considering the time-varying and dynamic nature of all effective parameters in the coupled TN and PDN system. In this paper, a Dynamic User Equilibrium (DUE) network model is proposed to capture the optimal traffic distribution in TN as well as optimal power flow in PDN. A modified IEEE 30 bus system is adapted to a low voltage power network to examine the EV charging impact on the power grid. Our case study demonstrates the enhanced operation of the joint networks incorporating heterogeneous EV characteristics such as battery State of Charge (SoC), charging requests as well as PDN network’s marginal prices. The results of our simulations show how solving our defined coupled optimization problem reduces the total cost of the defined case study by 36% compared to the baseline scenario. The results also show a 45% improvement on the maximum EV penetration level with only minimal voltage deviation (less than 0.3%).
url - CO2 Emission Aware Scheduling for Deep Neural Network Training Workloads ( ), In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), IEEE, 2022.
Machine Learning (ML) training is a growing workload in high-performance computing clusters and data centers; furthermore, it is computationally intensive and requires substantial amounts of energy with associated emissions. To the best of our knowledge, previous works in the area of load management have never focused on decreasing the carbon emission of ML training workloads. In this paper, we explore the potential emission reduction achievable by leveraging the iterative nature of the training process as well as the variability of CO 2 signal intensity as coming from the power grid. To this end, we introduce two emission-aware mechanisms to shift the training jobs in time and migrate them between geographical locations. We present experimental results on power and carbon emission of the training process together with delay overheads associated with emission reduction mechanisms, for various, representative, deep neural network models. The results show that following emission signals, one can effectively reduce emissions by an amount that varies from 13% to 57% of the baseline cases. Moreover, the experimental results show that the total delay overhead for applying emission-aware mechanisms multiple times is negligible compared to the jobs’ completion time.
urldoi - Automated Service Composition Using AI Planning and Beyond ( ), Chapter in (M. Aiello, A. Bouguettaya, D. A. Tamburri, W. J. van den Heuvel, eds.), Springer International Publishing, 2021.
- Towards Service-Oriented and Intelligent Microgrids ( ), In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems, Association for Computing Machinery, 2020.
- Predictive Multi-Objective Scheduling with Dynamic Prices and Marginal CO2-Emission Intensities ( ), In ACM e-Energy 2020, 2020.
- Sustainability Choices when Cooking Pasta ( ), In ACM e-Energy 2020, 2020.
- Variability in business processes: Automatically obtaining a generic specification ( ), In Information Systems, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, volume 80, 2019.
The existence of different process variants is inevitable in many modern organizations. However, variability in business process support has proven to be a challenge as it requires a flexible business process specification that supports the required process variants, while at the same time being compliant with policies and regulations. Declarative approaches could support variability, by providing rules constraining process behavior and thereby allowing different variants. However, manual specification of these rules is complicated and error-prone. As such, tools are required to ensure that duplication and overlap of rules is avoided as much as possible, while retaining maintainability. In this paper, we present an approach to represent different process variants in a single compound prime event structure, and provide a method to subsequently derive variability rules from this compound prime event structure. The approach is evaluated by conducting an exploratory evaluation on different sets of real-life business process variants, including a real-life case from the Dutch eGovernment, to demonstrate the effectiveness and applicability of the approach.
Keywords: Business Process Model, Declarative Variability Modeling, Event Structure, Temporal Logic, PROCESS MODELS, CORRECTNESSBibTeX
urlpdfdoi - Energy management for user's thermal and power needs: A survey ( ), In Energy Reports, volume 5, 2019.
- Predictive CO2-Efficient Scheduling of Hybrid Electric and Thermal Loads ( ), In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Energy Internet (ICEI), 2019.
- Office Multi-Occupancy Detection using BLE Beacons and Power Meters ( ), In 2019 IEEE 10th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics, and Mobile Communication Conference, 2019.
- The Web Was Done by Amateurs: A Reflection on One of the Largest Collective Systems Ever Engineered ( ), Springer, 2018.
- A Formal Model for Compliance Verification of Service Compositions ( ), In Ieee transactions on services computing, volume 11, 2018.
Business processes design and execution environments increasingly need support from modular services in service compositions to offer the flexibility required by rapidly changing requirements. With each evolution, however, the service composition must continue to adhere to laws and regulations, resulting in a demand for automated compliance checking. Existing approaches, if at all, either offer only verification after the fact or linearize models to such an extent that parallel information is lost. We propose a mapping of service compositions to Kripke structures by using colored Petri nets. The resulting model allows preventative compliance verification using well-known temporal logics and model checking techniques while providing full insight into parallel executing branches and the local next invocation. Furthermore, the mapping causes limited state explosion, and allows for significant further model reduction. The approach is validated on a case study from a telecom company in Australia and evaluated with respect to performance and expressiveness. We demonstrate that the proposed mapping has increased expressiveness while being less vulnerable to state explosion than existing approaches, and show that even large service compositions can be verified preventatively with existing model checking techniques.
