Distributed Systems


  1. Coordinating services embedded everywhere via hierarchical planning (), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, .


  2. Energy Adaptive Buildings: From Sensor Data to Being Aware of Users (), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, .


  3. Automating vector autoregression on electronic patient diary data (, , , , and ), In IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, IEEE, volume 20, .


  4. Integrating Transactions into BPEL Service Compositions: An Aspect-Based Approach (, , and ), In ACM Transactions on the Web, ACM, volume 9, .


  5. Characterizing topological bottlenecks for data delivery in CTP using simulation-based stress testing with natural selection (, and ), In Ad Hoc Networks, Elsevier, volume 30, .


  6. A complex network approach for identifying vulnerabilities of the medium and low voltage grid ( and ), In International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, Inderscience, volume 11, .


  7. HTN planning: Overview, comparison, and beyond ( and ), In Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier, volume 222, .


  8. HowNutsAreTheDutch (HoeGekIsNL): A crowdsourcing study of mental symptoms and strengths (, , , , , , , , , , , and ), In International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, .


  9. Improving QoS of IPTV and VoIP over IEEE 802.11n (, and ), In Computers & Electrical Engineering, Elsevier, volume 43, .


    Tremendous growth rates of Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) have demanded the shift of paradigm from wired to wireless applications. Increased packet loss with continuously varying wireless conditions make the transmission a challenging task in wireless environment. Our study investigates and proposes improvement in the transmission of combined IPTV and VoIP over the IEEE 802.11n WLAN. Our major contributions include the analytical and experimental investigations of (1) transport layer protocol UDP/TFRC for IPTV and VoIP, (2) optimal physical layer parameters for IPTV and VoIP, (3) proposition of wireless enhancement of TFMCC (W-TFMCC) to enhance the capacity and Quality of Service (QoS) of wireless IPTV and VoIP. Analytical and experimental evaluations show a 25% increase in capacity using TFRC with 167% more bandwidth share to TCP. Our study shows that use of W-TFMCC with optimal parameters can enhance IPTV and VoIP capacity by 44%.


  10. Integration and massive storage of hydro-meteorological data combining big data & semantic web technologies (, , and ), In Maskana, volume 6, .


  11. Design-time Compliance of Service Compositions in Dynamic Service Environments (), In 8th IEEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing & Applications (SOCA), IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), .


    In order to improve the flexibility of information systems, an increasing amount of business processes is being automated by implementing tasks as modular services in service compositions. As organizations are required to adhere to laws and regulations, with this increased flexibility there is a demand for automated compliance checking of business processes. Model checking is a technique which exhaustively and automatically verifies system models against specifications of interest, e.g. a finite state machine against a set of logic formulas. When model checking business processes, existing approaches either cause large amounts of overhead, linearize models to such an extent that activity parallelization is lost, offer only checking of runtime execution traces, or introduce new and unknown logics. In order to fully benefit from existing model checking techniques, we propose a mapping from workflow patterns to a class of labeled transition systems known as Kripke structures. With this mapping, we provide pre-runtime compliance checking using well-known branching time temporal logics. The approach is validated on a complex abstract process which includes a deferred choice, parallel branching, and a loop. The process is modeled using the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) standard, converted into a colored Petri net using the workflow patterns, and subsequently translated into a Kripke structure, which is then used for verification.

    Keywords: Business Process Management, BPMN, Petri net, Kripke models, Verification, Temporal Logic


  12. CNTFET Full-Adders for Energy-Efficient Arithmetic Applications (, , , , and ), In 6th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), IEEE, .


    In this paper, we present two energy-efficient full adders (FAs) which are a crucial building block of nano arithmetic logic units (nano-ALUs) with the Cell Design Methodology (CDM). Since the most suitable design configuration for CNT-based ICs is pass transistor configuration (PTL), CDM which properly benefits from PTL advantages is utilized. So the designs herewith take full advantages of simplicity, fewer transistors and better immunity against threshold voltage fluctuations of the PTL than the CCMOS configuration. CDM also resolves two problems of PTL by employing elegant mechanisms which are threshold voltage drop and loss of gain. Using the amend mechanisms and SEA sizing algorithm for CNTFETs, the proposed circuits enjoy full swing in all outputs and internal nodes, structural symmetry, reduced power-delay product (PDP) and energy-delay product (EDP), fairly balanced outputs and high driving capability. The state of the art includes both bulk CMOS and CNTFET technologies. The simulation results exhibit an average PDP and EDP improvement of 9-98% and 55-99% respectively compared with the referenced FAs. All HSPICE simulations were performed on 32nm CNTFET and CMOS process technologies.


  13. Black Holes and Revelations: Using Evolutionary Algorithms to Uncover Vulnerabilities in Disruption-Tolerant Networks (, , and ), In European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary and Bio-inspired Computation, track EvoComNet: Application of Nature-inspired Techniques for Communication Networks and other Parallel and Distributed Systems, .


  14. Public acceptance of renewable energy and Smart-Grid in Saudi Arabia (, , and ), In , .


    © 2015 IEEE. This study aims to measure the public's knowledge about renewable energy sources, their willingness to use solar energy as a main source in their households, and to understand their main motivation in undergoing (or not) such an energy shift; hence, potential influencing factors that will help win public support can be determined. A survey is tailored in order to capture relevant public belief, perception, and planned behavior, then a descriptive analysis of the data is performed to examine the associations between the willingness to use solar panels in households and the other explanatory variables. Initial results show that government policies and subsidies are main factors affecting the desire to adopt green energy. These results will help overcome obstacles that might be faced prior or during a transition to the Smart-Grid, especially in residential area.

    Keywords: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Renewable Energy, Residential Area, Social Acceptance, Solar Energy, Willingness to Pay


  15. A Service-Oriented Architecture for Web Applications in e-mental health: two case studies ( and ), In IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing & Applications, .


  16. An automatic method for the enrichment of dicom metadata using biomedical ontologies (, , , and ), In 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), .


  17. Simulating the Interaction with a Smart Grid with Real Services ( and ), In IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing & Applications, .


  18. IM Session Identification by Outlier Detection in Cross-correlation Functions (, , , and ), In 49th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, .


    The identification of encrypted Instant Messaging (IM) channels between users is made difficult by the presence of variable and high levels of uncorrelated background traffic. In this paper, we propose a novel Cross-correlation Outlier Detector (CCOD) to identify communicating end-users in a large group of users. Our technique uses traffic flow traces between individual users and IM service provider's data center. We evaluate the CCOD on a data set of Yahoo! IM traffic traces with an average SNR of -6.11dB (data set includes ground truth). Results show that our technique provides 88% true positives (TP) rate, 3% false positives (FP) rate and 96% ROC area. Performance of the previous correlation-based schemes on the same data set was limited to 63% TP rate, 4% FP rate and 85% ROC area.


  19. A Self-healing Framework for Online Sensor Data (, , and ), In International Workshop on Self-Aware Internet of Things, .


  20. Rdf-ization of dicom medical images towards linked health data cloud (, , , and ), In VI Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2014, Paraná, Argentina 29, 30 & 31 October 2014, .


  21. WebMedSA: a web-based framework for segmenting and annotating medical images using biomedical ontologies (, , , , , , and ), In 11th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis, volume 9681, .


  22. Using Ethernet Commodity Switches to Build a Switch Fabric in Routers (, , , , , and ), In 2015 24th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN), IEEE, .