Keywords: Service Composition, Business process, Compliance, Verification, Temporal Logic, Colored Petri net, Kripke structure, COMPLIANCE-CHECKING, BUSINESS, SPECIFICATION, SUPPORTBibTeX
urlpdfdoi - Multi-User Low Intrusive Occupancy Detection ( ), In Sensors, MDPI, volume 18, 2018.
- Topological Considerations on Decentralised Energy Exchange in the Smart Grid ( ), In Procedia Computer Science, volume 130, 2018.
- Topological Considerations on the Use of Batteries to Enhance the Reliability of HV-Grids ( ), In Journal of Energy Storage, volume 18, 2018.
- Personalized Physical Activity Coaching: A Machine Learning Approach ( ), In Sensors, volume 18, 2018.
- Robustness of reconfigurable complex systems by a multi-agent simulation: Application on power distribution systems ( ), In 2018 Annual IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon), 2018.
- Low-power Appliance Recognition using Recurrent Neural Networks ( ), In Applications of Intelligent Systems, 2018.
- Household CO2-efficient energy management ( ), In Energy Informatics, Springer, 2018.
- Mining Sequential Patterns for Appliance Usage Prediction ( ), In International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems, 2018.
- two bestsellers ( ), Saccargia Holding BV Publisher, 2017.
- Planning meets activity recognition: Service coordination for intelligent buildings ( ), In Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Elsevier, volume 38, 2017.
- Sizing and Siting of Large-Scale Batteries in Transmission Grids to Optimize the Use of Renewables ( ), In IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, volume 7, 2017.
- Indoor self-localization via bluetooth low energy beacons ( ), In IDRBT JOURNAL OF IJBT, volume 1, 2017.
- Metrics for Sustainable Data Centers ( ), In IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 2017.
- Comparison of Energy Consumption in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Communication in a Smart Building ( ), In IEEE Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference, 2017.
- Power-Based Device Recognition for Occupancy Detection ( ), In Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2017 Workshops, volume in press, 2017.
- Cloud Ready Applications Composed via HTN Planning ( ), In IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing and Applications, 2017.
- 5th IFIP WG 2.14 European Conference Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, (M. Aiello, E. B. Johnsen, S. Dustdar, I. Georgievski, eds.), Springer, volume 9846, 2016.
- A Novel Strategy for Optimising Decentralised Energy Exchange for Prosumers ( ), In Energies, MDPI, volume 9, 2016.
- Domain-Independent Planning for Services in Uncertain and Dynamic Environments ( ), In Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier, volume 236, 2016.
- Let's get Physiqual - an intuitive and generic method to combine ssensor technology with ecological momentary assessments ( ), In Journal of Biomedical Informatics, volume 63, 2016.
- From the grid to the smart grid, topologically ( ), In Physica A, Elsevier, volume 449, 2016.
- Automated planning for ubiquitous computing ( ), In ACM Comput. Surv., ACM, volume 49, 2016.
- A price-based approach for voltage regulation and power loss minimization for the electrical power distribution system ( ), In 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2016.
- Power Management of Personal Computers based on User Behaviour ( ), In International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems, 2016.
- Automating vector autoregression on electronic patient diary data ( ), In IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, IEEE, volume 20, 2015.
- Integrating Transactions into BPEL Service Compositions: An Aspect-Based Approach ( ), In ACM Transactions on the Web, ACM, volume 9, 2015.
- A complex network approach for identifying vulnerabilities of the medium and low voltage grid ( ), In International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, Inderscience, volume 11, 2015.
- HTN planning: Overview, comparison, and beyond ( ), In Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier, volume 222, 2015.
- A Self-healing Framework for Online Sensor Data ( ), In International Workshop on Self-Aware Internet of Things, 2015.
- Bringing adaptiveness & resilience to e-health ( ), Chapter in (N. Suri, G. Cabri, eds.), Auerbach Publication, CRC Press (Taylor + Francis Group), 2014.
- Leefplezier: Personalized Well-being ( ), In IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin, volume 15, 2014.
- Power Grid Complex Network Evolutions for the Smart Grid ( ), In Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, volume 396, 2014.
- Generating Realistic Dynamic Prices and Services for the Smart Grid ( ), In IEEE Systems Journal, volume 9, 2014.
- Self-healing protocols for infrastructural networks ( ), In International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security, 2014.
- HowNutsAreTheDutch: Personalized feedback on a national scale ( ), In AAAI Fall Symposium on Expanding the Boundaries of Health Informatics Using AI, 2014.
- Leefplezier: Personalized well-being ( ), In Doctoral Consortium of the IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, 2014.
- Gamification in a Consulting Company ( ), In 7th GI Workshop on Autonomous Systems, 2014.
- GreenMind - An Architecture and Realization for Energy Smart Buildings ( ), In International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, 2014.
- The Smart Grid's Data Generating Potentials ( ), In Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, 2014.
- Foreword ( ), Chapter in , IGI Global, 2013.
- Generating personalized advice for schizophrenia patients ( ), In Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, volume 58, 2013.
- Coordinating the Web of Services for a Smart Home ( ), In ACM Transactions on the Web, volume 7, 2013.
- An Interplatform Service-Oriented Middleware for the Smart Home ( ), In International Journal of Smart Home, volume 7, 2013.
- The Power Grid as a Complex Network: a Survey ( ), In Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, volume 392, 2013.
- Aware homes ( ), In Awareness Magazine: Self-awareness in autonomic systems, 2013.
- Energy Intelligent Buildings based on User Activity: A Survey ( ), In Energy and Buildings, volume 56, 2013.
- Ontology-based Office Activity Recognition with Applications for Energy Savings ( ), In Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2013.
- Cost and Benefits of Denser Topologies for the Smart Grid ( ), In Computer and Information Sciences III from the 27th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS'12), 2013.
- Modeling the Last Mile of the Smart Grid ( ), In PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, 2013.
- Combining Activity Recognition and AI Planning for Energy-Saving Offices ( ), In IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, 2013.
- Applying Time Series Analysis and Neighbourhood Voting in a Decentralised Approach for Fault Detection and Classification in WSNs ( ), In International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, 2013.
- A Decentralized Scheme for Fault Detection and Classification in WSNs ( ), In IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, Networks, and Applications (CPSNA 2013, Work in Progress session), 2013.
- Towards Context Consistency in a Rule-Based Activity Recognition Architecture ( ), In International Symposium on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Autonomic Systems, 2013.
- Usability Evaluation of a Web-Based Support System for People With a Schizophrenia Diagnosis ( ), In Journal of Medical Internet Research, volume 14, 2012.
- What IS can do for Environmental Sustainability ( ), In Communications of the Association for Information Systems, volume 30, 2012.
- Service-Orientation and the Smart Grid: State and Trend ( ), In Service Oriented Computing and Applications, volume 6, 2012.
- Optimizing Energy Costs for Offices Connected to the Smart Grid ( ), In IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, volume 3, 2012.
- Logic for physical space ( ), In Synthese, volume 18, 2012.
- Forward ( ), In Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, volume 3, 2012.
- Business Process Variability: A Tool for Declarative Template Design ( ), In Service-Oriented Computing, Springer, volume 7221, 2012.
To lower both implementation time and cost, many Business Process Management tools use process templates to implement highly recurring processes. However, in order for such templates to be used, a process has to adhere substantially to the template. Therefore, current practice for processes which deviate more than marginally is to either manually implement them at high costs, or for the business to inflexibly comply to the template. In this paper, we describe a tool which demonstrates a variability based solution to process template definition.
urlpdfdoi - A Machine Learning Approach for Identifying and Classifying Faults in Wireless Sensor Networks ( ), In 10th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, 2012.
- Fault Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks: a Hybrid Approach ( ), In ACM Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN'12 POSTER Session), 2012.
- A Statistical Analysis of Power Grid Vulnerabilities ( ), In Workshops of The seventh CRITIS Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security, 2012.
- An Agent-based Application to Enable Deregulated Energy Markets ( ), In IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2012.
- Adaptive Game-based Agent Negotiation in Deregulated Energy Markets ( ), In Workshop on Adaptive Collaboration at (CTS 2012), 2012.
- Beyond Indoor Presence Monitoring with Simple Sensors ( ), In International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems, 2012.
- Transaction management in Service-Oriented Systems: requirements and a proposal ( ), In IEEE Transactions on Service Computing, volume 2, 2011.
- Towards Decentralized Trading: A Topological Investigation of the Medium and Low Voltage Grids ( ), In IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, volume 2, 2011.
- Deriving Business Processes with Service Level Agreements from Early Requirements ( ), In Journal of Systems and Software, volume 84, 2011.
- Declarative Enhancement Framework for Business Processes ( ), In Service-Oriented Computing (G. Kappel, Z. Maamar, H.R. Motahari Nezhad, eds.), Springer, volume 7084, 2011.
While Business Process Management (BPM) was designed to support rigid production processes, nowadays it is also at the core of more flexible business applications and has established itself firmly in the service world. Such a shift calls for new techniques. In this paper, we introduce a variability framework for BPM which utilizes temporal logic formalisms to represent the essence of a process, leaving other choices open for later customization or adaption. The goal is to solve two major issues of BPM: enhancing reusability and flexibility. Furthermore, by enriching the process modelling environment with graphical elements, the complications of temporal logic are hidden from the user.
Keywords: BPM, Variability, Temporal Logic, e-GovernmentBibTeX
urlpdfdoi - Assessing Schizophrenia with an Interoperable Architecture ( ), In ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 2011.
- Continual Planning with Sensing for Web Service Composition ( ), In AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2011.
- Heterogeneous Device Discovery Framework For the Smart Homes ( ), In IEEE GCC Conference & Exhibition, 2011.
- Smart Homes to Improve the Quality of Life for All ( ), In 33rd Annual International IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, 2011.
- Smart Meter aware Domestic Energy Trading Agents ( ), In International E-Energy Market Challenge at 8th ACM Autonomic Computing Conference, 2011.
- Business Process Customization using Process Merging Techniques ( ), In International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications, 2011.
- Optimizing Offices for the Smart Grid ( ), Technical report JBI 2011-12-01, University of Groningen, 2011.
- Modelling and Managing the Variability of Web Service-based Systems ( ), In Journal of Systems and Software, volume 83, 2010.
- A survey of variability management requirements ( ), In 5th SIKS/BENAIS Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, EIS 2010, CEUR Workshop Proceedings (, volume 662, 2010.
- Requirements and Tools for Variability Management ( ), In Computer Software and Applications Conference Workshops (COMPSACW), IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2010.
Explicit and software-supported Business Process Management has become the core infrastructure of any medium and large organization that has a need to be efficient and effective. The number of processes of a single organization can be very high, furthermore, they might be very similar, be in need of momentary change, or evolve frequently. If the ad-hoc adaptation and customization of processes is currently the dominant way, it clearly is not the best. In fact, providing tools for supporting the explicit management of variation in processes (due to customization or evolution needs) has a profound impact on the overall life-cycle of processes in organizations. Additionally, with the increasing adoption of Service-Oriented Architectures, the infrastructure to support automatic reconfiguration and adaptation of business process is solid. In this paper, after defining variability in business process management, we consider the requirements for explicit variation handling for (service based) business process systems. eGovernment serves as an illustrative example of reuse. In this case study, all local municipalities need to implement the same general legal process while adapting it to the local business practices and IT infrastructure needs. Finally, an evaluation of existing tools for explicit variability management is provided with respect to the requirements identified.
Keywords: workflow management software, software architecture, business data processing, web servicesBibTeX
urlpdfdoi - ValySeC: a Variability Analysis Tool for Service Compositions using VxBPEL ( ), In , 2010.
- Interoperation, Composition and Simulation of Services at Home ( ), In International Conference on Service Oriented Computing, 2010.
- A tool for integrating pervasive services and simulating their composition ( ), In International Conference on Service Oriented Computing, Demo Session, 2010.
- Towards a Service-Oriented Energy Market: Current state and trend ( ), In Workshop on Service, Energy and Ecosystems (colocated with ICSOC-10), 2010.
- Modeling Enterprise Information Systems Integration Evaluation as a Dynamic System ( ), In International Conference on Computing and ICT Research, 2010.
- Concept mapping for faster QoS-Aware Web Service Composition ( ), In IEEE Conference on Service Oriented Computing and Applications, 2010.
- Planning in a Smart Home: Visualization and Simulation ( ), In International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, 2009.
- Extended Goals for Composing Services ( ), In International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, 2009.
- Services inside the Smart Home: A Simulation and Visualization tool ( ), In International Conference on Service Oriented Computing, 2009.
- General Chair's Report ( ), In 18th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises, 2009, 2009.
- Optimal QoS-Aware Web Service Composition ( ), In Joint 11th IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC'08) and the 6th IEEE Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services IEEE Computer, 2009.
- Bluetooth Broadcasting: How far can we go? An experimental study ( ), In International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications, 2009.
- Smart Homes Infrastructures and Interactions ( ), In IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises, 2009.
- Are our homes ready for services? A domotic infrastructure based on the Web service stack ( ), In Pervasive and Mobile Computing, volume 4, 2008.
- Visualizing Compositions of Services from Large Repositories ( ), In E-Commerce Technology and the Fifth IEEE Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services, 2008 10th IEEE Conference on, 2008.
- Towards Variable Service Compositions using VxBPEL ( ), In International Conference on Software Reuse (H. Mei, ed.), volume LNCS 5030, 2008.
- Handbook of Spatial Logics ( ), Springer, 2007.
- Requirements and Evaluation of Protocols and Tools for Transaction Management in Service Centric Systems ( ), In Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2007. COMPSAC 2007. 31st Annual International, volume 2, 2007.
- The Mathematical Morpho-Logical view on Reasoning about Space ( ), In International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2007.
- DMC Workshop Final Report ( ), In Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, 2007. WETICE 2007. 16th IEEE International Workshops on, 2007.